Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist
Bengt Arne Sjöqvist is a Researcher and Professor of Practice in the Biomedical signals and systems research group. His research deals mainly with eHealth, with special focus on using the combination of bio-medical engineering, telecommunications and IT. Professor Sjöqvist was an eHealth pioneer in the mid 1980’s, developing systems and solutions now found in ambulances around the world. He takes a specific interest in pre-hospital acute care applications (for instance ambulance care), but also in out of hospital care of patients suffering from long term, serious illness. Sjöqvist has several years of experience from various leading positions within the MedTech and eHealth industry, and so has a special interest in finding ways for enhancing development and innovation through increased co-operation between academy, healthcare providers and industry.

Showing 41 publications
Design for integrating explainable AI for dynamic risk prediction in prehospital IT systems
Early Characterization of Stroke Using Video Analysis and Machine Learning
Early detection of sepsis using artificial intelligence: a scoping review protocol
Deriving heart rate variability indices from cardiac monitoring—An indicator of driver sleepiness
Bioimpedance technology for detection of thoracic injury
Driver sleepiness detection in real driving situations
Assessing mechanisms of injury as predictors of severe injury for adult car and truck occupants
On-Scene Injury Severity Prediction (OSISP) Algorithm for Truck Occupants
A wearable microwave detector for diagnosing thoracic injuries-test on a porcine pneumothorax model
On scene injury prediction (OSISP) algorithm for car occupants
Pre-hospital diagnosis for stroke and trauma patients using microwave technology
A randomized controlled study about the use of eHealth in the home health care of premature infants
Decision support system in prehospital care: a randomized controlled simulation study
System för uppföljning av kroniskt sjuka i hemmet
Design Evaluation of a Home-Based Telecare System for Chronic Heart Failure Patients
Utvärdering av system för uppföljning av hjärtsviktspatienter i hemmet
Evaluation of a Disease Management System for Chronic Heart Failure Patients
Care@Distance – Disease Management för hjärtsviktspatienter i hemmet
Care@Distance - Home Monitoring System for CHF Patients
Care@Distance, Home Monitoring System for Patients with Congestive Heart Failure
Care@Distance – IT-baserad hemvård av hjärtsviktspatienter
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Showing 6 research projects
PreSISe-1 - Prehospital Decision Support for Identification of Risk of Sepsis
Prehospital occult trauma detection and monitoring of traffic accident victims