Bengt Andersson
Examina and Positions at the Department of Chemical Reaction Engineering:
1971 : M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology
1977 : BA in Economy, Philosophy and Psychology, University of Gothenburg
1977 : Ph.D. in Chemical Reaction Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology
1977-1991 : Lecturer at the department of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology
1984-1985 : Visiting Scientist at Northwestern University, Illinois, USA
1991-1994 : Nordic professor in Catalysis
1994 - Professor at the department of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology
I teach basic chemical reaction engineering, mathematical modelling, optimization and experimental planning at undergraduate level and advanced chemical reaction engineering, catalysis and regression analysis at graduate level.
Chemical reactors: Slurry reactors have been studied both theoretically by CFD modelling and experimentally. Monolith catalyst reactors is studied both as catalytic converters for emission control and as chemical reactors for chemical industry.
Catalyst deactivation: Catalyst deactivation by coke formatin is studied both for hydrogenation and dehydrogenation reactions.
Automotive catalysis: Low temperature activity, NOx-abatement and oxygen storage are the main fields of research in the automotive projects.

Showing 87 publications
On the Sherwood number correction due to Stefan flow
Particulate Matter Reduction in Residual Biomass Combustion
Particle modelling in biomass combustion using orthogonal collocation
Identification and characterization of three-dimensional turbulent flow structures
Time Resolution in Transient Kinetics
Enhancement of time resolution in transient kinetics
A comparison of fuel-cut ageing during retardation and fuel-cut during acceleration
Multidimensional turbulence spectra - Statistical analysis of turbulent vortices
Number Density of Turbulent Vortices in the Entire Energy Spectrum
CFD Characerization of Monolithic Reactors for Kinetic Studies
Mathematical Modeling in Chemical Engineering
Enhanced mass and heat transfer in catalytic reactors
Characterization of particulate matter from direct injected gasoline engines
Kinetic analysis of O2- and NO2-based oxidation of synthetic soot
Hydrothermal Aging-Induced Changes in Washcoats of Commercial Three-Way Catalysts
Turbulent operation of diesel oxidation catalysts for improved removal of particulate matter
Multidimensional Turbulence Spectra- Properties of Turbulent Vortices
The recurrent Guillain-Barre syndrome: a long-term population-based study
Multidimensional Turbulence Spectra-Statistical Analysis of Turbulent Vortices
A numerical method for the study of solid-liquid mass transfer in turbulent flows
Computational fluid dynamics for engineers
A novel multiphase DNS approach for handling solid particles in a rarefied gas
Multidimensional turbulence spectra – identifying properties of turbulent structures
Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers
Experimental Method for Kinetic Studies of Gas-Solid Reactions: Oxidation of Carbonaceous Matter
Numerical Simulations of Solid Particle Motion in Rarefied Flow Using VOF
Design of automotive flow-through catalysts with optimized soot trapping capability
Choice of urea-spray models in CFD simulations of urea-SCR systems
Simulations of Trapping of Diesel and Gasoline Particulate Matter in Flow-through Devices
Urea thermolysis studied under flow reactor conditions using DSC and FT-IR
Influence of carbon-catalyst interactions on carbon black oxidation
Kinetic studies on heterogeneous oxidation of carbon black
Simulations of trapping of diesel particulate matter in a metallic substrate with protrusions
Microkinetic modelling with global thermodynamic consistency
Analysis and Validation of the Breakup of Fluid Particles using Volume of Fluid Method
Ozone promoted carbon monoxide oxidation on platinum/gamma-alumina catalyst
Modeling the breakup of fluid particles in turbulent flows
Presumed mapping functions for eulerian modelling of turbulent mixing
The performance of a loop seal in a CFB boiler
A network-based analysis of allergen-challenged CD4+T cells from patients with allergic rhinitis
On the breakup of fluid particles in turbulent flows
Two-phase segmented flow in capillaries and monolith reactors
Lean hydrocarbon selective catalytic reduction over dual pore system zeolite mixtures
Development of a multi-scale simulation method for design of novel multiphase reactors
Kinetic modelling in automotive catalysis
Influence of the storage material on the storage of NOx at low temperatures
Influence of the storage material on the storage of NOx at low temperatures
Investigation of catalysts with hot active sites for low-temperature CO oxidation
Low-temperature activity of NOx adsorbing materials
Enhanced low-temperature catalytic activity due to transient gas composition changes
Pressure drop of monolithic catalytic converters -Experiments and modelling
Induced low temperature catalytic ignition by transient changes in the gas composition
Mean Field Modelling of NOx Storage on Pt/BaO/Al2O3
Induced low-temperature catalytic ignition by transient changes in the gas composition
Mean field modelling of NOx storage on Pt/BaO/Al2O3
Periodic control for improved low-temperature catalytic activity
A Kinetic Study of NO Oxidation and NOx Storage on Pt/Al2O3 and Pt/BaO/Al2O3
Methane and nitric oxide conversion over a catalyst dedicated for natural gas vehicles
A kinetic study of oxygen adsorption/desorption and NO oxidation over Pt/Al2O3 catalysts
Periodic gas composition control for low temperature catalytic ignition
Model studies of NOx storage and reduction of nitrogen oxides
Low temperature CO oxidation over platinum and cobalt oxide catalysts
A kinetic study of NO oxidation over Pt/γ-Al2O3 catalysts
In-situ FTIR characterization of NOx storage catalysts
Catalytic oxidation of CO in cold start emissions
The Adsorption and Reaction of H2 and D2 on a Ni/SiO2 Catalyst
Influence of Hydrogen Pressure on Selectivity in Consecutive Hydrogentaion Reactions
Linear Dichroism of Chloroplasts and Subchloroplast Fractions Oriented by Flow
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Showing 7 research projects
Modelling of mass transfer and chemical reactions in turbulent flows
Energy efficient reduction of exhaust emissions from vehicles: E4 Mistra
Competence Centre for Catalysis
Emissions of particulates from DI engine, gasoline and alternative fuels
Competence Centre for Catalysis