Michael Kurczy
Visar 29 publikationer
Correlative High-Resolution Imaging of Iron Uptake in Lung Macrophages
Subcellular Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Absolute Quantitative Analysis across Organelles
Nano Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Dopamine Distribution Across Nanometer Vesicles
Cholesterol Alters the Dynamics of Release in Protein Independent Cell Models for Exocytosis
The evidence for open and closed exocytosis as the primary release mechanism
Millisecond Time Resolved Electrochemical Detection of Non-Electroactive Neurotransmitter Release
Amperometric Detection of Single Vesicle Acetylcholine Release Events from an Artificial Cell
Using a Cell Model to Study the Effect of Cholesterol on Exocytosis
Two modes of exocytosis in an artificial cell
Electrochemcial Detection of Acetylcholine using Enzyme Functionalized Nanoparticles
Composition Based Strategies for Controlling Radii in Lipid Nanotubes
Chemical Analysis of Single Cells
Imaging mass spectrometry in neuroscience.
A Secretory Artificial Cell for Exocytosis
A functioning artificial secretory cell
Mechanics of lipid bilayer junctions affecting the size of a connecting lipid nanotube
An in situ fracture device to image lipids in single cells using ToF-SIMS
Probing Exocytosis at Single Cells using Electrochemistry
MS/MS Methodology To Improve Subcellular Mapping of Cholesterol Using TOF-SIMS
Relative quantification of cellular sections with molecular depth profiling ToF-SIMS imaging
Freeze-Etching and Vapor Matrix Deposition for ToF-SIMS Imaging of Single Cells
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