Leon Müller

Doktorand vid Teknisk akustik
Image of Leon Müller

Visar 7 publikationer


On the Influence of AVAS Directivity on Electric Vehicle Speed Perception

Leon Müller, Wolfgang Kropp
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2024, p. 2731-2742
Paper i proceeding

Auralization of electric vehicles for the perceptual evaluation of acoustic vehicle alerting systems

Leon Müller, Wolfgang Kropp
Acta Acustica. Vol. 8 (27)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Traffic Noise at Moderate Levels Affects Cognitive Performance: Do Distance-Induced Temporal Changes Matter?

Leon Müller, Jens Forssén, Wolfgang Kropp
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 20 (5)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Perceptual Detection Thresholds for Alterations of the Azimuth of Early Room Reflections

Felicitas Bederna, Leon Müller, Jens Ahrens
Tagungsband DAGA 2023 - 49. Jahrestagung für Akustik, p. 216-219
Paper i proceeding

Measurement, Simulation and Auralization of Indoor Road Traffic Noise

Leon Müller, Wolfgang Kropp, Jens Forssén
Fortschritte der Akustik. Vol. 2022
Paper i proceeding

Perceptual Differences for Modifications of the Elevation of Early Room Reflections

Leon Müller, Jens Ahrens
Proceedings of the AES International Conference. Vol. 2022-August, p. 20-29
Paper i proceeding

Investigating Low Frequency Sound from Traffic in a Living Room Lab

Leon Müller, Wolfgang Kropp, Georgios Zachos et al
Fortschritte der Akustik. Vol. 2021
Paper i proceeding

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