Herbert Zirath

Visar 432 publikationer
A Transmitter/Receiver Link for High Data Rate Polymer Microwave Fiber Communication at Y-band
D-band Data Interconnect Based on Polymer Microwave Fiber in SiGe HBT Technology
Design of Chip-to-Waveguide Transition Centered at 220 GHz for sub-THz Packaging
An 80 Gbps QAM-16 PMF Link Using a 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS Process
High-Efficiency Ka-Band Active Frequency Doubler MMIC in 150 nm GaN/SiC HEMT Technology
A W-band Frequency Tripler in a 60 nm GaN HEMT Technology
A Beyond 100-Gbps Polymer Microwave Fiber Communication Link at D-Band
Integrating InP MMICs and Silicon Micromachined Waveguides for sub-THz Systems
Scalable, Modular Feed-Forward Equalizer for Baseband Applications
Transmitter and Receiver for High Speed Polymer Microwave Fiber Communication at D-Band
Millimeter-Wave Multi-Channel Backscatter Communication and Ranging with an FMCW Radar
A PAM-4 Link for High Data Rate PMF Communication
A 40 Gbps QAM-16 communication link using a 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS process
Transmitter and Receiver Circuits for a High-Speed Polymer Fiber-Based PAM-4 Communication Link
G-band Power Amplifiers in 130 nm InP Technology
Multi-Gigabit RF-DAC Based Duobinary/PAM-3 Modulator in 130 nm SiGe HBT
Compact Low-Loss Chip-to-Waveguide and Chip-to-Chip Packaging Concept Using EBG Structures
Analyzing the Back-Gating Effect in GaN HEMTs with Field-Plates Using an Empirical Trap Model
A Static Frequency Divider in GaN HEMT Technology
G-band Frequency Converters in 130-nm InP DHBT Technology
A 55-105 GHz PIN Diode SPDT Switch
Implementation challenges and opportunities in beyond-5G and 6G communication
D-band waveguide-to-microstrip transition implemented in eWLB packaging technology
InP DHBT Single-Stage and Multiplicative Distributed Amplifiers for Ultra-Wideband Amplification
A Compact PCB Gasket for Waveguide Leakage Suppression at 110-170 GHz
Coded Pilot Assisted Baseband Receiver for High Data Rate Millimeter-Wave Communications
Micrometer Accuracy Phase Modulated Radar for Distance Measurement and Monitoring
Packaging Technique of Highly Integrated Circuits Based on EBG Structure for +100 GHz Applications
A D-band Dual-Mode Dynamic Frequency Divider in 130nm SiGe Technology
A 135–183GHz Frequency Sixtupler in 250nm InP HBT
Nongalvanic Generic Packaging Solution Demonstrated in a Fully Integrated D-Band Receiver
F-band Low-loss Tapered Slot Transition for Millimeter-wave System Packaging
Demonstration of +100-GHz Interconnects in eWLB Packaging Technology
D-band SiGe transceiver modules based on silicon-micromachined integration
An E-band Compact Frequency Division Duplex Radio Front-end Based on Gap Waveguide Technology
AMCW Radar of Micrometer Accuracy Distance Measurement and Monitoring
Enhanced Mobility in InAlN/AlN/GaN HEMTs Using a GaN Interlayer
A Synchronous Baseband Receiver for High-Data-Rate Millimeter-Wave Communication Systems
Single-stage and multiplicative distributed amplifiers for 200GHz+ amplification
Novel air-filled waveguide transmission line based on multilayer thin metal plates
A 110-170 GHz transceiver in 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS technology for FMCW applications
A 90-140 GHz, High Power Frequency Source Packaged in a Self-aligned Waveguide Module
A 110-to-147 GHz Frequency Sixtupler in a 130 nm Sige Bicmos Technology
Spectrum Efficient D-band Communication Link for Real-time Multi-gigabit Wireless Transmission
Multi-functional D-band I/Q modulator/demodulator MMICs in SiGe BiCMOS technology
Accurate Modeling of GaN HEMT RF Behavior Using an Effective Trapping Potential
Influence of White LO Noise on Wideband Communication
W-Band Low-Profile Monopulse Slot Array Antenna Based on Gap Waveguide Corporate-Feed Network
Low-cost D-band Waveguide Transition on LCP Substrate
8-PSK Upconverting Transmitter Using E-band Frequency Sextupler
A +14.2 dBm, 90–140 GHz Wideband Frequency Tripler in 250-nm InP DHBT Technology
A 143 GHz InP-based radio link characterized in long-term outdoor measurement
W-Band Graphene-Based Six-Port Receiver
A RF-DAC based 40 Gbps PAM Modulator with 1.2 pJ/bit Energy Efficiency at Millimeterwave Band
A Low-loss D-band Chip-to-Waveguide Transition Using Unilateral Fin-line Structure
Investigation of a Time Domain Microwave System for Biomedical Applications
Tunable Equalizer for 64 Gbps data communication systems in 130nm SiGe
A W-band MMIC Resistive Mixer Based on Epitaxial Graphene FET
Differential common base TIA with 56 dB Ohm gain and 45 GHz bandwidth in 130 nm SiGe
7-13 GHz MMIC GaN HEMT Voltage-Controlled-Oscillators (VCOs) for Satellite Applications
High speed optical interconnects with 850 nm VCSELs and advanced modulation formats
Generation of multi-Gigabit/s OFDM signals at W-band with a graphene FET MMIC mixer
Spiral Constellation for Hardware-Efficient Millimeter Wave Radio Realization
A Non-galvanic D-band MMIC-to-Waveguide Transition Using eWLB Packaging Technology
Optoelectronics Enabled Dense Patch Antenna Array for Future 5G Cellular Applications
A 100-145 GHz Area-Efficient Power Amplifier in a 130 nm SiGe Technology
RF-MEMS Tuned GaN HEMT based Cavity Oscillator for X-band
D-band Waveguide Transition Based on Linearly Tapered Slot Antenna
Investigation on 3-D-Printing Technologies for Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Applications
Time domain microwave imaging system for biomedical applications
An 8 Gbps E-band QAM Transmitter Using Symbol-based Outphasing Power Combining Technique
Does LO Noise Floor Limit Performance in Multi-Gigabit Millimeter-Wave Communication?
Investigation of stimulus signals for a time domain microwave imaging system
A 100–140 GHz SiGe-BiCMOS sub-harmonic down-converter mixer
Analysis of a MEMS Tuned Cavity Oscillator on X-Band
Silicon Taper Based D-Band Chip to Waveguide Interconnect for Millimeter-Wave Systems
Balanced active frequency multipliers in D and G bands using 250nm InP DHBT technology
An X-band varactor-tuned cavity oscillator
High-Gain Graphene Transistors with a Thin AlOx Top-Gate Oxide
Graphene FET Gigabit On-Off Keying Demodulator at 96 GHz
Developing Graphene based MMICs on SiC substrate
Metallic 3-D Printed Antennas for Millimeter- and Submillimeter Wave Applications
A Metallic 3-D Printed E-Band Radio Front End
A D-Band 48-Gbit/s 64-QAM/QPSK Direct-Conversion I/Q Transceiver Chipset
Cryogenic Low Noise Amplifiers in an InP HEMT MMIC Process
A D-Band Frequency Sixtupler MMIC With Very Low DC Power Consumption
Octave Band Linear MMIC Amplifier With+40-dBm OIP3 for High-Reliability Space Applications
A D-Band Packaged Antenna on Organic Substrate With High Fault Tolerance for Mass Production
Metallic 3-D Printed Rectangular Waveguides for Millimeter-Wave Applications
A QFN packaged grid array antenna in low dielectric constant LTCC for D-band applications
Microwave Noise Analysis in InP and GaAs HBTs
A 40 Gbps DQPSK Modem for Millimeter-wave Communications
Attempt of the Metallic 3D Printing Technology for Millimeter-Wave Antenna Implementations
Microwave System Development for Medical Diagnostics
InP DHBT Amplifier Modules Operating Between 150 and 300 GHz Using Membrane Technology
3D printed iris bandpass filters for millimetre-wave applications
Suppression of Parasitic Substrate Modes in Multilayer Integrated Circuits
Microwave technology in medical diagnostics and treatment
A High Voltage mm-wave Stacked HEMT Power Amplifier in 0.1 mu m m InGaAs Technology
A 15-Gb/s 8-PSK Demodulator With Comparator-Based Carrier Synchronization
InP DHBT Distributed Amplifiers With Up to 235-GHz Bandwidth
Integration of a 140 GHz Packaged LTCC Grid Array Antenna with an InP Detector
Science and technology roadmap for graphene, related two-dimensional crystals, and hybrid systems
A MMIC GaN HEMT Voltage-Controlled-Oscillator with high tuning linearity and low phase noise
Phase-Noise Analysis of an X-Band Ultra-Low Phase-Noise GaN HEMT Based Cavity Oscillator
4 W Highly Linear and Reliable GaN Power Amplifier for C-Band Applications
mm-Wave noise modeling in advanced SiGe and InP HBTs
A 110-170-GHz Multi-Mode Transconductance Mixer in 250-nm InP DHBT Technology
A data-rate adaptable modem solution for millimeter-wave wireless fronthaul networks
High frequency graphene transistors: Can a beauty become a cash cow?
A High Power-Efficiency D-Band Frequency Tripler MMIC With Gain Up to 7 dB
A High-Speed Power Detector for D-Band Communication
Development of a Time Domain Microwave System for Medical Diagnostics
Evaluation of an InAlN/AlN/GaN HEMT with Ta-based ohmic contacts and PECVD SiN passivation
A 80-95 GHz direct quadrature modulator in SiGe technology
Transformer-Based Broadband High-Linearity HBT Gm-Boosted Transconductance Mixers
Calculation of the Performance of Communication Systems from Measured Oscillator Phase Noise
A V-band high linearity two-stage subharmonically pumped mixer
Imaging front-end for thermal detection using an InP DHBT process
14 Gbps on-off keying modulator and demodulator for D-band communication
Low Phase Noise GaN HEMT Oscillators With Excellent Figures of Merit
A high speed power detector for D-band communication
High linearity MMIC power amplifier design with controlled junction temperature
InP DHBT wideband amplifiers with up to 235 GHz bandwidth
Design and Characterization of H-Band (220-325 GHz) Amplifiers in a 250-nm InP DHBT Technology
High gain graphene field effect transistors for wideband amplifiers
A D-Band Keyable High Efficiency Frequency Quadrupler
High linear power amplifier for multicarrier satellite communications
An InP MMIC process optimized for low noise at Cryo
A 31~61 GHz linear transconductance up-conversion mixer with 15 GHz IF-bandwidth
A G-Band (140-220 GHz) planar stubbed branch-line balun in BCB technology
Design and Performance Evaluation of a Time Domain Microwave Imaging System
Accurate Phase-Noise Prediction for a Balanced Colpitts GaN HEMT MMIC Oscillator
Resource efficient implementation of a 10Gb/s radio receiver baseband in FPGA
Waveguide Bandpass Filters for Millimeter-Wave Radiometers
A 115-155 GHz quadrature up-converting MMIC mixer in InP DHBT technology
A DC Comparison Study Between H-Intercalated and Native epigraphenes on SiC substrates
An LC VCO for High Power Millimeter-Wave Signal Generation
140-220 GHz Imaging Front-end Based on 250 nm InP/InGaAs/InP DHBT Process
Microwave based diagnostics and treatment in practice
Ultralow-Power Cryogenic InP HEMT With Minimum Noise Temperature of 1 K at 6 GHz
Cryogenic 0.5-13 GHz low noise amplifier with 3 K mid-band noise temperature
340 GHz Integrated Receiver in 250 nm InP DHBT Technology
Multifunction low noise millimeterwave MMICs for remote sensing
A method to lower VCO phase noise by using HBT darlington pair
Design of Low Phase-Noise Oscillators and Wideband VCOs in InGaP HBT Technology
Highly integrated E-band direct conversion receiver
Linearity improvement using a modified derivative superposition method in cascaded stages amplifier
A 20 GHz Low Phase Noise Signal Source Using VCO and Mixer in InGaP/GaAs HBT
A W-and G-band MMIC source using InP HBT technology
An ultrawideband microwave medical diagnostic system: Design considerations and system performance
A 14 Gbps On-/Off- Keying Modulator in GaAs HBT Technology
10 Gbps 16QAM transmission over a 70/80 GHz (E-band) radio test-bed
H-band MMIC amplifiers in 250 nm InP DHBT
A 53 GHz single chip receiver for geostationary atmospheric measurements
24 GHz balanced self-oscillating mixer with integrated patch antenna array
Varactor-Based Dynamic Load Modulation of RF PAs
An FPGA-based 5Gbit/s D-QPSK modem for E-band point-to-point radios
Accuracy Evaluation of Ultrawideband Time Domain Systems for Microwave Imaging
Accuracy investigation of an ultra-wideband time domain microwave imaging system
Broadband Gm-Boosted Differential HBT Doublers With Transformer Balun
Optimization of SiC MESFET for high power and high frequency applications
A varactor model including valanche noise source for VCOs phase noise simulation
Integrated front-ends up to 200 GHz
Passivation of InGaAs/InAlAs/InP HEMTs using Al2O3 atomic layer deposition
An FPGA-based 5 Gbit/s D-QPSK modem for E-band point-to-point radios
Progress in clinical diagnostics and treatment with electromagnetic fields
Single-Chip 220-GHz Active Heterodyne Receiver and Transmitter MMICs With On-Chip Integrated Antenna
An NLOS-capable 60 GHz MIMO demonstrator: System concept & performance
Direct carrier quadrature modulator and Demodulator MMICs for 60 GHz gigabit wireless communications
A SiC Varactor With Large Effective Tuning Range for Microwave Power Applications
Broadband Gm-boosted differential HBT doublers with transformer balun
An X-band low phase noise AlGaN-GaN-HEMT MMIC push-push oscillator
A broadband differential cascode power amplifier in 45 nm CMOS for high-speed 60 GHz system-on-chip
MMIC-Based Components for MM-Wave Instrumentation
A novel FPGA-based 2.5Gbps DQPSK modem for high capacity microwave radios
High Efficiency Transmitter Using Varactor Based Dynamic Load Modulation
Highly Efficient Dynamic Load Modulation Transmitter
Design of a Highly Efficient 2–4-GHz Octave Bandwidth GaN-HEMT Power Amplifier
Flip-Chip-Based Multichip Module for Low Phase-Noise V -Band Frequency Generation
A linear 70-95 GHz differential IQ modulator for E-band wireless communication
Comparison between a time domain and a frequency domain system for microwave tomography
Low-phase noise InGaP HBT VCO design
A low noise integrated 0.3-16 GHz differential amplifier for balanced ultra wideband antennas
MMIC-based receivers for mm-wave radiometry
Design and Fabrication of 0/1-Level RF-Via Interconnect for RF-MEMS Packaging Applications
The Herschel-Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared (HIFI)
A highly efficient 3.5 GHz inverse class-F GaN HEMT power amplifier
A 210 GHz radar system for 3D stand-off detection
An experimental 210 GHz radar system for 3D stand-off detection
Flip-chip assembled 7 GHz ultra-low phase-noise InGaP HBT oscillator
Clinical Diagnostics and Treatment with Electromagnetic Fields
Power detectors and envelope detectors in mHEMT MMIC-technology for millimeterwave applications
A fundamental upconverting Gilbert mixer for 100 GHz wireless applications
A Novel FPGA-based 2.5Gbps D-QPSK Modem for High Capacity Microwave Radios
An E-Band(71-76, 81-86 GHz) Balanced Frequency Tripler for High-Speed Communications
A room temperature HEMT process for AlGaN/GaN heterostructure characterization
A Broadband 60-to-120 GHz single-chip MMIC multiplier chain
24 GHz InGaP-GaAs HBT push-push VCO with broadband tuning range
Design of 50-70 GHz Planar Wideband Bandpass Filter on Liquid Crystal Polymer Substrate
On the status of Low Noise Millimeterwave MMIC Receivers
Accuracy evaluation of time domain measurement systems for microwave tomography
Single-Chip Frequency Multiplier Chains for Millimeter-Wave Signal Generation
A Compact Cascode Power Amplifier in 45-nm CMOS for 60-GHz Wireless Systems
Design and evaluation of 20-GHz power amplifiers in 130-nm CMOS
An Image Reject Mixer for High-Speed E-band (71-76, 81-86 GHz) Wireless Communication
High-Efficiency LDMOS Power-Amplifier Design at 1 GHz Using an Optimized Transistor Model
Design of High Efficiency Ka-Band Harmonically Tuned Power Amplifiers
Time Alignment in a Dynamic Load Modulation Transmitter Architecture
Dual-Input Nonlinear Modeling for I/Q Modulator Distortion Compensation
Integrated receivers up to 220 GHz utilizing GaAs-mHEMT technology
Evaluation of high efficiency PAs for use in supply- and load-modulation transmitters
I/Q Imbalance Compensation Using a Nonlinear Modeling Approach
Low phase noise MMIC oscillators in InGaP HBT technology
Practical realizations of high efficiency switched mode power amplifiers
A G-band (140 – 220 GHz) Microstrip MMIC Mixer operating in both Resistive and Drain-Pumped Mode
Compensation of Transmitter Distortion Using a Nonlinear Modeling Approach
Comparative analysis of the complexity/accuracy tradeoff for power amplifier behavior models
A 220 GHz Single-Chip Receiver MMIC with Integrated Antenna
Output Power Density and Breakdown Voltage in Field-Plated Buried Gate Microwave SiC MESFETs
A Single-Chip 53 GHz Radiometer Front-End MMIC for Geostationary Atmospheric Measurements
An efficiency optimized controlling scheme for dynamic load modulation of power amplifiers
Influence of gate position on dispersion characteristics of GaN HEMTs
Deep submicron CMOS for millimeter wave power applications
Millimeter-wave ultra-wideband bandpass filter based on LCP substrates for automotive radar systems
20 GHz Power Amplifier Design in 130 nm CMOS
Voltage/Current mode class D amplifiers and their applications
Terahertz technology and applications
A Compact V-band Planar Wideband Bandpass Filter Based on Liquid Crystal Polymer Substrates
Modeling of dual-input power amplifiers
Influence of oxynitride (SiOxNy) passivation on the microwave performance of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
GaN Device and MMIC development at Chalmers
A 220 GHz (G-band) Microstrip MMIC Single-Ended Resistive Mixer
Realization of A Ultra Wideband BPF based on LCP Substrate for Wireless Application
DC and microwave performance of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs passivated with sputtered SiNx
Single stage CMOS Power Amplifier at 23 GHz
Newly developed chip sets for 60 GHz radio communication systems
60 GHz Single-Chip Front-End MMICs and Systems for Multi-Gbps Wireless Communication
60 GHz Broadband MS-to-CPW Hot-Via Flip Chip Interconnects
Coaxial transitions for CPW-to-CPW flip chip interconnects
60 GHz broadband 0=1-level RF-via interconnect for RF-MEMS packaging
Oxygen Ion Implantation Isolation Planar Process for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
Hydrodynamic Simulations of Unitraveling-Carrier Photodiodes
Design and Fabrication of 4H-SiC RF MOSFETs
Integrated Front-ends for Millimeterwave Applications Using III-V Technologies
Analysis and Design of Millimeter-Wave FET-Based Image Reject Mixers
A 60 GHz Compact Single-Chip Sub-Harmonically Pumped Receiver MMIC
High Efficiency Modulation of Switched Mode LDMOS Power Amplifiers
Large-Signal Modelling and Comparison of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs and SiC MESFETs
Comparative investigation between a single ended and a balanced IF VGA
High Purity 60 GHz-Band Single Chip
An SiC MESFET-based MMIC process
Single-Chip 24-GHz Synthesizer for a Radar Application
A 45 dB Variable Gain Low Noise MMIC Amplifier
Residual and oscillator phase noise in GaAs metamorphic HEMTs
SiC MESFET with a Double Gate Recess
A Reliable K-band Sub-harmonic Mixer for Satellite Converters
High power-density 4H-SiC RF MOSFETs
High Gain Active Microstrip Antenna for 60 GHz WPAN/WLAN Applications
Growth of Fe doped semi-insulating GaN on sapphire and 4H-SiC by MOCVD
Fabrication and characterization of field-plated buried-gate SiC MESFETs
Single-Chip 60 GHz Transmitter and Receiver MMICs in a GaAs mHEMT Technology
High Power Density 4H-SiC RF MOSFETs
High channel mobility 4H-SiC MOSFETs
A Load Modulated High Efficiency Power Amplifier
Multifunctional MMIC design and antenna integration
CMOS devices and circuits for microwave and millimeter wave applications
High Efficiency LDMOS Current Mode Class-D Power amplifier at 1 GHz
MMICs for Micro and Millimeterwave applications in a 90 nm CMOS technology
MMICs for micro and millimetre wave applications
Development of 60-GHz front-end circuits for a high-data-rate communication system
The Chalmers microstrip SiC MMIC Process
Understanding and accurate modelling of nonlinear LDMOS transistor dc characteristics
Balanced Colpitt Oscillator MMICs Designed for Ultra-Low Phase Noise
DC and RF performance of MESFET mode 4H-SiC Static Induction transistor
Fully Integrated 60-GHz Single-Ended Resistive Mixer in 90-nm CMOS Technology
Lumped-element quadrature power splitters using mixed right/left-handed transmission lines
Integrated microstrip array antenna and amplifier at 60 GHz
MMIC-Oscillator designs for ultra low phase noise
Broadband 7 GHz VCO in mHEMT Technology
Fabrication of high power-density SiC MOSFETs
Growth of Fe doped semi-insulating GaN on sapphire and 4H-SiC by MOCVD
L-Band LDMOS Power Amplifiers Based on an Inverse Class-F Architecture
Highly Integrated 60 GHz Transmitter and Receiver MMICs in a GaAs pHEMT Technology
Planar Schottky Microwave Diodes on 4H-SiC
CMOS devices and circuits for microwave and millimetre wave applications
V-band Single Chip Mutipliers.
High-Q Fringing-Field-Enhanced capacitors(FFE) for deep submicron Silicon-MMICs
A high purity 60 GHz single chip X8 multiplier with low phase noise
Vertical scaling of gate-to-channel distance for a 70 nm InP pseudomorphic HEMT technology
7 GHz VCO in mHEMT technology with study of device flicker noise
4-8 GHz Low Noise Amplifier using Metamorphic HEMT Technology
High Gain Active Microstrip Antenna for 60 GHz WLAN
On the large-signal modelling of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs and SiC MESFETs
MMIC Mixers based on a novel Zero Bias Diode
InGaAs-InAlAs-InP HEMT technology for ultra-high frequency and ultra-low noise performance
Optimization of power amplifier transfer characteristics
Cryogenic 2--4 GHz ultra low noise amplifier
Simple self-aligned fabrication process for silicon carbide static induction transistors
Flip Chip Assembly of a 40-60 GHz GaAs Microstrip Amplifier
High CW power 0.3 um gate AlGaN/GaN HEMTs grown by MBE on sapphire
Low-resistance Si/Ti/Al/Ni/Au multilayer ohmic contacts to undoped AlGaN/GaN heterostructures
pHEMT and mHEMT Ultra Wideband Millimeterwave Balanced Resistive Mixers
Planar SiC Schottky Diodes for MMIC Applications
Statistical Estimation of small signal FET model parameters and their covariance
High field effect electron mobility in Si face 4H-SiC MOSFET
Development of 60-GHz Front -End Circuits for a High-Data-Rate Communication System.
40 and 60 GHz frequency doublers in 90-nm CMOS
A 50-nm gate length InP pseudomorphic HEMT implemented in an MMIC broadband feedback amplifier
CMOS MMICs for microwave and millimeter wave applications
A comprehensive analysis of IMD behavior in RF CMOS power amplifiers
A comparison of topology and technology of balanced VCOs intended for use in a 60 GHz WLAN system
research and development of SiC Static Induction transistor
Study of Cavity Resonances in Quasi-Optical Grid Amplifier with Hard-Walled Waveguide Section
Estimation of Phase Noise for QPSK Modulation over AWGN Channels
Adaptive predistorter design for nonlinear high power amplifiers
Research and development of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
C-Band Linear Resistive Wide Bandgap FET Mixers
CMOS large signal model for CAD
A 55 GHz HEMT Monolithic Voltage Controlled Sources
The Odin satellite - I. Radiometer design and test
90-nm CMOS for microwave power applications
A Variable Gain MMIC Amplifier
Intermodulation distortion behavior in LDMOS transistor amplifiers
Prediction of IMD in LDMOS transistor amplifiers using a new large-signal model
System implications in designing a 60 GHz WLAN RF front end
Research and development of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
System Considerations for Hardware Parameters in a 60 GHz WLAN
High output power, broadband 28-56 GHz MMIC frequency doubler
F-band resistive mixer based on heterostructure field effect transistor technology
A balanced millimeter wave doubler based on pseudomorphic HEMTs
HFET millimeterwave resistive mixer
A new empirical nonlinear model for HEMT-devices
Characteristics of a millimeter wave drain mixer
Resistive HEMT-mixer with very low LO-power requirements and low intermodulation
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Visar 24 forskningsprojekt
A Dual-frequency Distributed MIMO Approach for Future 6G Applications
Gemensam radar och kommunikation för nästa generations fordonsapplikationer
Graphene Core Project 3 (Graphene Flagship)
122 GHz Miniatyreserad Hög-resolution Radarsensor for tillämpningar inom IoT och Autonoma System
Nyckelkomponenter för trådlös kommunikation av grafen
122 GHz radarsensor för tillämpningar inom Internet of Things och autonoma system
Millimetervåg-backhaul med över 100 Gbit/s - driva smarta antenner till sin spets
GaN-baserad komponenter för SSPA:s
Graphene Core Project 1. Graphene-based disruptive technologies (Graphene Flagship)
Semiconductor materials for power electronics (SEMPEL)
Optiska datakablar med multi-Tbit/s kapacitet
Lösningar för trådlös kommunikation med hög datatakt
Gigabits at Terahertz frequences
Energieffektiva millimetervågssändare
Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond (Graphene Flagship)
The Swedish Graphene Initiative
Signalprocessning i framtida kommunikationssystem med extremt hög datakapacitet
Högfrekventa Integrerade kretsar (MMIC) för rymdtillämpningar
GaN- baserad elektronik för framtidens mikrovågssystem