Optimisation of MBE growth conditions for InAs quantum dots on (001) GaAs for 1.3 μm luminescence
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2001

We present a study of the optimised growth conditions for InAs quantum dots (QDs) grown on GaAs substrates by solid source molecular beam epitaxy (SSMBE). Growth conditions for best luminescence intensity and linewidth were found within narrow windows of substrate temperature (500-520°C) and nominal InAs layer thickness (3.3-3.7 monolayers). The emission wavelength of such InAs QDs capped by GaAs was around 1.24 ?m. However, this is redshifted to 1.3 ?m or more by capping the InAs QDs with a thin layer of InxGa1-xAs. The results show that both In content and thickness of the capping layer can be used to tune the emission wavelength. Atomic force microscopy images show that the surface recovers to two-dimensional when depositing In0.2Ga0.8As while remaining three-dimensional when depositing In0.4Ga0.6As.

semiconductor quantum dots

molecular beam epitaxial growth

spectral line intensity

semiconductor epitaxial layers

gallium arsenide


semiconductor growth

III-V semiconductors

red shift

atomic force microscopy


indium compounds

spectral line breadth


Fariba Ferdos

Institutionen för mikroelektronik

Mahdad Sadeghi

Institutionen för mikroelektronik

Qing Xiang Zhao

Chalmers, Forskargrupp för fysikalisk elektronik och fotonik

Shu Min Wang

Institutionen för mikroelektronik

Anders Larsson

Institutionen för mikroelektronik

Publicerad i

Journal of Crystal Growth

0022-0248 (ISSN)

Vol. 227-228 s. 1140-5


Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)


Den kondenserade materiens fysik




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