C A Morgan Andersson
Showing 29 publications
Approaches and Methods in Architectural Research
Potential för kvarboende. Sovrumskapacitet - rumslig närhet - funktionell autonomi
Assisted living for the elderly-Features of a swedish model
Perceived safety in extra-care housing for senior residents
Normative and relational aspects of architectural space
Debatt – Hög tid för socialt bostadsbyggande.
Normative and relative aspects of the usability of common spaces in assisted living for older people
Assisted Living: Long-term housing solution or short-term care at the end of life?
The relativity of common room usability in assisted living
Exploring the Function and Use of Common Spaces in Assisted Living for Older Persons
Att skapa hemkänsla på särskilt boende
New Swedish forensic psychiatric facilities: visions and outcomes.
Klargör hur bra boende för äldre bör planeras
Ett besök på Trädgårdsgatans äldreboende - en anhörig reflekterar
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Showing 2 research projects