Adrian Gunnarsson

Showing 23 publications
Heat Transfer Conditions in Hydrogen-Fired Rotary Kilns for Iron Ore Processing
Full-scale 3D-modelling of the radiative heat transfer in rotary kilns with a present bed material
Discrete-Ordinates Modelling of the Radiative Heat Transfer in a Pilot-Scale Rotary Kiln
Heat transfer modelling of industrial rotary kilns for iron ore pelletizing
3D-Modelling of the Radiative Heat Transfer in Rotary Kilns with a Present Bed Material
Soot Formation and Radiative Heat Transfer in Oxy-Fuel and Oxygen-Enhanced Propane Flames
Measuring Radiation from High Pressure Oxy-Coal Flames
Full-Scale 3D-Modelling of the Radiative Heat Transfer in Rotary Kilns with a Present Bed Material
Heat Transfer Conditions in a Rotary Kiln Test Furnace Using Coal, Biomass and co-firing Burners
3D-modelling of the radiative heat transfer in a rotary kiln for iron ore pellets production
Modelling and measurements of radiation in a 400kWth rotary kiln test furnace
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Showing 1 research projects