Niklas Rorsman

Visar 181 publikationer
Impact of Al profile in high-Al content AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on the 2DEG properties
Short Term Drift in the Recovery Time of GaN HEMT Switches
On-Chip Sensors for Temperature Monitoring of Packaged GaN MMICs
Detection of Very Fast Interface Traps at 4H-SiC/AlN and 4H-SiC/Al2O3 Interfaces
Semiconductor device structure with recessed ohmic contacts and method for producing the same
Method for Suppressing Trap-Related Memory Effects in IV Characterizations of GaN HEMTs
Noise Characterization and Modeling of GaN-HEMTs at Cryogenic Temperatures
Transition Time of GaN HEMT Switches and its Dependence on Device Geometry
Comparison of the low noise performance of GaN HEMTs and MIS-HEMTs at cryogenic temperatures
Observations of very fast electron traps at SiC/high-κ dielectric interfaces
GaN HEMT with superconducting Nb gates for low noise cryogenic applications
Impact of in situ NH3 pre-treatment of LPCVD SiN passivation on GaN HEMT performance
High Voltage and Low Leakage GaN-on-SiC MISHEMTs on a ‘Buffer-Free’ Heterostructure
Mobility and quasi-ballistic charge carrier transport in graphene field-effect transistors
A Cryogenic Scalable Small-Signal & Noise Model of GaN HEMTs
Considerations in the development of a gate process module for ultra-scaled GaN HEMTs
Mg-doping and free-hole properties of hot-wall MOCVD GaN
Compositionally graded channel HEMTs towards improved linearity for low-noise RF amplifiers
Thin Al<inf>0.5</inf>Ga<inf>0.5</inf>N/GaN HEMTs on QuanFINE<sup>®</sup> Structure
Investigation of Multiple-Mesa-Nanochannel Array GaN-Based MOSHEMTs with Al2O3 Gate Dielectric Layer
On the delay implementation in FET Large Signal Models
Impact of AlGaN/GaN Interface and Passivation on the Robustness of Low-Noise Amplifiers
Electric-Based Thermal Characterization of GaN Technologies Affected by Trapping Effects
Microwave Performance of 'Buffer-Free' GaN-on-SiC High Electron Mobility Transistors
Electrical properties of 4H-SiC MIS capacitors with AlN gate dielectric grown by MOCVD
Electrical characterization of MOCVD grown single crystalline ALN thin films on 4H-SiC
Characterization of GaN-based Low Noise Amplifiers at Cryogenic Temperatures
Enhanced Mobility in InAlN/AlN/GaN HEMTs Using a GaN Interlayer
Electrical characterization of high k-dielectrics for 4H-SiC MIS devices
Analysis of Lateral Thermal Coupling for GaN MMIC Technologies
Electrical characterization of amorphous Al2O3 dielectric films on n-type 4H-SiC
Design and Large-Signal Characterization of High-Power Varactor-Based Impedance Tuners
Compensation of Performance Degradation Due to Thermal Effects in GaN LNA Using Dynamic Bias
Electron Trapping in Extended Defects in Microwave AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with Carbon-Doped Buffers
A GaN-SiC hybrid material for high-frequency and power electronics
Analysis of Thermal Effects in Integrated Radio Transmitters
A W-band MMIC Resistive Mixer Based on Epitaxial Graphene FET
Generation of multi-Gigabit/s OFDM signals at W-band with a graphene FET MMIC mixer
Morphological and electrical comparison of Ti and Ta based ohmic contacts for AlGaN/GaN-on-SiC HFETs
Tuning epitaxial graphene sensitivity to water by hydrogen intercalation
High-Gain Graphene Transistors with a Thin AlOx Top-Gate Oxide
Graphene FET Gigabit On-Off Keying Demodulator at 96 GHz
Developing Graphene based MMICs on SiC substrate
Impact of Trapping Effects on the Recovery Time of GaN Based Low Noise
Application Relevant Evaluation of Trapping Effects in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs With Fe-Doped Buffer
Carbon-doped GaN on SiC materials for low-memory-effect devices
The Effect of Forward Gate Bias Stress on the Noise Performance of Mesa Isolated GaN HEMTs
Evaluation of Thermal Versus Plasma-Assisted ALD Al2O3 as Passivation for InAlN/AlN/GaN HEMTs
Optimized Design of a Dual-Band Power Amplifier With SiC Varactor-Based Dynamic Load Modulation
Dispersive Effects in Microwave AlGaN/AlN/GaN HEMTs With Carbon-Doped Buffer
Graphene self-switching diodes as zero-bias microwave detectors
Hysteresis modeling in graphene field effect transistors
Low resistive Au-free, Ta-based, recessed ohmic contacts to InAlN/AlN/GaN heterostructures
Evaluation of an InAlN/AlN/GaN HEMT with Ta-based ohmic contacts and PECVD SiN passivation
Low Phase Noise GaN HEMT Oscillators With Excellent Figures of Merit
High linearity MMIC power amplifier design with controlled junction temperature
High gain graphene field effect transistors for wideband amplifiers
A packaged 86 W GaN transmitter with SiC varactor-based dynamic load modulation
Accurate Phase-Noise Prediction for a Balanced Colpitts GaN HEMT MMIC Oscillator
A DC Comparison Study Between H-Intercalated and Native epigraphenes on SiC substrates
Thermal conductivity of isotopically enriched silicon carbide
A Wideband and Compact GaN MMIC Doherty Amplifier for Microwave Link Applications
Improved GaN-on-SiC transistor thermal resistance by systematic nucleation layer growth optimization
Theory and Design of Class-J Power Amplifiers With Dynamic Load Modulation
Decade bandwidth high efficiency GaN HEMT power amplifier designed with resistive harmonic loading
On the large-signal modeling of High Power AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
Extraction of an Electrothermal Mobility Model for AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures
Combined TiN- and TaN temperature compensated thin film resistors
Fabrication and Characterization of Thin-Barrier Al05Ga05N/AlN/GaN HEMTs
Electrothermal Access Resistance Model for GaN-Based HEMTs
High performance GaN front-end MMICs
Design and characterization of a highly linear 3 GHz GaN HEMT amplifier
Optimization of SiC MESFET for high power and high frequency applications
An X-band low phase noise AlGaN-GaN-HEMT MMIC push-push oscillator
Epitaxial and Layout Optimization of SiC Microwave Power Varactors
High efficiency RF pulse width modulation with tunable load network class-E PA
Nonlinear Characterization of Varactors for Tunable Networks by Active Source-Pull and Load-Pull
A SiC Varactor With Large Effective Tuning Range for Microwave Power Applications
An X-Band AlGaN/GaN MMIC Receiver Front-End
Characterization of Electro-Thermal Effects in GaN Based HEMTs
Transient Simulation of Microwave SiC MESFETs With Improved Trap Models
TiN thin film resistors for monolithic microwave integrated circuits
A room temperature HEMT process for AlGaN/GaN heterostructure characterization
Influence of Passivation Oxide Properties on SiC Field-plated Buried Gate MESFETs
Thermal Study of the High-Frequency Noise in GaN HEMTs
S-band discrete and MMIC GaN power amplifiers
Characterization of the temperature dependent access resistances in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
Output Power Density and Breakdown Voltage in Field-Plated Buried Gate Microwave SiC MESFETs
Influence of Field Plates and Surface Traps on Microwave Silicon Carbide MESFETs
An AlGaN/GaN HEMT-Based Microstrip MMIC Process for Advanced Transceiver Design
A Single-Ended Resistive $X$-Band AlGaN/GaN HEMT MMIC Mixer
GaN Device and MMIC development at Chalmers
Influence of gate position on dispersion characteristics of GaN HEMTs
SiC Varactors for Dynamic Load Modulation of High Power Amplifiers
GaN MMIC power amplifiers for S-band and X- band
Influence of oxynitride (SiOxNy) passivation on the microwave performance of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
Thermal characterization of the intrinsic noise parameters for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
DC and microwave performance of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs passivated with sputtered SiNx
Electro-thermal simulations of a microwave 4H-SiC MESFET on high purity semi-insulating substrate
Oxygen Ion Implantation Isolation Planar Process for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
An SiC MESFET-based MMIC process
SiC MESFET with a Double Gate Recess
Large-Signal Modelling and Comparison of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs and SiC MESFETs
A highly linear double balanced Schottky diode S-band mixer
Fabrication and characterization of field-plated buried-gate SiC MESFETs
The Chalmers microstrip SiC MMIC Process
DC and RF performance of MESFET mode 4H-SiC Static Induction transistor
Planar Schottky Microwave Diodes on 4H-SiC
Low-resistance Si/Ti/Al/Ni/Au multilayer ohmic contacts to undoped AlGaN/GaN heterostructures
Cryogenic 2--4 GHz ultra low noise amplifier
Simple self-aligned fabrication process for silicon carbide static induction transistors
High CW power 0.3 um gate AlGaN/GaN HEMTs grown by MBE on sapphire
Processing of RF-MEMS Switches
Planar SiC Schottky Diodes for MMIC Applications
A 50-nm gate length InP pseudomorphic HEMT implemented in an MMIC broadband feedback amplifier
research and development of SiC Static Induction transistor
Research and development of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
C-Band Linear Resistive Wide Bandgap FET Mixers
Research and development of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
Heterostructure Field Effect Transistors and Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits
F-band resistive mixer based on heterostructure field effect transistor technology
A balanced millimeter wave doubler based on pseudomorphic HEMTs
HFET millimeterwave resistive mixer
A new empirical nonlinear model for HEMT-devices
Characteristics of a millimeter wave drain mixer
Resistive HEMT-mixer with very low LO-power requirements and low intermodulation
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Visar 21 forskningsprojekt
Nytt mikroLED koncept för att realisera nästa generations AR-baserade mikro-display tillämpningar
European Packaging for highly Integrated Circuits for Reliable Electronics (EPICURE)
Linjära mottagare för en överbelastad och omtvistad elektromagnetisk domän
E!2667 EuroGaIn, European GaN and InP Semiconductor for 100-GHz+, Gotmic AB och Chalmers
Enkristallin Yttrium Aluminium Nitrid för Elektronik
Enkristallin Yttrium Aluminium Nitrid för Elektronik
European innovative GaN advanced microwave integration
Center for III Nitride semiconductor technology (C3NiT) fas2
Avancerade GaN-komponenter för mm och sub-mmvågs kommunikation
III-nitrider med låg defekttäthet för grön kraftelektronik
Ultrakompakt AESA-teknologi för autonoma flygfarkoster
Kompakt Millimetervågsbyggsätt för Framtidens Kommunikations- och Sensorsystem (Förstudie)
Indium nitrid baserad millimetervågs- och THz-elektronik för kommunikations- och sensorsystem
Energieffektiva millimetervågssändare
The Swedish Graphene Initiative
GaN- baserad elektronik för framtidens mikrovågssystem