Claes Tingvall
Visar 29 publikationer
Are crash causation studies the best way to understand system failures – Who can we blame?
Effects on crash risk of automatic emergency braking systems for pedestrians and bicyclists
Automated vehicles: How do they relate to vision zero
Saving lives beyond 2020: The next steps
The vision zero handbook: Theory, technology and management for a zero casualty policy
Vision zero in disease eradication
Vision zero: How it all started
ISO 39001 road traffic safety management system, performance recording, and reporting
Current trends in traffic safety—the need for crossing the borders of disciplines
The Concept of “Acceptable Risk” Applied to Road Safety Risk Level
Injury crash reduction of low-speed Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) on passenger cars
A New Method to Evaluate Future Impact of Vehicle Safety Technology in Sweden
A new method to evaluate future impact of vehicle safety technology in Sweden.
Prediction of neck injuries in rear impacts based on accident data and simulations
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