Alireza Sheikh

Showing 20 publications


Refined Reliability Combining for Binary Message Passing Decoding of Product Codes

Alireza Sheikh, Alexandre Graell I Amat, G. Liva et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 39 (15), p. 4958-4973
Journal article

Novel High-Throughput Decoding Algorithms for Product and Staircase Codes based on Error-and-Erasure Decoding

Alireza Sheikh, Alexandre Graell I Amat, Alex Alvarado
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 39 (15), p. 4909-4922
Journal article

On Product Codes with Probabilistic Amplitude Shaping for High-Throughput Fiber-Optic Systems

Alireza Sheikh, Alexandre Graell I Amat, Alex Alvarado
IEEE Communications Letters. Vol. 24 (11), p. 2406-2410
Journal article

Binary Message Passing Decoding of Product-like Codes

Alireza Sheikh, Alexandre Graell I Amat, Gianluigi Liva
IEEE Transactions on Communications. Vol. 67 (12), p. 8167-8178
Journal article

Binary Message Passing Decoding of Product Codes Based on Generalized Minimum Distance Decoding: (Invited Paper)

Alireza Sheikh, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Gianluigi Liva
2019 53rd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, CISS 2019
Paper in proceeding

On parameter optimization of product codes for iterative bounded distance decoding with scaled reliability

Alireza Sheikh, Alexandre Graell I Amat, Gianluigi Liva et al
IET Conference Publications. Vol. 2019
Paper in proceeding

Energy-Efficient Soft-Assisted Product Decoders

Christoffer Fougstedt, Alireza Sheikh, Alexandre Graell i Amat et al
2019 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2019 - Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

On Low-Complexity Decoding of Product Codes for High-Throughput Fiber-Optic Systems

Alireza Sheikh, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Gianluigi Liva et al
International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing, ISTC. Vol. 2018-December
Paper in proceeding

Probabilistic Amplitude Shaping with Hard Decision Decoding and Staircase Codes

Alireza Sheikh, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Gianluigi Liva et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 36 (9), p. 1689-1697
Journal article

Filter Implementation for Power-Efficient Chromatic Dispersion Compensation

Christoffer Fougstedt, Alireza Sheikh, Pontus Johannisson et al
IEEE Photonics Journal. Vol. 10 (4)
Journal article

Iterative Bounded Distance Decoding of Product Codes with Scaled Reliability

Alireza Sheikh, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Gianluigi Liva
European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. Vol. 2018-September
Paper in proceeding

Achievable Information Rates for Coded Modulation With Hard Decision Decoding for Coherent Fiber-Optic Systems

Alireza Sheikh, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Gianluigi Liva
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 35 (23), p. 5069-5078
Journal article

On Achievable Information Rates for Coherent Fiber-Optic Systems with Hard Decision Decoding

Alireza Sheikh, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Gianluigi Liva
European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. Vol. 2017-September
Paper in proceeding

Nonbinary Staircase Codes for Spectrally and Energy Efficient Fiber-Optic Systems

Alireza Sheikh, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Magnus Karlsson
Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2017, p. W1J.1-
Paper in proceeding

Probabilistically-Shaped Coded Modulation with Hard Decision Decoding for Coherent Optical Systems

Alireza Sheikh, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Gianluigi Liva
European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC. Vol. 2017-September
Paper in proceeding

Dispersion Compensation FIR Filter with Improved Robustness to Coefficient Quantization Errors

Alireza Sheikh, Christoffer Fougstedt, Alexandre Graell i Amat et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 34 (22), p. 5110-5117
Journal article

Power-Efficient Time-Domain Dispersion Compensation Using Optimized FIR Filter Implementation

Christoffer Fougstedt, Alireza Sheikh, Pontus Johannisson et al
Signal Processing in Photonics Communications, SPPCom 2015; Boston, MA; United States; 27 June 2015-1 July 2015, p. SpT3D.3-
Paper in proceeding

Dispersion Compensation Filter Design Optimized for Robustness and Power Efficiency

Alireza Sheikh, Christoffer Fougstedt, Alexandre Graell i Amat et al
Signal Processing in Photonics Communications, SPPCom 2015; Boston, MA; United States; 27 June 2015 through 1 July 2015, p. SpT3D.2-
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Energy-efficient optical fibre communication

Christoffer Fougstedt Computer Engineering (Chalmers)
Kevin Cushon Computer Engineering (Chalmers)
Anders Larsson Photonics
Magnus Karlsson Photonics
Per Larsson-Edefors Computer Engineering (Chalmers)
Peter Andrekson Photonics
Lars Lundberg Photonics
Alexandre Graell i Amat Communication Systems
Erik Agrell Communication Systems
Alireza Sheikh Communication Systems
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

27 publications exist
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