Aljoscha Lautenbach

Showing 8 publications


Gap analysis of ISO/SAE 21434 – Improving the automotive cybersecurity engineering life cycle

Daniel Grimm, Aljoscha Lautenbach, Magnus Almgren et al
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC, p. 1904-1911
Paper in proceeding

Proposing HEAVENS 2.0 – an automotive risk assessment model

Aljoscha Lautenbach, Magnus Almgren, Tomas Olovsson
Proceedings - CSCS 2021: ACM Computer Science in Cars Symposium
Paper in proceeding

A Preliminary Security Assessment of 5G V2X

Aljoscha Lautenbach, Nasser Nowdehi, Tomas Olovsson et al
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference. Vol. 2019-April
Paper in proceeding

Understanding Common Automotive Security Issues and Their Implications

Aljoscha Lautenbach, Magnus Almgren, Tomas Olovsson
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 11552 LNCS, p. 19-34
Paper in proceeding

What the Stack? On Memory Exploitation and Protection in Resource Constrained Automotive Systems

Aljoscha Lautenbach, Magnus Almgren, Tomas Olovsson
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 10707 LNCS, p. 185-193
Paper in proceeding

In-vehicle CAN message authentication: An evaluation based on industrial criteria

Nasser Nowdehi, Aljoscha Lautenbach, Tomas Olovsson
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference. Vol. 2017-September, p. 2413-2419
Paper in proceeding

On Cyber-Security for In-Vehicle Software

Aljoscha Lautenbach
Licentiate thesis

A risk assessment framework for automotive embedded systems

Mafijul Islam, Aljoscha Lautenbach, C. Sandberg et al
CPSS '16: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Workshop on Cyber-Physical System Security, p. 3-14
Paper in proceeding

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