Urban Larsson
Visar 20 publikationer
Wythoff nim extensions and splitting sequences
Impartial games emulating one-dimensional cellular automata and undecidability
From heaps of matches to the limits of computability
The star-operator and invariant subtraction games
A Generalized Diagonal Wythoff Nim
Invariant and dual subtraction games resolving the Duchene-Rigo conjecture
Sequences and games generalizing the combinatorial game of Wythoff Nim
2-Pile Nim With a Restricted number of Move-size Imitations (with an appendix by Peter Hegarty)
2-Pile Nim with a Restricted Number of Move-Size Imitations
Permutations of the Natural Numbers with Prescribed Difference Multisets
The structure of maximum subsets of {1,...,n} with no solutions to a+b=kc
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