Christoffer Landström
Visar 25 publikationer
Fundamentals, Basic Principles in Road Vehicle Aerodynamics and Design
Investigation of the Influence of Tyre Geometry on the Aerodynamics of Passenger Cars
Investigation of Wheel Ventilation-Drag using a Modular Wheel Design Concept
Aerodynamic Wheel Force Measurements on a Detailed Scale-Model Car – Possibilities and Challenges
Aerodynamic Effects of Different Tire Models on a Sedan Type Passenger Car
Effects of Ground Simulation on the Aerodynamic Coefficients of a Production Car in Yaw Conditions
Detailed flow studies in close proximity of rotating wheels on a passenger car
Flow field investigation of rotating wheels on passenger cars
Lägre bränsleförbrukning med hjälp av vindtunneltestning
Influence of Moving Ground Conditions on the Cooling Flows of Road Vehicles
Flow field investigation around a convertible passenger car using CFD and experiments
The L2 Wind Tunnel at Chalmers University of Technology
The L2 Model Scale Wind Tunnel at Chalmers University of Technology
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