Stellan Gedell

Visar 15 publikationer


Design rationale and system description aspects in product platform design: Focusing reuse in the design lifecycle phase

Stellan Gedell, Hans L Johannesson
Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications. Vol. 21 (1), p. 39-53
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Integrated Product and Production Model – Issues on Completeness, Consistency and Compatibility

Stellan Gedell, Anders Claesson, Hans L Johannesson
International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED'11, 15 - 18 August 2011, Technical University of Denmark
Paper i proceeding

Plattform-Based Development

Marcel Michaelis, Stellan Gedell
Entering the Tiger's Cave - Perspectives on Japanese and Swedisch Product Development. Dag Bergsjö (Ed.), p. 31-35
Kapitel i bok

Integrated Model for Co-Development of Products and Production Systems - A Systems Theory Approach

Stellan Gedell, Marcel Michaelis, Hans L Johannesson
Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications. Vol. 19 (2), p. 139-156
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Supply-Chain Product Development Collaboration Using Configurable Product Platform Models

Andreas Lindquist Wahl, Stellan Gedell, Hans L Johannesson
ASME Conference Proceedings. International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE2010, Montreal, 15-18 August 2010. Vol. 3 (PARTS A AND B), p. 423-433
Paper i proceeding

Knowledge Based Configurable Product Platform Models

Hans L Johannesson, Stellan Gedell
Handbook of Research in Mass Customization and Personalization, Vol 1, Editors Frank T Piller & Mitchell M Tseng, World Scientific, 2009, p. 357-375
Kapitel i bok

Configurable Product Platform Descriptions - Considering Design Reasoning Aspects

Stellan Gedell, Hans L Johannesson
Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, January 28-29 2009, Götebeorg, p. 63-75
Paper i proceeding

Design Rationale for Efficient Product Platform Development: A systematic configurable component approach

Stellan Gedell, Hans L Johannesson, Lennart Holmberg
Proceedings of TMCE 2008 Symposium, April 21-25, 2008, Izmir, Turkey, p. 537-550
Paper i proceeding

Knowledge based configurable product platform models

Hans L Johannesson, Stellan Gedell
Proceedings of the 2007 World Conference on Mass Customization & Personalization, MIT, Boston, 2007 (MCPC-153-2007)
Paper i proceeding

Product Description Using Configurable Components

Anders Claesson, Stellan Gedell
Proc. of ICED´03, August 19-21, 2003, Stockholm, Sweden
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Platform Product Development: Product Model - A System Structure Composed of Configurable Components

Anders Claesson, Stellan Gedell, Hans L Johannesson
Proceedings ASME DETC2001-21714
Paper i proceeding

System Structure; one representation in Saab Automobile’s Product Model

Stellan Gedell
Proceedings from SIGPM'00 conference
Paper i proceeding

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