Johan Stahre
Professor Johan Stahre är chef för avdelningen Produktionssystem och vice prefekt för nyttiggörande vid institutionen. Professor Stahre har lett nationella och internationella projekt om industriell digitalisering, automation och människans roll i framtidens produktionssystem. Han är sedan 2013 vice programchef för det nationella strategiska Innovationsprogrammet Produktion2030 och har sedan 2016 haft flera centrala roller i uppbyggnaden av det europeiska innovationsprogrammet EIT Manufacturing, samt representerar Chalmers i European Factories of the Future Research Association.

Visar 152 publikationer
Understanding and measuring skill gaps in Industry 4.0 — A review
A systematic literature review of computer vision applications in robotized wire harness assembly
Contemporary and Future Manufacturing – Unveiling the Skills Palette for Thriving in Industry 5.0
Bridging Skill Gaps - A Systematic Literature Review of Strategies for Industry
Immersive Human-Robot Collaboration in Restricted or Confined Spaces
Characterising the Relationship Between Environmental Sustainability and Resilience in Manufacturing
Challenges and opportunities to advance manufacturing research for sustainable battery life cycles
Editorial: Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence in Industry 5.0
A Collaborative Digital Platform for Root Cause Analysis in a Value Chain
Managing Change Towards the Future of Work - Clustering Key Perspectives
Using digital platforms for value chain sustainability – Cases from the Digitala Stambanan project
Ingenjör4.0 – A National Upskilling Programme to Bridge Industry’s Skill Gap
Bridging the Hype Cycle of Collaborative Robot Applications
Sustainability-as-a-Service: Requirements Based on Lessons Learned from Empirical Studies
Battery Production Systems: State of the Art and Future Developments
Analyzing the risks of digital servitization in the machine tool industry
Modeling Risk Prioritization of a Manufacturing Supply Chain using Discrete Event Simulation
Motivational Challenges of Engineers Participating in an Online Upskilling Program
Wire Harness Assembly Process Supported by Collaborative Robots: Literature Review and Call for R&D
Skills Matching for a Greener Industry 4.0-A Literature Review
Determining the impact of 5G-technology on manufacturing performance using a modified TOPSIS method
Wire Harness Assembly Process Supported by a Collaborative Robot: A Case Study Focus on Ergonomics
Sustainable human-robot co-production for the bicycle industry
The intersection of industrial resilience and sustainability in manufacturing supply chains
Building manufacturing resilience through production innovation
Towards the Resilient Operator 5.0: The Future of Work in Smart Resilient Manufacturing Systems
Advancement in production engineering education through Virtual Learning Factory Toolkit concept
Factory Radio Design of a 5G Network in Offline Mode
Smart Maintenance: an empirically grounded conceptualization
Digital Technologies Enabling Data of Production Systems for Decision Support
Smart Maintenance: a research agenda for industrial maintenance management
The Operator 4.0: Towards socially sustainable factories of the future
Smart logistics and the logistics operator 4.0
Smart Maintenance: Instrument Development, Content Validation and an Empirical Pilot
Digitalizing Occupational Health, Safety and Productivity for the Operator 4.0
Technical Interoperability for Machine Connectivity on the Shop Floor
Modularized assembly system: A digital innovation hub for the Swedish Smart Industry
An Assessment Model for Production Innovation: The Program Production2030
5G Enabled Manufacturing Evaluation for Data-Driven Decision-Making
The Value of 5G Connectivity for Maintenance in Manufacturing Industry
Introducing ‘Operator 4.0,’ a tech-augmented human worker
A novel comparative design procedure for reconfigurable assembly fixtures
Strategizing for Production Innovation
Maintenance in digitalised manufacturing: Delphi-based scenarios for 2030
Introducing Customized ICT for Operators in Manufacturing
Handling of Production Disturbances in the Manufacturing Industry
Prerequisites for a high-level framework to design sustainable plants in the e-waste supply chain
Information for operational tasks: five cases in Swedish production
Comparing quantifiable methods to measure complexity in assembly
ICT usage and benefits in Swedish manufacturing and process companies
Cognitive automation strategie: Improving use-efficiency of carrier and content of information
Socially Sustainable Manufacturing: Exploring the European Landscape
Mapping the Current Social Sustainability Practices of the European Manufacturing Industry
Validation of the complexity index method at three manufacturing companies
Could the use of ICT tools be the way to increase competitiveness in Swedish industry?
Task allocation in production systems - Measuring and Analysing Levels of Automation
Using Usability to Measure Interaction in Final Assembly
Measuring complexity in mixed-model assembly workstations
Relations between complexity, quality and cognitive automation in mixed-model assembly
Social Sustainability Challenges for European Manufacturing Industry: Attract, Recruit and Sustain
Comparing Two Methods to Measure Assembly Complexity From An Operator Perspective
Interaction between Complexity, Quality and Cognitive Automation
The operator of the future – a key to competitive industry in a future information society
Definition and Use of ‘Human-Automation Interaction’ - Time in Production
A classification of carrier and content of information
Human operator and robot resource modeling for planning purposes in assembly systems
Planning in assembly systems – A common modeling for products and resources
From Task Allocation Towards Resource Allocation when Optimising Assembly Systems
Describing Human-Automation Interaction in production
From task allocation towards resource allocation when optimising assembly systems
Sustainable Production Research - a Proposed Method to Design the Measures
Towards a Production Complexity Model that Supports Operation, Re-balancing and Man-hour Planning
Cognitive automation in assembly systems for mass customization
Visual Production – strategic manufacturing system development tools for aerospace industry
An Empirical Study Towards a Definition of Production Complexity
Measuring Interaction Using Levels of Automation over TIme
Level of automation analysis in manufacturing systems
Concept model towards optimising Levels of Automation (LoA) in assembly systems
iPod touch – an ICT tool for operators in factories of the future?
Level of automation analysis in manufacturing systems
Enabling Flexible Manufacturing Systems by Using Level of Automation as Design Parameter
Proactive assembly systems-realising the potential of human collaboration with automation
Information enabling production ramp-up
Discrete Event Simulation with Lifecycle Assessment Data at a Juice Manufacturing System
Levels of Automation in Manufacturing
Characteristic of a Proactive Assembly System
Does Levels of Automation need to be changed in an assembly system? - A case study
Measuring and analysing Levels of Automation in an assembly system
Analysing changeability and time parameters due to levels of Automation in an assembly system
Simulation-based sustainable manufacturing system design
A dynamic simulation tool for a productive and environmental efficient food production
Human factors research to increase manufacturing productivity and innovation
Strategic Automation – Refinement of Classical Manufacturing Strategy
The content and process of automation strategies
Factory-in-a-Box–Solutions for availability and mobility of flexible production capacity
Automation strategies: existing theory or ad hoc decisions?
A dynamic simulation tool for a productive and environmentally efficient food production
A tool for productive and environmentally efficient food production management
The future of intelligent manufacturing systems and human factors
Proceedings of the 9th IFAC Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skill and Knowledge
Automation Strategies - Requirements on the Strategy Process
Automation strategies - refinement of manufacturing strategy content
Towards efficent automation implementation
Human-Centred Systems Engineering
The industry´s view on automation in manufacturing
Production ramp-up in the manufacturing industry - Findings from a case study
The content and process of automation strategies
Automation Strategies Existing Theory or Ad Hoc Solutions?
On Decision-Making: Making Sense of System Performance
User-Driven Decision Automation within Industrial Production Systems
Empirically testing the impact of manufacturing system complexity on performance
Evaluating human/machine interaction problems in advanced manufacturing
Towards Human Supervisory Control in Advanced Manufacturing Systems
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Visar 34 forskningsprojekt
Digitala arbetsinstruktioner för kognitivt arbete - DIGITALIS
EIT Manufacturing 2022 21061 YLM, 22194 PathF och 22198 Comosyme
Ingenjör 4.0 Uppskalning av modulariserad fortbildning för yrkesverksamma.
VIVA - the Virtual Vehicle Assembler
A Pan‐European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production (DIH2)
5G-Enabled Manufacturing II (5GEMII)
BOOST 4.0 – Big Data för industriell konkurrenskraft och uppkopplad smart industri
Stena Industry Innovation Lab at Chalmers - SII-Lab
5G-Enabled Manufacturing (5GEM)
Svensk KIC-satsning inom värderadderande produktion
Innovative continuous upgrades of high investment product-services (USE-IT-WISELY)
Socially sustainable manufacturing for the Factories of the Future (SO SMART)
Visuell Produktion - utveckling och drift av komplexa tillverkningssystem
ProAct, Proaktiva monteringssystem