Oskar Kindvall
Oskar Kindvall is an ecologist. His research interests focus on population ecological models and their ability to predict habitat connectivity, dispersal and long-term survival of species when landscapes become altered due to exploitation and due to changes of transport infrastructure or land use. Oskar received his Ph D in Wildlife Ecology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in 1995. The topic was metapopulation dynamics of a specific bush cricket. After his post doc period, which focused on impacts of modern forestry on insect biodiversity and population modelling in general, Oskar became Associate Professor (Docent) at SLU in Uppsala. Between 2002-2015, Oskar worked with national analyses and informatics at the Swedish Species Information Centre in Uppsala. During these years Oskar also developed several of the bioinformatic ICT-solutions constituting the Swedish infrastructure for biodiversity data including the taxonomic backbone of Sweden (Dyntaxa). At Chalmers, Oskar will be part of the SMoG team, working part time with research on how the urban morphology affects biodiversity within cities and their green areas. Oskar will also be involved in the teaching covering ecological aspects of urban planning and sustainable development of cities.

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Predicting habitat functionality using habitat network models in urban planning
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