Kristoffer K D Tagesson

Visar 16 publikationer


Planned stops for safe autonomous driving

Mats Jonasson, Kristoffer K D Tagesson, Thorsten Helfrich

Safe limp home mode for blind autonomous vehicles

Mats Jonasson, Kristoffer K D Tagesson, Thorsten Helfrich

Method and arrangement for vehicle stabilization

Kristoffer K D Tagesson, Leo Laine, Sogol Kharrazi

Method and arrangement for vehicle stabilization

Kristoffer K D Tagesson, Leo Laine, Sogol Kharrazi

Advanced emergency braking under split friction conditions and the influence of a destabilising steering wheel torque

Kristoffer K D Tagesson, D. Cole
Vehicle System Dynamics. Vol. 55 (7), p. 970-994
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Driver-centred Motion Control of Heavy Trucks

Kristoffer K D Tagesson

Coordination of motion actuators in heavy vehicles using Model Predictive Control Allocation

Andrea Sinigaglia, Kristoffer K D Tagesson, Paolo Falcone et al
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Proceedings. Vol. 2016-August, p. 590-596
Paper i proceeding

Improving directional stability control in a heavy truck by combining braking and steering action

Kristoffer K D Tagesson, Björn Eriksson, Johan Hultén et al
International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transport Technology (HVTT14)
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Combining Coordination of Motion Actuators with Driver Steering Interaction

Kristoffer K D Tagesson, Leo Laine, Bengt J H Jacobson
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 16 (Supp 1), p. 18-24
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Driver response at tyre blow-out in heavy vehicles & the importance of scrub radius

Kristoffer K D Tagesson, Bengt J H Jacobson, Leo Laine
25th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV 2014; Dearborn, MI; United States; 8 June 2014 through 11 June 2014, p. 1157-1162
Paper i proceeding

Truck Steering System and Driver Interaction

Kristoffer K D Tagesson

The influence of steering wheel size when tuning power assistance

Kristoffer K D Tagesson, Bengt J H Jacobson, Leo Laine
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems. Vol. 21 (4), p. 295-309
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Single-track models of an A-double heavy vehicle combination

Peter Nilsson, Kristoffer K D Tagesson

Implementation of Trailer Steering Control on a Multi-Unit Vehicle at High Speeds

Richard Roebuck, Andrew Odhams, Kristoffer K D Tagesson et al
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME. Vol. 136 (2), p. Art. no. 021016-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Driver Response to Automatic Braking under Split Friction Conditions

Kristoffer K D Tagesson, Bengt J H Jacobson, Leo Laine
12th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control (AVEC '14), Tokyo Japan, p. 666-671
Paper i proceeding

Real-time performance of control allocation for actuator coordination in heavy vehicles

Kristoffer K D Tagesson, Peter Sundström, Leo Laine et al
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Proceedings, p. 685-690
Paper i proceeding

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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt


Active Steering Force Feedback for Commercial Heavy Vehicles

Kristoffer K D Tagesson Fordonsteknik och autonoma system
Leo Laine Fordonsteknik och autonoma system
Bengt J H Jacobson Fordonsteknik och autonoma system

Det kan finnas fler projekt där Kristoffer K D Tagesson medverkar, men du måste vara inloggad som anställd på Chalmers för att kunna se dem.