Anne-Marie Hermansson

Professor Emeritus at Food and Nutrition Science

Anne-Marie Hermansson, professor (emerita) in structured biomaterials, graduated in chemical engineering at Chalmers, PhD in Lund, and has over the years focused her research on biopolymers and biomaterials related to food. She has been Head of Department at the Institute of Food and Biotechnology, (now RISE Agrifood and Bioscience) and adjunct professor of food science at Chalmers. In 2007 she moved to Chalmers, initiated the center of excellence SuMo Biomaterials and became professor at the department of Applied Surface Chemistry at Chalmers. In 2007, Anne-Marie Hermansson was awarded the IVA gold medal. She became Vice President of Chalmers 2010. For her work on establishing the Chalmers Areas of Advance as well as highlighting the role of science in society and the research required to meet global challenges for growth and sustainable development, she was awarded the Chalmers Medal 2016.

Image of Anne-Marie Hermansson

Showing 40 publications


Global missions and the critical needs of food science and technology

P.J. Lillford, Anne-Marie Hermansson
Trends in Food Science and Technology. Vol. 111, p. 800-811
Review article

Interconnectivity imaged in three dimensions: Nano-particulate silica-hydrogel structure revealed using electron tomography

Charlotte Hamngren Blomqvist, Tobias Gebäck, A. Altskär et al
Micron. Vol. 100, p. 91-105
Journal article

Interplay between flow and diffusion in capillary alginate hydrogels

Erich Schuster, Kristin Sott, Anna Ström et al
Soft Matter. Vol. 12 (17), p. 3897-3907
Journal article

Innovation genom forskning och långsiktig samverkan mellan akademi och näringsliv

Anne-Marie Hermansson, Rolf Andersson, Anette Larsson et al
Sveriges entreprenöriella ekosystem - Företag, akademi, politik, p. 359-
Book chapter

Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching in material and life sciences: Putting theory into practice

Niklas Lorén, Joel H Hagman, Jenny Jonasson et al
Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics. Vol. 48 (3), p. 323-387
Journal article

Pore size effects on convective flow and diffusion through nanoporous silica gels

Charlotte Hamngren Blomqvist, Christoffer Abrahamsson, Tobias Gebäck et al
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. Vol. 484, p. 288-296
Journal article

Novel Method for Visualizing Water Transport Through Phase-Separated Polymer Films

Anna Jansson, Catherine Boissier, M. Marucci et al
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 20 (2), p. 394-406
Journal article

Water in Soft Materials - ISOPOW XII conference (2013)

Niklas Lorén, Anette Larsson, Lilia Ahrné et al
Applied Rheology. Vol. 24 (1), p. 44-46
Other conference contribution

Probe diffusion in phase-separated bicontinuous biopolymer gels

Sophia Wassén, Romain Bordes, Tobias Gebäck et al
Soft Matter. Vol. 10 (41), p. 8276-8287
Journal article

Interactions and Diffusion in Fine-Stranded beta-lactoglobulin Gels Determined via FRAP and Binding

Erich Schuster, Anne-Marie Hermansson, Camilla Öhgren et al
Biophysical Journal. Vol. 106 (1), p. 253-262
Journal article

Microstructural, mechanical and mass transport properties of isotropic and capillary alginate gels

Erich Schuster, Johanna Eckardt, Anne-Marie Hermansson et al
Soft Matter. Vol. 10 (2), p. 357-366
Journal article

MicroPIV methodology using model systems for flow studies in heterogeneous biopolymer gel microstructures

Kristin Sott, Tobias Gebäck, Maria Pihl et al
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. Vol. 398 (15 May 2013), p. 262-269
Journal article

Effects of confinement on phase separation kinetics and final morphology of whey protein isolate-gellan gum mixtures

Sophia Wassén, Niklas Lorén, K. van Bemmel et al
Soft Matter. Vol. 9 (9), p. 2738-2749
Journal article

Novel Method for Controlled Wetting of Materials in the Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope

Anna Jansson, Alexandra Nafari, Anke Sanz-Velasco et al
Microscopy and Microanalysis. Vol. 19 (1), p. 30-37
Journal article

Viscoelasticity and microstructure of a hierarchical soft composite based on nano-cellulose and kappa-carrageenan

Diana Gomez-Martinez, Mats Stading, Anne-Marie Hermansson
Rheologica Acta. Vol. 52 (10-12), p. 823-831
Journal article

Correlation between viscoelasticity and microstructure of a hierarchical soft composite based on nanocellulose and k-carrageenan

Diana Gomez-Martinez, Mats Stading, Anne-Marie Hermansson
Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society. Vol. 20, p. 117-121
Paper in proceeding

Microfluidic production of monodisperse biopolymer particles with reproducible morphology by kinetic control

Sophia Wassén, E. Rondeau, Kristin Sott et al
Food Hydrocolloids. Vol. 28 (1), p. 20-27
Journal article

Probe diffusion in κ-carrageenan gels determined by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching

Joel H Hagman, Niklas Lorén, Anne-Marie Hermansson
Food Hydrocolloids. Vol. 29 (1), p. 106-115
Journal article

Surface-Directed Structure Formation of beta-Lactoglobulin Inside Droplets

C. Ohgren, Niklas Lorén, A. Altskär et al
Biomacromolecules. Vol. 12 (6), p. 2235-2242
Journal article

Modelling and confocal microscopy of biopolymer mixtures in confined geometries

Sophia Fransson, O. Peleg, Niklas Lorén et al
Soft Matter. Vol. 6 (12), p. 2713-2722
Journal article

Marine-Inspired Water-Structured Biomaterials

Anne-Marie Hermansson, P. Olofsson, S. Ekstedt et al
Water Properties in Food, Health, Pharmaceutical and Biological Systems: ISOPOW 10, p. 385-395
Book chapter

Effect of Gelatin Gelation Kinetics on Probe Diffusion Determined by FRAP and Rheology

Joel H Hagman, Niklas Lorén, Anne-Marie Hermansson
Biomacromolecules. Vol. 11 (12), p. 3359-3366
Journal article

Biomaterials Research and Innovation in Western Sweden: A strategy for Regional Clustering & Global Links

Annika Rickne, Christina Ceasar, Anne-Marie Hermansson et al

Protein Hydration in Structure Creation

P.J. Lillford, Anne-Marie Hermansson
Water Properties in Food, Health, Pharmaceutical and Biological Systems: ISOPOW 10, p. 237-250
Book chapter

Dendrimer diffusion in k-carrageenan gel structures

Niklas Lorén, Lyuba Shtykova, S Kidman et al
Biomacromolecules. Vol. 10 (2), p. 275- 284
Journal article

Determination of local diffusion properties in heterogeneous biomaterials

Niklas Lorén, Magnus Nydén, Anne-Marie Hermansson
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science. Vol. 150 (1), p. 5-15
Journal article

Sweetness and texture perception in mixed pectin gels with 30% sugar and a designed rheology

Karin Holm, K. Wendin, Anne-Marie Hermansson
LWT - Food Science and Technology. Vol. 42 (3), p. 788-795
Journal article

Sweetness and texture perceptions in structured gelatin gels with embedded sugar rich domains

Karin Holm, K. Wendin, Anne-Marie Hermansson
Food Hydrocolloids. Vol. 23 (8), p. 2388-2393
Journal article

Microstructure and kinetic rheological behavior of amidated and nonamidated LM pectin gels

Caroline E E Löfgren, S Guillotin, Anne-Marie Hermansson
Biomacromolecules. Vol. 7, p. 114-121
Journal article

Microstructure control for ingredient processing

Maud Langton, G Richardson, Anne-Marie Hermansson et al
Gums and stabillisers for the food industry: 13th Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference; Wrexham; United Kingdom; 20 June 2005 through 24 June 2005, p. 161-169
Paper in proceeding

The effect of microstructure on solvent and solute diffusion on the micro-and nanolength scales

Anne-Marie Hermansson, Niklas Lorén, Magnus Nydén
Water Properties of Food, Pharmaceutical, and Biological Materials, p. 79-100
Book chapter

Effects of Calcium, pH, and Blockiness on Kinetic Rheological Behavior and Microstructure of HM Pectin Gels

Caroline E E Löfgren, Stephanie Guillotin, Hanne Evenbratt et al
Biomacromolecules. Vol. 6 (2), p. 646-652
Journal article

The importance of microstructure for water diffusion on micro and nano length scales

Anne-Marie Hermansson, Magnus Nydén
Water properties of Food, Pharmaceuticals and Biological Materials
Book chapter

Drop deformation dynamics and gel kinetics in a co-flowing water-in-oil system

Anne-Marie Hermansson
J. Coll. Int. Sci 286, p. 378-386
Journal article

Measuring shapes for application in complex food structures

Anne-Marie Hermansson
Food Hydrocolloids
Journal article

Effects of calcium, pH and blockiness on kinetic rheological behavior and microstructure of HM pectin gels

Anne-Marie Hermansson
Biomacromolecules 6, p. 647-652
Journal article

Effects of confined geometry on water-in-water emulsions exposed to shear

Anne-Marie Hermansson
Journal article

Dietary bulk as a limiting factor for nutrient intake in preschool children. II. Consistency as related to dietary bulk - a model study

Å Hellström, Anne-Marie Hermansson, A Karlsson et al
Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. Vol. 27, p. 127-135
Journal article

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