Kristoffer Fürst

Doctoral Student at Electric Power Engineering

Kristoffer Fürst is a Ph.D. student in the division of Electric Power Engineering, where the focus of his research is on citizen energy communities and smart meter data analysis. The project aims to contribute with digitalization technology to estimate peak and flexibility demand in the grid. The project is a cooperation with The Swedish Energy Agency and Energiforsk.

Image of Kristoffer Fürst

Showing 4 publications


Hierarchical LSTM-Based Classification of Household Heating Types Using Measurement Data

Kristoffer Fürst, Peiyuan Chen, Irene Yu-Hua Gu
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. Vol. 15 (2), p. 2261-2270
Journal article

Support vector machine for classification of households' heating type using load curves

Kristoffer Fürst, Peiyuan Chen, Irene Yu-Hua Gu
IET Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2023 (6), p. 3884-3888
Paper in proceeding

Drivers and Barriers to Deploy Microgrid in Sweden

Oskar Nordlander Hurtig, Matilda Arvidsson, Max Hessman et al
IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe. Vol. 2022-October
Paper in proceeding

Improved Peak Load Estimation from Single and Multiple Consumer Categories

Kristoffer Fürst, Peiyuan Chen, Irene Yu-Hua Gu et al
IET Conference Publications. Vol. 2020 (CP767), p. 178-181
Paper in proceeding

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