Johannes Tornborg
Visar 10 publikationer
Generalisation of effective heave pressure considering the effects of small-strain stiffness
On the development of effective heave pressure in deep excavations
On the temporal evolution of earth pressures in deep excavations in soft clay
Permanent Sheet Pile Wall in Soft Sensitive Clay
Experience from short-and long-term performance of deep excavations in soft sensitive clays
Modelling the construction and long-term response of Göta Tunnel
Comprehensive risk assessment of groundwater drawdown induced subsidence
Benchmarking of a contemporary soil model for simulation of deep excavations in soft clay
Mapping of quick clay by ERT and CPT-R in the Göta Älv river valley
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
Rate-dependent response of excavations and permanent underground structures
Tidsberoende effekter av schakt i lös lera
Omgivningspåverkan på olika grund av djupa schakter i lösa leror