Barriers and enablers for the adoption of sustainable design practices using new design methods – Accelerating the sustainability transformation in the manufacturing industry
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2024

Product development and manufacturing organizations struggle in their sustainability transformation and do not sufficiently contribute to sustainable production and consumption. Design researchers, at the same time, develop and propose a plethora of new and improved design methods that can support the manufacturing industry in such transformation. It is, despite this, well-documented in literature that the industrial adoption of such proposed design methods is challenging. Previous research in the design domain has mainly studied this issue from a process and methodological perspective, whereas previous research in the management domain instead has focused on organizational, and human-behavioral aspects. This poses a research gap for more interdisciplinary research that studies the adoption of design methods from all three perspectives (i.e., process and methodology, organization, and human behavior). Six parallel case studies were carried out with three different product development and manufacturing organizations to collect qualitative empirical data. Glaserian grounded theory was used to analyze the collected data. This resulted in a descriptive framework that captures 53 interdisciplinary factors influencing the adoption of sustainable design practices using new and improved design methods. The descriptive framework is compared to interdisciplinary literature to further clarify and explain the findings, highlighting both practical and theoretical implications. This research provides three main contributions to theory and practice: (1) Two new concepts are introduced and used to explain the empirical findings, which are referred to as the dualism of design methods, and the situational design problem; (2) Nine systemic barriers and eight propositions are formulated, which highlight the need for a paradigm shift in how design is practiced in industry, how cognitive biases inside organizations can lead to a state of pseudo-sustainability, and the need for improved information and data management capabilities in organizations; (3) Sustainable design thinking is proposed as an potential enabler to address several of the main barriers, as it aims to provide a base competence of sustainable design to systematically challenge cognitive biases inside organizations.

Industrial adoption

Sustainability transformation

Design methods

Glaserian grounded theory

Sustainable design practices


Adam Mallalieu

Chalmers, Industri- och materialvetenskap, Produktutveckling

Sophie Isaksson Hallstedt

Chalmers, Industri- och materialvetenskap, Produktutveckling

Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, BTH

Ola Isaksson

Chalmers, Industri- och materialvetenskap, Produktutveckling

Matilda Watz

Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, BTH

Lars Almefelt

Chalmers, Industri- och materialvetenskap, Produktutveckling

Sustainable Production and Consumption

2352-5509 (eISSN)

Vol. 51 137-158

Digital Sustainability Implementation Package (DSIP)

VINNOVA, 2021-03-01 -- 2023-03-01.

VINNOVA (2020-04163), 2021-03-01 -- 2023-03-01.



Tvärvetenskapliga studier

Systemvetenskap, informationssystem och informatik med samhällsvetenskaplig inriktning



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