Reduction of Noise Temperature in Cryogenic InP HEMT Low Noise Amplifiers with Increased Spacer Thickness in InAlAs-InGaAs-InP Heterostructures
Övrigt konferensbidrag, 2021

The impact of InP HEMT spacer thickness on cryogenic performance in low noise amplifiers (LNAs) has been investigated. 100 nm gate-length InP HEMTs based on InAlAs-InGaAs-InP heterostructures with different spacer thickness (1 nm, 3 nm and 5 nm) were fabricated. The Hall measurements, simulated band structures and dc characteristics of InP HEMTs were compared for all the three different epitaxial structures at 5 K. The noise performance of the InP HEMT was studied using a three-stage 4–8 GHz hybrid LNA at 5 K. All LNAs yielded an average gain above 30 dB across the whole band. When biased for optimal low noise operation, the LNA with 5 nm spacer thickness InP HEMTs achieved an average noise temperature of 1.3 K. The LNAs with spacer thickness of 1 nm and 3 nm InP HEMTs exhibited a higher average noise temperature of 1.9 K and 1.7 K, respectively. The reduction in LNA noise temperature with increased spacer thickness was observed to correlate with a strongly enhanced electron mobility in the InP HEMT structure at 5 K.




spacer thickness

low noise amplifier


Junjie Li

Chalmers, Mikroteknologi och nanovetenskap, Terahertz- och millimetervågsteknik

Arsalan Pourkabirian

Low Noise Factory AB

Johan Bergsten

Low Noise Factory AB

Eunjung Cha

Chalmers, Mikroteknologi och nanovetenskap, Terahertz- och millimetervågsteknik

Alexei Kalaboukhov

Chalmers, Mikroteknologi och nanovetenskap, Kvantkomponentfysik

Niklas Wadefalk

Low Noise Factory AB

Jan Grahn

Chalmers, Mikroteknologi och nanovetenskap, Terahertz- och millimetervågsteknik

Compound Semiconductor Week 2021
Online, Sweden,




Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)

Elektroteknik och elektronik


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