Teresa Berdugo Vilches

Showing 43 publications
Role of surface morphology on bed material activation during indirect gasification of wood
Thermochemical recycling of tall oil pitch in a dual fluidized bed
Co-recycling of natural and synthetic carbon materials for a sustainable circular economy
Dual Fluidized Bed Gasification Configurations for Carbon Recovery from Biomass
Layer Formation on Feldspar Bed Particles during Indirect Gasification of Wood. 2. Na-Feldspar
Layer Formation on Feldspar Bed Particles during Indirect Gasification of Wood. 1. K-Feldspar
Effect of ash circulation on the performance of a dual fluidized bed gasification system
Operational strategies to control the gas composition in dual fluidized bed biomass gasifiers
Role of K and Ca for catalytic activation of bed material during biomass gasification
Chemical looping gasification in a 2-4 MWth dual fluidized bed gasifier
Valorization of Automobile Shredder Residue Using Indirect Gasification
Influence of the S-K interactions on a dual fluidized bed system
Experience of more than 1000 h of operation with oxygen carriers and solid biomass at large scale
Alkali-Feldspar as a Catalyst for Biomass Gasification in a 2-MW Indirect Gasifier
Strategies for controlling solid biomass conversion in dual fluidized bed gasifiers
Use of Alkali-Feldspar as Bed Material for Upgrading a Biomass-derived Producer Gas from a Gasifier
Impact of oxygen transport on char conversion in dual fluidized bed systems
Conversion of Condensable Hydrocarbons in a Dual Fluidized Bed Biomass Gasifier
Behaviour of biomass particles in a large scale (2-4MWth) bubbling bed reactor
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Showing 2 research projects
Gasification of Biomass, part 2