Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist

Professor of the Practice at Biomedical Signals and Systems

Bengt Arne Sjöqvist is a Researcher and Professor of Practice in the Biomedical signals and systems research group. His research deals mainly with eHealth, with special focus on using the combination of bio-medical engineering, telecommunications and IT. Professor Sjöqvist was an eHealth pioneer in the mid 1980’s, developing systems and solutions now found in ambulances around the world. He takes a specific interest in pre-hospital acute care applications (for instance ambulance care), but also in out of hospital care of patients suffering from long term, serious illness. Sjöqvist has several years of experience from various leading positions within the MedTech and eHealth industry, and so has a special interest in finding ways for enhancing development and innovation through increased co-operation between academy, healthcare providers and industry.

Image of Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist

Showing 41 publications


Reviewing Challenges in Specifying Interoperability Requirement in Procurement of Health Information Systems

Mattias Seth, Hoor Jalo, Eunji Lee et al
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. Vol. 310, p. 8-12
Journal article

Stroke Prehospital Decision Support Systems Based on Artificial Intelligence: Grey Literature Scoping Review

Hoor Jalo, Eunji Lee, Mattias Seth et al
Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies . Vol. 2, p. 458-465
Paper in proceeding

Sponsored senior computers never happened - a 20-year perspective on ICT deployment of healthcare at home!

Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist, Per Ask, Sture Hagglund et al
Health and Technology. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Video support for prehospital stroke consultation: implications for system design and clinical implementation from prehospital simulations

Stefan Candefjord, Magnus Andersson Hagiwara, Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist et al
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. Vol. 24 (1)
Journal article

Sponsored senior computers never happened – a 20-year perspective on ICT deployment of healthcare at home!

Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist, Per Ask, Sture Hägglund et al
Health and Technology. Vol. 14 (6), p. 1097-1101
Journal article

Development of Verified Innovation Process for Healthcare Solutions (VIPHS): A Stepwise Model for Digital Health

Eunji Lee, Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist, Magnus Andersson Hagiwara et al
Studies in health technology and informatics. Vol. 302, p. 736-740
Journal article

Design for integrating explainable AI for dynamic risk prediction in prehospital IT systems

David Wallstén, Gregory Axton, Eunji Lee et al
Artificial Intelligence, Social Computing and Wearable Technologies. Vol. 113, p. 268-278
Paper in proceeding

Early identification and characterisation of stroke to support prehospital decision-making using artificial intelligence: a scoping review protocol

Hoor Jalo, Mattias Seth, Minna Pikkarainen et al
BMJ Open. Vol. 13 (5), p. e069660-
Journal article

On Scene Injury Severity Prediction (OSISP) model for trauma developed using the Swedish Trauma Registry

Anna Bakidou, Eva Corina Caragounis, M. A. Hagiwara et al
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. Vol. 23 (1)
Journal article

Early Characterization of Stroke Using Video Analysis and Machine Learning

Hoor Jalo, Andrei Borg, Elsa Thoreström et al
Emerging Technologies in Healthcare and Medicine. Vol. 116 (2023), p. 74-84
Paper in proceeding

Detecting Driver Sleepiness Using Consumer Wearable Devices in Manual and Partial Automated Real-Road Driving

Ke Lu, J. G. Karlsson, Anna Sjörs et al
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 23 (5), p. 4801 -4810
Journal article

Early detection of sepsis using artificial intelligence: a scoping review protocol

Ivana Pepic, Robert Feldt, Lars Ljungström et al
Systematic Reviews. Vol. 10 (1)
Journal article

Research challenges in prehospital care: the need for a simulation-based prehospital research laboratory

Hanna Maurin Söderholm, Henrik Andersson, M. A. Hagiwara et al
Advances in Simulation. Vol. 4 (1)
Other text in scientific journal

The Effects of Integrated IT Support on the Prehospital Stroke Process: Results from a Realistic Experiment

M. A. Hagiwara, Lars Lundberg, Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist et al
Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research. Vol. 3 (3), p. 300-328
Journal article

Deriving heart rate variability indices from cardiac monitoring—An indicator of driver sleepiness

Ruben Buendia, Fabio Forcolin, J. G. Karlsson et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 20 (3), p. 249-254
Journal article

Bioimpedance technology for detection of thoracic injury

Ruben Buendia, Stefan Candefjord, B. Sanchez et al
Physiological Measurement. Vol. 38 (11), p. 2000-2014
Journal article

Exploring the feasibility of eHealth solutions to decrease delays in maternal healthcare in remote communities of Ghana

Pedro Pagalday Olivares, Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist, Jessy Adjordor-van de Beek et al
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. Vol. 17 (1), p. Art. no. 156-
Journal article

Prehospital transportation decisions for patients sustaining major trauma in road traffic crashes in Sweden

Stefan Candefjord, Ruben Buendia, Eva Corina Caragounis et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 17 (S1), p. 16-20
Journal article

Using telemedicine in the care of newborn infants after discharge from a neonatal intensive care unit reduced the need of hospital visits

C. Robinson, Anna Gund, Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist et al
Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics. Vol. 105 (8), p. 902-909
Journal article

Driver sleepiness detection in real driving situations

Ruben Buendia, Fabio Forcolin, J. Karlsson et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 17, p. 222-223
Magazine article

Assessing mechanisms of injury as predictors of severe injury for adult car and truck occupants

Ruben Buendia, Stefan Candefjord, Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist
The 24th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV)
Other conference contribution

On-Scene Injury Severity Prediction (OSISP) Algorithm for Truck Occupants

Stefan Candefjord, Ruben Buendia, Helen Fagerlind et al
Traffic Injury Prevention. Vol. 16, p. 190-196
Journal article

A concept for naturalistic data collection for vulnerable road users using a smartphone-based platform

Leif Sandsjö, Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist, Stefan Candefjord
The 24th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV)
Other conference contribution

A wearable microwave detector for diagnosing thoracic injuries-test on a porcine pneumothorax model

Nils Petter Oveland, Ruben Buendia, Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist et al
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. Vol. 23 (2)
Other text in scientific journal

On scene injury prediction (OSISP) algorithm for car occupants

Ruben Buendia, Stefan Candefjord, Helen Fagerlind et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 81, p. 211-217
Journal article

Pre-hospital diagnosis for stroke and trauma patients using microwave technology

Stefan Candefjord, Mikael Persson, Andreas Fhager et al
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. Vol. 23 (2)
Journal article

Using Smartphones to Monitor Cycling and Automatically Detect Accidents - Towards eCall Functionality for Cyclists

Stefan Candefjord, Leif Sandsjö, Robert Andersson et al
Proceedings, International Cycling Safety Conference 2014, p. 1-9
Paper in proceeding

The effect of a Computerised Decision Support System (CDSS) on compliance with the prehospital assessment process: results of an interrupted time-series study

M. A. Hagiwara, B. O. Suserud, B. Andersson-Gare et al
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. Vol. 14 (1)
Journal article

A randomized controlled study about the use of eHealth in the home health care of premature infants

Anna Gund, Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist, Helena Wigert et al
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. Vol. 13 (1), p. Article number 22-
Journal article

eCall – smart alarms for traffic accidents to increase the precision of ambulance dispatch and improve chain of care

Stefan Candefjord, Magdalena Lindman, Leif Sandsjö et al
Prehospenkonferensen, Borås, April 25-26, 2013
Other conference contribution

Decision support system in prehospital care: a randomized controlled simulation study

M. A. Hagiwara, Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist, L. Lundberg et al
American Journal of Emergency Medicine. Vol. 31 (1), p. 145-153
Journal article

Attitudes among healthcare professionals towards ICT and home follow-up in chronic heart failure care

Anna Gund, Kaj Lindecrantz, Maria Schaufelberger et al
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. Vol. 12 (1), p. 138-
Journal article

System för uppföljning av kroniskt sjuka i hemmet

Anna Gund, Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist, Kaj Lindecrantz et al
Proceedings of Medicinteknikdagarna 2009, p. 45-
Other conference contribution

Design Evaluation of a Home-Based Telecare System for Chronic Heart Failure Patients

Anna Gund, Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist, Kaj Lindecrantz et al
Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS'08 - "Personalized Healthcare through Technology", p. 5851-5854
Paper in proceeding

Utvärdering av system för uppföljning av hjärtsviktspatienter i hemmet

Anna Gund, Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist, Kaj Lindecrantz et al
Proceedings of Medicinteknikdagarna 2008. Annual conference of Svensk Förening för Medicinsk Teknik och Fysik. Oct, 2008. Göteborg, p. 86-
Other conference contribution

Evaluation of a Disease Management System for Chronic Heart Failure Patients

Anna Gund, Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist, Kaj Lindecrantz et al
Tromsø Telemedicine and eHealth Conference, 9-11 June, 2008, Tromsø, Norway
Paper in proceeding

Care@Distance – Disease Management för hjärtsviktspatienter i hemmet

Anna Gund, Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist, Kaj Lindecrantz et al
Medicinteknikdagarna, 2-3 October 2007, Örebro, Sweden
Other conference contribution

Care@Distance - Home Monitoring System for CHF Patients

Anna Gund, Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist, Kaj Lindecrantz et al
Tromsø Telemedicine and eHealth Conference, 11-13 June, 2007, Tromsø, Norway
Other conference contribution

Care@Distance, Home Monitoring System for Patients with Congestive Heart Failure

Anna Gund, Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist, Kaj Lindecrantz et al
Medicinteknikdagarna, 3-4 October 2006, Uppsala, Sweden
Conference poster

Care@Distance – IT-baserad hemvård av hjärtsviktspatienter

Anna Gund, Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist, Kaj Lindecrantz et al
Svenska Läkaresällskapets Riksstämman, 29 November - 1 December, Gothenburg, Sweden
Other conference contribution

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Showing 6 research projects


PreSISe-1 - Prehospital Decision Support for Identification of Risk of Sepsis

Robert Feldt Software Engineering for Cyber Physical Systems
Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist Biomedical Signals and Systems
Stefan Candefjord Biomedical Electromagnetics

1 publication exists

Via Appia - ICT, apps and smart dispatching for improved traffic safety, reduced injuries and mortality

Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist Biomedical Signals and Systems



Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist Biomedical Signals and Systems


Prehospital occult trauma detection and monitoring of traffic accident victims

Ruben Buendia Biomedical Signals and Systems
Bengt-Arne Sjöqvist Biomedical Signals and Systems
Folksams forskningsstiftelse

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