F-band resistive mixer based on heterostructure field effect transistor technology
Paper i proceeding, 1993

A fundamentally pumped millimeter wave resistive mixer based on an HFET technology working at F-band (90-140 GHz) is described for the first time. Nonlinear simulations have been performed for this mixer based on an specially designed double δ-doped pseudomorphic HFET device developed for this application. A minimum conversion loss between 12 to 13 dB was measured with the RF fixed at different frequencies between 108 to 114 GHz at an RF power of -13 dBm. Both theoretical and experimental results are presented in this paper.


Iltcho Angelov

Institutionen för mikrovågsteknik

Herbert Zirath

Institutionen för mikrovågsteknik

Niklas Rorsman

Institutionen för mikrovågsteknik

Christer Karlsson

Institutionen för mikrovågsteknik

Robert M weikle

Institutionen för mikrovågsteknik

Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE MTT-S International Symposium on Circuits and Systems

0149-645X (ISSN)

Vol. 2 787-790
0780312090 (ISBN)


Informations- och kommunikationsteknik


Elektroteknik och elektronik



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