Hamidreza Abedi

Showing 20 publications


Assessment of Wind Field Generation Methods on Predicted Wind Turbine Power Production Using a Free Vortex Filament Wake Approach

Hamidreza Abedi, Bastian Nebenführ, Lars Davidson
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. Vol. 144 (2)
Journal article

Development of blade element momentum (BEM) method for hydropower

Hamidreza Abedi, Cristóbal Ibáñez Uribe, Jonathan Fahlbeck et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 1079 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Numerical modelling of neutral atmospheric boundary layer flow through heterogeneous forest canopies in complex terrain (a case study of a Swedish wind farm)

Hamidreza Abedi, Saptarshi Sarkar, Håkan Johansson
Renewable Energy. Vol. 180, p. 806-828
Journal article

Synergistic technology combinations for future commercial aircraft using liquid hydrogen

Pavlos Rompokos, Andrew Rolt, Devaiah Nalianda et al
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. Vol. 143 (7)
Journal article

Site-specific analysis of on wind turbines in complex terrain: A case study

Saptarshi Sarkar, Hamidreza Abedi, Håkan Johansson et al
WESC2021, Wind Energy Science Conference , The Conference Book (Intro) with the Book of Abstracts (Theme 01 - 10). Vol. Theme 02, p. 2-111-2-112
Other conference contribution

Synergistic technology combinations for future commercial aircraft using liquid hydrogen

Pavlos Rompokos, Andrew Rolt, Devaiah Nalianda et al
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. Vol. 3
Paper in proceeding

Development of fuel and heat management systems for liquid hydrogen powered aircraft

Carlos Xisto, Hamidreza Abedi, Isak Jonsson et al
Other conference contribution

Feasibility Study of a Radical Vane-Integrated Heat Exchanger for Turbofan Engine Applications

Isak Jonsson, Carlos Xisto, Hamidreza Abedi et al
Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo. Vol. 7C-2020
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of wind turbines under harsh operation conditions

Anders Wickström, Håkan Johansson, Hamidreza Abedi et al
Other conference contribution

Enhancement of Free Vortex Filament Method for Aerodynamic Loads on Rotor Blades

Hamidreza Abedi, Lars Davidson, Spyros Voutsinas
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. Vol. 139 (3), p. Article number 031007-
Journal article

Development of Free Vortex Wake Model for Wind Turbine Aerodynamics under Yaw Condition

Hamidreza Abedi, Lars Davidson, Spyros Voutsinas
34th Wind Energy Symposium, 2016; San Diego; United States; 4 January 2016 through 8 January 2016
Paper in proceeding

Numerical Studies of the Upstream Flow Field around a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine

Hamidreza Abedi, Lars Davidson, Spyros Voutsinas
33rd Wind Energy Symposium, Kissimmee, Florida, p. 12-
Paper in proceeding

Development of Free Vortex Wake Method for Yaw Misalignment Effect on the Thrust Vector and Generated Power

Hamidreza Abedi, Lars Davidson, Spyros Voutsinas
32nd AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference 2014; Atlanta, GA; United States; 16 June 2014 through 20 June 2014
Paper in proceeding

Development of Free Vortex Wake Method for Aerodynamic Loads on Rotor Blades

Hamidreza Abedi, Lars Davidson, Spyros Voutsinas
EWEA 2014: Europe’s Premier Wind Energy Event, Barcelona, Spain
Paper in proceeding

Enhancement of Free Vortex Filament Method for Aerodynamic Loads on Rotor Blades

Hamidreza Abedi, Lars Davidson, Spyros Voutsinas
ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Montreal, Canada. Vol. 6B
Paper in proceeding

Vortex Method Application for Aerodynamic Loads on Rotor Blades

Hamidreza Abedi, Lars Davidson, Spyros Voutsinas
EWEA 2013: Europe’s Premier Wind Energy Event, Vienna, 4-7 February 2013. Vol. 2, p. 912-921
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 2 research projects


Site-Adaptive Analysis Methods to Predict and Enhance Lifetime of Wind Turbines

Håkan Johansson Dynamics
Sara Fogelström Power grids and Components
Hamidreza Abedi Fluid Dynamics
Quanjiang Yu Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Michael Patriksson Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Lars Davidson Fluid Dynamics
Viktor Berbyuk Dynamics
Swedish Wind Power Technology Center (SWPTC)

9 publications exist

Analys av flytande vindkraftverk

Hamidreza Abedi Fluid Dynamics
Swedish Wind Power Technology Center (SWPTC)

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