Adrian Gunnarsson

Assistant Professor at Energy Technology

Image of Adrian Gunnarsson

Showing 23 publications


Updated Weighted-Sum-of-Gray-Gases Model Parameters for a Wide Range of Water and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations and Temperatures up to 5000 K

Elias Ehlmé, Adrian Gunnarsson, Fredrik Normann et al
ACS Omega. Vol. 10 (3), p. 2978-2985
Journal article

Heat Transfer Conditions in Hydrogen-Fired Rotary Kilns for Iron Ore Processing

Elias Ehlmé, Adrian Gunnarsson, Klas Andersson et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 62 (37), p. 15098-15108
Journal article

A Comparison of Industrial-Scale Radiometer Heat Flux Measurements Between Pulverized-Coal and Coal/Biomass Co-Firing Combustion

Teri S. Draper, Adrian Gunnarsson, Andrew Fry et al
Journal article

Recirculation of NOx and SOx Scrubber Effluent to an Industrial Grate Fired MSW Boiler - Influence on Combustion Performance, Deposition Behavior, and Flue Gas Composition

Dan Gall, Thomas Allgurén, Jakob Johansson et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 36 (11), p. 5868-5877
Journal article

Full-scale 3D-modelling of the radiative heat transfer in rotary kilns with a present bed material

Adrian Gunnarsson, Klas Andersson, Bradley R. Adams et al
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 147
Journal article

Discrete-Ordinates Modelling of the Radiative Heat Transfer in a Pilot-Scale Rotary Kiln

Adrian Gunnarsson, Klas Andersson, Bradley R. Adams et al
Energies. Vol. 13 (9)
Journal article

In-situ soot characterization of propane flames and influence of additives in a 100 kW oxy-fuel furnace using two-dimensional laser-induced incandescence

J. Simonsson, Adrian Gunnarsson, M. Naduvil Mannazhi et al
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. Vol. 37 (1), p. 833-840
Journal article

Heat transfer modelling of industrial rotary kilns for iron ore pelletizing

Adrian Gunnarsson, Klas Andersson, Bradley R. Adams
Other conference contribution

3D-Modelling of the Radiative Heat Transfer in Rotary Kilns with a Present Bed Material

Klas Andersson, Adrian Gunnarsson, Bradley R. Adams
Other conference contribution

Soot Formation and Radiative Heat Transfer in Oxy-Fuel and Oxygen-Enhanced Propane Flames

Adrian Gunnarsson, Johan Simonsson, Daniel Bäckström et al
Other conference contribution

Radiative Heat Transfer Modeling and in Situ Diagnostics of Soot in an 80 kWth Propane Flame with Varying Feed-Gas Oxygen Concentration

Adrian Gunnarsson, Johan Simonsson, Daniel Bäckström et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 57 (36), p. 12288-12295
Journal article

Measuring Radiation from High Pressure Oxy-Coal Flames

Lara Houghton, Bradley R. Adams, Andrew Fry et al
Other conference contribution

Full-Scale 3D-Modelling of the Radiative Heat Transfer in Rotary Kilns with a Present Bed Material

Adrian Gunnarsson, Klas Andersson, Bradley R. Adams
Other conference contribution

Measurements and Modeling of the Soot Volume Fraction in Propane Flames Using Laser Techniques and Radiative Heat Transfer Models

Adrian Gunnarsson, Daniel Bäckström, Klas Andersson et al
Clearwater Clean Energy Conference
Other conference contribution

Radiative Heat Transfer Conditions in a Rotary Kiln Test Furnace Using Coal, Biomass, and Cofiring Burners

Adrian Gunnarsson, Daniel Bäckström, Robert Johansson et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 31 (7), p. 7482-7492
Journal article

Measurement of the size distribution, volume fraction and optical properties of soot in an 80kW propane flame

Daniel Bäckström, Adrian Gunnarsson, Dan Gall et al
Combustion and Flame. Vol. 186, p. 325-334
Journal article

Heat Transfer Conditions in a Rotary Kiln Test Furnace Using Coal, Biomass and co-firing Burners

Adrian Gunnarsson, Daniel Bäckström, Robert Johansson et al
Clearwater Clean Coal Conference, 2016.06.05-2016.06.09, Clearwater, Florida, USA
Other conference contribution

Radiative heat transfer conditions in a rotary kiln test furnace for iron ore pellet production using coal, biomass and co-firing burners

Adrian Gunnarsson, Daniel Bäckström, Klas Andersson et al
Other conference contribution

3D-modelling of the radiative heat transfer in a rotary kiln for iron ore pellets production

Adrian Gunnarsson, Robert Johansson, Klas Andersson et al
Nordic Flame Days, 2015.10.06-2015.10.07, Helsingör
Other conference contribution

Modelling and measurements of radiation in a 400kWth rotary kiln test furnace

Adrian Gunnarsson, Daniel Bäckström, Robert Johansson et al
Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, 2015.04.07-2015.04.10, Porto Gaia, Portugal
Other conference contribution

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Showing 1 research projects


Controlling product quality and energy efficiency in carbon-free cement production with thermal plasma

Adrian Gunnarsson Energy Technology
Klas Andersson Energy Technology
European Commission (EC)

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