Niklas Wadefalk
Visar 74 publikationer
Optimization of InGaAs Channel for Cryogenic InP HEMT Low-Noise Amplifiers
Influence of Spacer Thickness on the Noise Performance in InP HEMTs for Cryogenic LNAs
A 100-µW 4-6 GHz Cryogenic InP HEMT LNA Achieving an Average Noise Temperature of 2.6 K
On the relation between rf noise and subthreshold swing in InP HEMTs for cryogenic LNAs
A 300-mu W Cryogenic HEMT LNA for Quantum Computing
A 300-µW Cryogenic HEMT LNA for Quantum Computing
III-V HEMTs for cryogenic low noise amplifiers
Low Power Cryogenic Rad-hard LNAs for Space
Low noise 874 GHz receivers for the international submillimetre airborne radiometer (ISMAR)
0.3-14 and 16-28 GHz Wide-Bandwidth Cryogenic MMIC Low-Noise Amplifiers
Cryogenic W-band LNA for ALMA band 2+3 with average noise temperature of 24 K
Cryogenic LNAs for SKA band 2 to 5
Dependence of noise temperature on physical temperature for cryogenic low-noise amplifiers
Two-Finger InP HEMT Design for Stable Cryogenic Operation of Ultra-Low-Noise Ka- and Q-Band LNAs
Two-finger InP HEMT design for stable cryogenic operation of ultra-low-noise Ka-band LNAs
Cryogenic Low Noise Amplifiers in an InP HEMT MMIC Process
Cryogenic low-noise InP HEMTs: A source-drain distance study
10 K Room Temperature LNA for SKA Band 1
Ultra Low Noise 600/1200 GHz and 874 GHz GaAs Schottky Receivers for SWI and ISMAR
Phonon black-body radiation limit for heat dissipation in electronics
SWI 1200/600 GHz highly integrated receiver front-ends
Reliability Assessment of Mixers, Multipliers and Low Noise Amplifiers for Space Applications
An InP MMIC process optimized for low noise at Cryo
Cryogenic noise performance of InGAAs/InAlAs HEMTs grown on InP and GaAs substrate
Low noise GaAs Schottky TMIC and InP HEMT MMIC based Receivers for the ISMAR and SWI Instruments
Cryogenic Broadband Ultra-Low-Noise MMIC LNAs for Radio Astronomy Applications
Influence of gate-channel distance in low-noise InP HEMTs
Characterization and Modeling of Cryogenic Ultralow-Noise InP HEMTs
Cryogenic Performance of Low-Noise InP HEMTs: a Monte Carlo Study
Cryogenic Ultra-Low Noise Amplification - InP PHEMT vs. GaAs MHEMT
Multifunction low noise millimeterwave MMICs for remote sensing
Ultralow-Power Cryogenic InP HEMT With Minimum Noise Temperature of 1 K at 6 GHz
Cryogenic 0.5-13 GHz low noise amplifier with 3 K mid-band noise temperature
Cryogenic Operation of InAs/AlSb HEMT Hybrid LNAs
Cryogenic InAs/AlSb HEMT Wideband Low-Noise IF Amplifier for Ultra-Low-Power Applications
A Broadband, Low Noise, Integrated 340 GHz Schottky Diode Receiver
InAs/AlSb HEMTs for cryogenic LNAs at ultra-low power dissipation
Integrated front-ends up to 200 GHz
Single-Chip 220-GHz Active Heterodyne Receiver and Transmitter MMICs With On-Chip Integrated Antenna
Cryogenic 2-13 GHz Eleven feed for reflector antennas in future wideband radio telescopes
Passivation of InGaAs/InAlAs/InP HEMTs using Al2O3 atomic layer deposition
MMIC-Based Components for MM-Wave Instrumentation
Cryogenic 2-14GHz low noise receiver for radio astronomy using Eleven feed
A low noise integrated 0.3-16 GHz differential amplifier for balanced ultra wideband antennas
Design of cryogenic 2-14 GHz Eleven feed for reflector antennas for future radio telescopes
A 210 GHz radar system for 3D stand-off detection
An experimental 210 GHz radar system for 3D stand-off detection
Ultra-Wideband Chip Attenuator for Precise Noise Measurements at Cryogenic Temperatures
MMIC-based receivers for mm-wave radiometry
InAs/AlSb HEMTs characterised at cryogenic temperatures
Development of a coolable 2-14 GHz Eleven feed for future radio telescopes for SKA and VLBI 2010
Developing a cooled 2-14 GHz Eleven feed for SKA and VLBI 2010
Design and realization of a linearly polarized Eleven feed for 1-10 GHz
On the status of Low Noise Millimeterwave MMIC Receivers
DC characteristics of InAs/AlSb HEMTs at cryogenic temperatures
Electrical Design of a Cooled 2-14 GHz Eleven Feed for SKA and VLBI 2010
Integrated receivers up to 220 GHz utilizing GaAs-mHEMT technology
Metamorphic HEMT technology for low-noise applications
Report on Developing Decade Bandwidth Eleven Feeds for Radio Telescopes such as SKA and VLBI 2010
A G-band (140 – 220 GHz) Microstrip MMIC Mixer operating in both Resistive and Drain-Pumped Mode
A 220 GHz Single-Chip Receiver MMIC with Integrated Antenna
A 220 GHz (G-band) Microstrip MMIC Single-Ended Resistive Mixer
Cryogenic X-Band Low Noise Amplifiers
Noise optimization of InP HEMTs
Cryogenic 2--4 GHz ultra low noise amplifier
The Odin satellite - I. Radiometer design and test
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