Jacqueline Keighron
Visar 15 publikationer
Electrochemistry of Single-Vesicle Events
Counting the Number of Glutamate Molecules in Single Synaptic Vesicles
Ultrafast Glutamate Biosensor Recordings in Brain Slices Reveal Complex Single Exocytosis Transients
The evidence for open and closed exocytosis as the primary release mechanism
Millisecond Time Resolved Electrochemical Detection of Non-Electroactive Neurotransmitter Release
Amperometric Detection of Single Vesicle Acetylcholine Release Events from an Artificial Cell
Analysis of liposome model systems by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry
Electrochemcial Detection of Acetylcholine using Enzyme Functionalized Nanoparticles
The Role of Dense Core Nanoparticles in Regulation of Neuronal Communication
Analytical tools to monitor exocytosis: A focus on new fluorescent probes and methods
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