High temperature corrosion and ash research
Forskningsprojekt, 2019 –

The High temperature corrosion research will during 2019 focus on increasing our knowledge about corrosion processes that today limits the production of green electricity and heat from combined heat and power boilers. A special focus will be on investigating the primary and secondary protection on stainless steels. This will be done by coupling well controlled laboratory exposures with advanced microscopy and thermo dynamical modelling. Furthermore, efforts will be made in order to strengthen the collaboration between HTC and Energy Technology, investigating potential field campaigns (focusing on combustion chemistry, ash- and corrosion related issues) in the newly upgraded Chalmers Kraftcentral. The persons involved from Chemistry will be Prof. Jan-Erik Svensson, Assoc. Prof. Jesper Liske and Assoc. Prof. Torbjörn Jonsson, Dr. Sedi Begdeli and Dr Loli Paz.


Jan-Erik Svensson (kontakt)

Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Energi och material

Sedigheh Bigdeli

Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Energi och material

Torbjörn Jonsson

Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Energi och material

Jesper Liske

Chalmers, Kemi och kemiteknik, Energi och material



Finansierar Chalmers deltagande under 2019–

Relaterade styrkeområden och infrastruktur



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