BOOST 4.0 – Big Data för industriell konkurrenskraft och uppkopplad smart industri
Forskningsprojekt, 2018
– 2020
EFFRA recommendations on Factories 4.0 and Beyond (Sept 2016) clearly stated the need for development of large scale experimentation and demonstration of data-driven “connected smart” Factories 4.0, to retain European manufacturing competitiveness. BOOST 4.0 will address this need, by demonstrating in a measurable and replicable way, an open standardised and transformative shared data-driven Factory 4.0 model through 10 lighthouse factories. BOOST 4.0 will also demonstrate how European industry can build unique strategies and competitive advantages through big data across all phases of product and process lifecycle (engineering, planning, operation, production and after-market services) building upon the connected smart Factory 4.0 model to meet the Industry 4.0 challenges (lot size one distributed manufacturing, operation of zero defect processes & products, zero break down sustainable operations, agile customer-driven manufacturing value network management and human centred manufacturing). Our chief objectives include:
(1) Establish 10 big data lighthouse smart connected factories (VW, FILL, AutoEuropa, +GF+, FIAT, Phillips, Volvo, GESTAMP, Benteler, Whirlpool).
(2) Provide the RAMI 4.0 and IDS based BOOST 4.0 open EU framework and governance model, for both services and data assets.
(3) Put together methodologies, assets, models and communities in order to maximise visibility, mobilization, replication potential, and impact (business, financial, standardization) of BOOST 4.0
The investment leveraging factor of BOOST 4.0 will be well above the 4:1 ratio, up to 10:1. In terms of exploitation, in 5-years horizon after the project end, just only the participating lighthouse factories will make a direct follow-on investment above 33Meuro (ROI 10,61), while the commercialisation of the BOOST 4.0 products in the market is expected to generate some 96Meuro cumulative profits (ROI 4,73) for the rest of the partners.
Johan Stahre (kontakt)
Chalmers, Industri- och materialvetenskap, Produktionssystem
Maja Bärring
Chalmers, Industri- och materialvetenskap, Produktionssystem
Arpita Chari
Chalmers, Industri- och materialvetenskap, Produktionssystem
Åsa Fasth Berglund
Chalmers, Industri- och materialvetenskap, Produktionssystem
Björn Johansson
Chalmers, Industri- och materialvetenskap, Produktionssystem
Anders Skoogh
Chalmers, Industri- och materialvetenskap, Produktionssystem
ATLANTIS Engineering S.A.
Thessaloniki, Greece
Agie Charmilles New Technologies SA
Meyrin, Switzerland
Asociacion de Empresas Tecnologicas Innovalia Bilbao
Bilbao, Spain
Automatismo y Sistemas de Transporte Interno SA
Madrid, Spain
Benteler International
Paderborn, Germany
Heverlee, Belgium
Centro Ricerche Fiat (CRF)
Orbassano, Italy
Consultores de Automatización y Robotica S.A.
Las Palmas, Spain
ESI Group
Paris, France
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Lausanne, Switzerland
Eneo Tecnologia Sociedad De Responsabilidad Limitada
Derio, Spain
Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (EKETA)
Thessaloniki, Greece
FIWARE Foundation
Berlin, Germany
Gurten, Austria
Fratelli Piacenza S.P.A.
Pollone, Italy
Munchen, Germany
Fundació Privada I2cat Internet i Innovacio Digital a Catalunya
Barcelona, Spain
Biot, France
Gestamp Servicios S.L.
Madrid, Spain
IBM Israel - Science and Technology
Petach Tikva, Israel
Industrial Data Space
Berlin, Germany
Institut Mines-Telecom
Brest, France
Institut für angewandte Systemtechnik Bremen GmbH
Bremen, Germany
Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias (UNINOVA)
Caparica, Portugal
Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum Vzw
Leuven, Belgium
Intrasoft International S.A.
Luxemburg, Luxembourg
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Hannover, Germany
Philips Consumer Lifestyle
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Philips Electronics
Eindhoven, Netherlands
Politecnico di Milano
Milano, Italy
Prima Industrie
Collegno, Italy
RISC Software GmbH
Hagenberg, Austria
Ria Stone
Ilhavo, Portugal
SAS Institute Ltd.
Milano, Italy
Munich, Germany
Software Quality Systems AG
Köln, Germany
TTTech Computertechnik
Wien, Austria
Madrid, Spain
Trimek S.A.
Zuya Alava, Spain
United Technologies Research Centre Ireland, Limited
Cork, Ireland
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Universität Bonn
Bonn, Germany
Unparallel Innovation, Lda
Portimao, Portugal
Visual Components
Espoo, Finland
Wolfsburg, Germany
Volvo Group
Gothenburg, Sweden
Whirlpool Europe
Comerio, Italy
it's OWL Clustermanagement GmbH
Paderborn, Germany
Europeiska kommissionen (EU)
Projekt-id: EC/H2020/780732
Finansierar Chalmers deltagande under 2018–2020
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