Arsalan Najafi

Postdoc at Geology and Geotechnics

Arsalan Najafi is a postdoc research fellow at the devision of Architecture and Civil Engineering with the Urban Mobility Group. His research focuses on transportation electrification, multi-energy systems and application of optimization methods to multi-sector energy systems.

Image of Arsalan Najafi

Showing 14 publications


Integrated planning, operation and optimization of coupled transportation and energy systems

Arsalan Najafi, Kun Gao, Omkar Parishwad et al
Multimodal Transportation. Vol. 4 (2)
Other text in scientific journal

Data-driven rolling eco-speed optimization for autonomous vehicles

Ying Yang, Kun Gao, Shaohua Cui et al
Frontiers of Engineering Management. Vol. 11 (4), p. 620-632
Journal article

Coordination of coupled electrified road systems and active power distribution networks with flexibility integration

Arsalan Najafi, Georgios Tsaousoglou, Kun Gao et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 369
Journal article

Prediction of State of Charge in Electric Buses Using Supervised Machine Learning Techniques

Arsalan Najafi, Omkar Parishwad, Mingyang Pei
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Vol. 407 SIST, p. 131-141
Paper in proceeding

Shared e-scooter Usage Trends in a Swedish City: A Spatial Analysis

Omkar Parishwad, Hannes Lillieblad, Arsalan Najafi
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Vol. 407 SIST, p. 107-117
Paper in proceeding

Energy Consumption of Electric Buses Under Operational Data of Transit System

Arsalan Najafi, Omkar Parishwad, Antonia Wise et al
Proceedings - 24th EEEIC International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 8th I and CPS Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC/I and CPS Europe 2024
Paper in proceeding

Integration of UAVs with public transit for delivery: Quantifying system benefits and policy implications

Shaohua Cui, Ying Yang, Kun Gao et al
Transportation Research Part A: General. Vol. 183
Journal article

Operation and Planning of Energy Hubs Under Uncertainty - a Review of Mathematical Optimization Approaches

Michal Jasinski, Arsalan Najafi, Omid Homaee et al
IEEE Access. Vol. 11, p. 7208-7228
Journal article

Joint optimal vehicle and recharging scheduling for mixed bus fleets under limited chargers

Shaohua Cui, Kun Gao, Bin Yu et al
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. Vol. 180
Journal article

Analyzing and Optimizing the Emission Impact of Intersection Signal Control in Mixed Traffic

Jieyu Fan, Arsalan Najafi, Jokhio Sarang et al
Sustainability (Switzerland). Vol. 15 (22)
Journal article

Microgrid working conditions identification based on cluster analysis – a case study from Lambda Microgrid

Michal Jasinski, Luigi Martirano, Arsalan Najafi et al
IEEE Access. Vol. 10, p. 70971-70979
Journal article

Optimal Self-scheduling of a real Energy Hub considering local DG units and Demand Response under Uncertainties

Mostafa Kermani, Erfan Shirdare, Arsalan Najafi et al
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Vol. 57 (4), p. 3396-3405
Journal article

A hybrid IGDT-robust optimization model for optimal self-scheduling of a smart home

Arsalan Najafi, Mostafa Kermani, Michal Jasinski et al
Conference Record - IAS Annual Meeting (IEEE Industry Applications Society). Vol. 2021-October
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 2 research projects


Electrifying multimodal public transport with distributed renewable energy (e-REMPT)

Kun Gao Transportgruppen
Maria Taljegård Energy Technology
Xiaohan Liu Geology and Geotechnics 2
Arsalan Najafi Geology and Geotechnics 2

1 publication exists

Electric Multimodal Transport Systems for Enhancing Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (eMATS)

Kun Gao Transportgruppen
Arsalan Najafi Geology and Geotechnics 2
Yuan Liao Physical Resource Theory 2
Omkar Parishwad Transportgruppen
Swedish Energy Agency
European Commission (EC)

3 publications exist
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