Rajet Krishnan
Visar 16 publikationer
Joint-Polarization Phase-Noise Estimation and Symbol Detection for Optical Coherent Receivers
Linear Massive MIMO Precoders in the Presence of Phase Noise – A Large-Scale Analysis
On Field Measurements and Modelling of 2x2 Microwave LOS-MIMO Systems
Large-Scale Analysis of Linear Massive MIMO Precoders in the Presence of Phase Noise
On the Capacity of the Wiener Phase Noise Channel: Bounds and Capacity Achieving Distributions
On the Impact of Phase Noise in Communication Systems –- Performance Analysis and Algorithms
Oscillator Phase Noise and Small-Scale Channel Fading in Higher Frequency Bands
Estimation of Phase Noise in Oscillators with Colored Noise Sources
Effect of Synchronizing Coordinated Base Stations on Phase Noise Estimation
Constellation Optimization in the Presence of Strong Phase Noise
Variational Bayesian Framework for Receiver Design in the Presence of Phase Noise in MIMO Systems
Optimal and Approximate Methods for Detection of Uncoded Data with Carrier Phase Noise
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