Anders Lindvall
Visar 25 publikationer
Effect of the addition of GGBS on the frost scaling and chloride migration resistance of concrete
The influence of carbonation and age on salt frost scaling of concrete with mineral additions
Predicting chloride induced depassiviation and minimum concrete cover with different binders
Freeze/Thaw durability of concrete with fly ash
Chloride ingress data from field and laboratory exposure - Influence of salinity and temperature
Performance and properties of concrete in diaphragm walls - Swedish Experiences
Vägledning för livslängdsdimensionering av betongkonstruktioner
Probablistic service life design for concrete structures in marine and road environments
A Procedure for Verification of Models used to predict Chloride Ingress into Concrete
Models for environmental actions for reinforced concrete structures in marine and road environments
Slitsmurar som permanenta konstruktioner
Prediction of Chloride Ingress into Concrete - Verifications from the Field Exposure
Mapping the chloride load around two Swedish reinforced concrete bridges - second season
Mapping of the chloride load around two Swedish reinforced concrete bridges
DURACRETE - Probabilistic preformance based durability design of concrete structures
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