Jan Grahn
Jag forskar om lågbrusiga halvledarkomponenter. Min drivkraft är att bryta nuvarande känslighetsgräns för transistorbaserade förstärkare i mikrovågs- och millimetervågsområdet. Min forskargrupp har demonstrerat transistorer med en brusnivå bara några gånger över gränsen för kvantbruset. Komponenten är en högelektron-mobilitetstransistor med en InAlAs-InGaAs heteroövergång. Vår forskning omfattar materialvetenskap, transistorteknologi, komponentfysik, elektrisk modellering, mikrovågsförstärkardesign och högfrekvensmätningar. Våra resultat får genomslag hos kvantdatorer, radioastronomi och klimatsatelliter. Från vår grupp har företaget Low Noise Factory AB bildats vilket nu levererar förstärkarprodukter till nästan varenda kvantgrupp över hela världen. Jag undervisar Elektriska Kretsar och System på Teknisk Fysik. Jag ger också en doktorandkurs om Höghastighetstransistorer vartannat år.

Visar 121 publikationer
Sub-mW Cryogenic InP HEMT LNA for Qubit Readout
Transient Noise and Gain Characterization for Pulse-Operated LNAs
Optimization of InGaAs Channel for Cryogenic InP HEMT Low-Noise Amplifiers
100-μW Cryogenic HEMT LNAs for Quantum Computing
Influence of Spacer Thickness on the Noise Performance in InP HEMTs for Cryogenic LNAs
A 100-µW 4-6 GHz Cryogenic InP HEMT LNA Achieving an Average Noise Temperature of 2.6 K
On the relation between rf noise and subthreshold swing in InP HEMTs for cryogenic LNAs
A 100-mu W 4-6 GHz Cryogenic InP HEMT LNA Achieving an Average Noise Temperature of 2.6 K
A 300-mu W Cryogenic HEMT LNA for Quantum Computing
InP HEMTs for Sub-mW Cryogenic Low-Noise Amplifiers
A 300-µW Cryogenic HEMT LNA for Quantum Computing
III-V HEMTs for cryogenic low noise amplifiers
Strong Geometrical Magnetoresistance and Angular Dependence in InP HEMTs for cryogenic LNAs
Magnetic Influence on Cryogenic InP HEMT DC Characteristics
Magnetic Influence on CryogenicInP HEMT LNAs
0.3-14 and 16-28 GHz Wide-Bandwidth Cryogenic MMIC Low-Noise Amplifiers
Cryogenic W-band LNA for ALMA band 2+3 with average noise temperature of 24 K
Cryogenic LNAs for SKA band 2 to 5
Dependence of noise temperature on physical temperature for cryogenic low-noise amplifiers
Two-Finger InP HEMT Design for Stable Cryogenic Operation of Ultra-Low-Noise Ka- and Q-Band LNAs
Two-finger InP HEMT design for stable cryogenic operation of ultra-low-noise Ka-band LNAs
Cryogenic Low Noise Amplifiers in an InP HEMT MMIC Process
Cryogenic low-noise InP HEMTs: A source-drain distance study
10 K Room Temperature LNA for SKA Band 1
Ultra Low Noise 600/1200 GHz and 874 GHz GaAs Schottky Receivers for SWI and ISMAR
Phonon black-body radiation limit for heat dissipation in electronics
Zero-Bias Self-Switching In65Ga35As channel Diodes for Terahertz Detection,
Shot-noise suppression effects in InGaAs planar diodes at room temperature
Temperature and Surface Traps Influence on the THz Emission from InGaAs Diodes
Optimization and small-signal modeling of zero-bias InAs self-switching diode detectors
SWI 1200/600 GHz highly integrated receiver front-ends
Cryogenic Kink Effect in InP pHEMTs: A Pulsed Measurements Study
Graphene self-switching diodes as zero-bias microwave detectors
Reliability Assessment of Mixers, Multipliers and Low Noise Amplifiers for Space Applications
An InP MMIC process optimized for low noise at Cryo
On the effect of delta-doping in self-switching diodes
Cryogenic noise performance of InGAAs/InAlAs HEMTs grown on InP and GaAs substrate
Low noise GaAs Schottky TMIC and InP HEMT MMIC based Receivers for the ISMAR and SWI Instruments
Cryogenic Broadband Ultra-Low-Noise MMIC LNAs for Radio Astronomy Applications
Cryogenic DC Characterization of InAs/Al80Ga20Sb Self-Switching Diodes
Terahertz detection in zero-bias InAs self-switching diodes at room temperature
True planar InAs/AlSb HEMTs with ion-implantation technique for low-power cryogenic applications
200 GHz communication system using unipolar InAs THz rectifiers
Influence of gate-channel distance in low-noise InP HEMTs
Characterization and Modeling of Cryogenic Ultralow-Noise InP HEMTs
Room temperature THz detection and emission with semiconductor nanodevices
Cryogenic Performance of Low-Noise InP HEMTs: a Monte Carlo Study
Cryogenic Ultra-Low Noise Amplification - InP PHEMT vs. GaAs MHEMT
Ultralow-Power Cryogenic InP HEMT With Minimum Noise Temperature of 1 K at 6 GHz
Source-drain scaling of ion-implanted InAs/AlSb HEMTs
Kink effect and noise performance in isolated-gate InAs/AlSb high electron mobility transistors
Optimized InP HEMTs for low noise at cryogenic temperatures
Cryogenic 0.5-13 GHz low noise amplifier with 3 K mid-band noise temperature
Cryogenic Operation of InAs/AlSb HEMT Hybrid LNAs
Planar InAs/AlSb HEMTs With Ion-Implanted Isolation
Fabrication and DC characterization of InAs/AlSb self-switching diodes
Cryogenic InAs/AlSb HEMT Wideband Low-Noise IF Amplifier for Ultra-Low-Power Applications
Highly linear 1-3 GHz GaN HEMT low-noise amplifier
AlSb nucleation induced anisotropic electron mobility in AlSb/InAs heterostructures on GaAs
Monte Carlo study of the noise performance of isolated-gate InAs/AlSb HEMTs
Monte Carlo study of impact ionization and hole transport in InAs HEMTs with isolated gate
Optimization of MBE-grown AlSb/InAs High Electron Mobility Transistor Structures
Design and characterization of a highly linear 3 GHz GaN HEMT amplifier
Monte Carlo study of the dynamic performance of isolated-gate InAs/AlSb HEMTs
InAs/AlSb HEMTs for cryogenic LNAs at ultra-low power dissipation
Fabrication of novel unipolar nanodiodes in InAs/AlSb for microwave detection
Monte Carlo study of the noise performance of isolated-gate InAs HEMTs
Dynamic Monte Carlo study of isolated-gate InAs/AlSb HEMTs
Passivation of InGaAs/InAlAs/InP HEMTs using Al2O3 atomic layer deposition
Linearization of Efficiency-Optimized Dynamic Load Modulation Transmitter Architectures
Sb-HEMT: Toward 100-mV Cryogenic Electronics
Band-reconfigurable LDMOS power amplifier
Monte Carlo study of kink effect in isolated-gate InAs/AlSb high electron mobility transistors
Anisotropic transport properties in InAs/AlSb heterostructures
Isolated-gate InAs/AlSb HEMTs: A Monte Carlo study
DC and RF cryogenic behaviour of InAs/AlSb HEMTs
InAs/AlSb HEMTs characterised at cryogenic temperatures
Gate-recess Technology for InAs/AlSb HEMTs
Narrow band gap III-V based-FET for ultra low power high frequency analog applications
Epitaxial optimization of 130 nm gate-length InGaAs/InAlAs/InP HEMTs for low-noise applications
DC characteristics of InAs/AlSb HEMTs at cryogenic temperatures
Effect of gate length in InAs/AlSb HEMTs biased for low power or high gain
Epitaxial optimization of 130-nm gate-length InGaAs/InAlAs HEMTs for high-frequency applications
DC and RF performance of 0.2-0.4µm gate length InAs/AlSb HEMTs
(Cl2:Ar) ICP/RIE dry etching of Al(Ga)Sb for AlSb/InAs HEMTs
Development of InAs/AlSb HEMT technology for high-frequency operation
Benchmarking of low band gap III-V based HEMTs and sub-100nm CMOS under low drain voltage regime
Characterization of insulated-gate versus Schottky-gate InAs/AlSb HEMTs
Physical Simulations of Pseudomorphic InP HEMTs
An SiC MESFET-based MMIC process
Effect of Schottky layer thickness on DC, RF and noise of 70-nm gate length InP HEMTs
Noise optimization of InP HEMTs
Novel devices for (sub)millimeter-wave space applications
Fabrication of InP HEMTs for cryogenically cooled low noise amplifiers
Scaling of epitaxial layers in a 70 nm gate length InGaAs-InAlAs-InP HEMT technology
A W-band MMIC amplifier using 70-nm gate length InP HEMT technology
Novel devices for (sub)millimeter-wave space applications
InGaAs-InAlAs-InP HEMT technology for ultra-high frequency and ultra-low noise performance
Optimization of sub-100 nm InP HEMT technology
Vertical scaling of gate-to-channel distance for a 70 nm InP pseudomorphic HEMT technology
W-band MMIC amplifier using pseudomorphic InP HEMT wiht sub 100-nm gate length
A 50-nm gate length InP pseudomorphic HEMT implemented in an MMIC broadband feedback amplifier
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Visar 10 forskningsprojekt
Kanalbrus i två-dimensionella fälteffekt-elektronkomponenter
Pulsade lågbrusförstärkare för kvantinformationssystem
Transistorförstärkning vid millikelvin
Kompetensnav antenn-, mikrovåg- och terahertzsystem (AMT)
Supra-/halvledande kvantbrusbegränsad bredbandig förstärkare
Transistorer för millimetervågsförstärkarare med extremt låg effekt förbrukning
Semiconductor Nanodevices for Room temperature THz Emission and Detection (ROOTHz)