Iltcho Angelov
Visar 86 publikationer
On the delay implementation in FET Large Signal Models
Nonlinear active device modeling
A procedure for the extraction of a nonlinear microwave GaN FET model
Octave Band Linear MMIC Amplifier With+40-dBm OIP3 for High-Reliability Space Applications
On the Modeling of High Power FET Transistors
4 W Highly Linear and Reliable GaN Power Amplifier for C-Band Applications
A High Voltage mm-wave Stacked HEMT Power Amplifier in 0.1 mu m m InGaAs Technology
Small-Versus Large-Signal Extraction of Charge Models of Microwave FETs
Nonlinear model for 40-GHz cold-FET operation
A GaN MMIC Modified Doherty PA With Large Bandwidth and Reconfigurable Efficiency
High linearity MMIC power amplifier design with controlled junction temperature
Low Phase Noise GaN HEMT Oscillators With Excellent Figures of Merit
High linear power amplifier for multicarrier satellite communications
Millimeter-Wave FET Nonlinear Modelling Based on the Dynamic-Bias Measurement Technique
A packaged 86 W GaN transmitter with SiC varactor-based dynamic load modulation
Experiment design for quick statistical FET large signal model extraction
Accurate Phase-Noise Prediction for a Balanced Colpitts GaN HEMT MMIC Oscillator
Hybrid measurement-based extraction of consistent large-signal models for microwave FETs
Large-Signal Time-Domain Waveform-Based Transistor Modeling
A Wideband and Compact GaN MMIC Doherty Amplifier for Microwave Link Applications
On the implementation of device processing tolerances in FET Large Signal Models
On the large-signal modeling of High Power AlGaN/GaN HEMTs
Theory and Design of Class-J Power Amplifiers With Dynamic Load Modulation
Multifunction low noise millimeterwave MMICs for remote sensing
Waveforms-based large-signal identification of transistor models
Identification technique of FET model based on vector nonlinear measurements
Semi-physical nonlinear circuit model with device/physical parameters for HEMTs
A varactor model including valanche noise source for VCOs phase noise simulation
Single-Chip 220-GHz Active Heterodyne Receiver and Transmitter MMICs With On-Chip Integrated Antenna
Large Signal Model and Implementation of Impact Ionization for FET Devices
On the Compact Equivalent Circuit Modeling
Semi-physical nonlinear model for HEMTs with simple equations
A large-signal GaAs HBT model optimized for design of low phase-noise VCOs
On the Large Signal Evaluation and Modeling of GaN FET
Low-phase noise InGaP HBT VCO design
On the status of Low Noise Millimeterwave MMIC Receivers
Single-Chip Frequency Multiplier Chains for Millimeter-Wave Signal Generation
A Broadband 60-to-120 GHz single-chip MMIC multiplier chain
Design of High Efficiency Ka-Band Harmonically Tuned Power Amplifiers
Integrated receivers up to 220 GHz utilizing GaAs-mHEMT technology
Combined empirical and look-up table approach for non-quasi-static modelling of GaN HEMTs
On the High Frequency De-Embedding& Modeling of FET Devices
A G-band (140 – 220 GHz) Microstrip MMIC Mixer operating in both Resistive and Drain-Pumped Mode
A 220 GHz Single-Chip Receiver MMIC with Integrated Antenna
Non-linear FinFET Modeling: Lookup Table and Empirical Approaches
Analysis of quasi-static assumption in nonlinear finFET model
Doherty amplifier design for 3.5 GHz WiMAX considering load line and loop stability
A 220 GHz (G-band) Microstrip MMIC Single-Ended Resistive Mixer
Large signal evaluation of nonlinear HBT model
The Direct Detection Effect in the Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixer Sensitivity Calibration
Large-Signal Modelling and Comparison of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs and SiC MESFETs
High Purity 60 GHz-Band Single Chip
CMOS devices and circuits for microwave and millimeter wave applications
Empirical Device Models -Invited
On the Large-Signal Modelling of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs; GaAs ; and SiC MESFETs - Invited
RF noise model for CMOS Transistors
On the Large-Signal Modelling of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs; GaAs ; and SiC MESFETs
MMICs for Micro and Millimeterwave applications in a 90 nm CMOS technology
MMICs for micro and millimetre wave applications
On the large-signal modelling of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs and SiC MESFETs
CMOS devices and circuits for microwave and millimetre wave applications
4-8 GHz Low Noise Amplifier using Metamorphic HEMT Technology
Effect of the direct detection effect on the HEB receiver sensitivity calibration
Cryogenic 2--4 GHz ultra low noise amplifier
An empirical table based HBT large signal model
CMOS MMICs for microwave and millimeter wave applications
CMOS large signal model for CAD
90-nm CMOS for microwave power applications
Design and Performance of a 3.4 to 4.6 GHz Active Equalizer with Controlled Gain Slope
Extensions of the Chalmers nonlinear HEMT and MESFET model
F-band resistive mixer based on heterostructure field effect transistor technology
A balanced millimeter wave doubler based on pseudomorphic HEMTs
Characteristics of a millimeter wave drain mixer
HFET millimeterwave resistive mixer
A new empirical nonlinear model for HEMT-devices
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