Thomas Bäckdahl
Min forskning är fokuserad på matematiska problem relaterade till allmän relativitetsteori, framförallt svarta hål, deras geometri och stabilitet.

Visar 11 publikationer
A space-time calculus based on symmetric 2-spinors
Second order symmetry operators for the massive Dirac equation
Nonlinear Radiation Gauge for Near Kerr Spacetimes
Compatibility Complex for Black Hole Spacetimes
New identities for linearized gravity on the Kerr spacetime
Symmetries of linearized gravity from adjoint operators
Geometry of Black Hole Spacetimes
All Local Gauge Invariants for Perturbations of the Kerr Spacetime
A new tensorial conservation law for Maxwell fields on the Kerr background
A formalism for the calculus of variations with spinors
Decay of solutions to the Maxwell equation on the Schwarzschild background
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