Johan Åström

Showing 25 publications


Incorporating Expert Judgments in Utility Evaluation of Bacteroidales qPCR Assays for Microbial Source Tracking in a Drinking Water Source

Johan Åström, Thomas Pettersson, G. H. Reischer et al
Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 49 (3), p. 1311-1318
Journal article

Performance Characteristics of qPCR Assays Targeting Human- and Ruminant-Associated Bacteroidetes for Microbial Source Tracking across Sixteen Countries on Six Continents

G. H. Reischer, J. E. Ebdon, J. M. Bauer et al
Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 47 (15), p. 8548-8556
Journal article

Short-term microbial release during rain events from on-site sewers and cattle in a surface water source

Johan Åström, Thomas Pettersson, G. H. Reischer et al
Journal of Water and Health. Vol. 11 (3), p. 430-442
Journal article

Water quality modelling, monitoring and microbial source tracking for microbial risk assessment of a drinking water source

Ekaterina Sokolova, Thomas Pettersson, Johan Åström et al
Åttonde Nordiska Dricksvattenkonferensen, Svenskt Vatten, NordIWA, Stockholm, 18-20 juni 2012, p. 94-98
Conference poster

Estimation of pathogen concentrations in a drinking water source using hydrodynamic modelling and microbial source tracking

Ekaterina Sokolova, Johan Åström, Thomas Pettersson et al
Journal of Water and Health. Vol. 10 (3), p. 358-370
Journal article

Decay of Bacteroidales Genetic Markers in Relation to Traditional Fecal Indicators for Water Quality Modeling of Drinking Water Sources

Ekaterina Sokolova, Johan Åström, Thomas Pettersson et al
Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 46 (2), p. 892-900
Journal article

Microbial Risks in Surface Water Sources

Johan Åström
Doctoral thesis

Microbial Contaminants Removal in a Stormwater Pond

Thomas Pettersson, Johan Åström
Highway and Urban Environment: Proceedings of the 9th Highway and Urban Environment symposium. (Alliance for Global Sustainability Bookseries Science and Technology: Tools for Sustainable Development. Vol 17), p. 177-185
Paper in proceeding

Kvantitativ mikrobiell källspårning med Bacteroidales qPCR för bedömning och åtgärder av patogenrisker i en ytvattentäkt

Johan Åström, Thomas Pettersson, Malte Hermansson et al
Den 7. Nordiske Drikkevandskonference, 7.-9. juni 2010, DGI-byen, Köpenhamn, Danmark, p. 195-
Other conference contribution

A global assessment of the source specificity, sensitivity and geographical stability of Bacteroidetes qPCR assays for microbial source tracking

Johan Åström
Abstract, WaterMicro 2009. 15th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology, Greece, s., p. 66-68
Other conference contribution

Variability analysis of pathogen and indicator loads from urban sewer systems along a river

Johan Åström, Thomas Pettersson, Thor Axel Stenström et al
Water Science and Technology. Vol. 59 (2), p. 203-212
Journal article

Enhancing consumer relations: the role of trust and confidence

Greg Morrison, Johan Åström, Jeanette Hartung
TECHNEAU: Safe Drinking Water from Source to Tap. State of the Art & Perspectives, p. 419-428
Paper in proceeding

Microbial impact from human and animal faecal sources around the drinking water source Lake Rådasjön

Johan Åström, Thomas Pettersson, Malte Hermansson
Abstract, WaterMicro 2009. 15th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology, Greece, p. 165-166
Conference poster

Application of a QMRA model for surface water treatment to investigate a waterborne outbreak of calicivirus

Gerald Heinicke, Johan Åström, Charlie Hartlid et al
American Water Works Association, Global Conference on Microbial Contaminants in Drinking Water 2009, 5-8 October, Singapore, p. 7-
Other conference contribution

Integrated risk analysis from source to tap: Case study Göteborg

Andreas Lindhe, Lars Rosen, Tommy Norberg et al
The 6th Nordic Drinking Water Conference, Oslo, Norway, 9-11 June, 2008, p. 231-241
Other conference contribution

Identification and management of microbial contaminations in a surface drinking water source

Johan Åström, Thomas Pettersson, Thor Axel Stenström
Journal of Water and Health. Vol. 5 (1), p. 67-79
Journal article

Variability analysis of pathogen and indicator loads from urban wastewater systems along a river for drinking water risk estimations

Johan Åström, Thomas Pettersson, Thor Axel Stenström et al
Abstract, WaterMicro 2007. 14th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology. Vol. Extended abstract (P1036), p. 2-
Conference poster

Evaluation of the microbial risk reduction due to selective closure of the raw water intake before drinking water treatment

Johan Åström, Susan Petterson, Olof Bergstedt et al
Journal of Water and Health. Vol. 5 (1), p. 81-97
Journal article

Ökade föroreningar i råvattnet – hur förebygger vi hälsoriskerna?

Johan Åström, Thomas Pettersson
Svenskt Vatten. Vol. 2006 (5), p. 22-25
Magazine article

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