Kristian Berland

Showing 33 publications


The vdW-DF Family of Non-Local Exchange-Correlation Functionals

Elsebeth Schröder, Valentino R Cooper, Kristian Berland et al
Non-covalent Interactions in Quantum Chemistry and Physics: Theory and Applications, p. Chapter 8-
Book chapter

Assessment of two hybrid van der Waals density functionals for covalent and non-covalent binding of molecules

Kristian Berland, Yang Jiao, J. H. Lee et al
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 146 (23)
Journal article

Structural and excited-state properties of oligoacene crystals from first principles

T. Rangel, Kristian Berland, S. Sharifzadeh et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 93 (11)
Journal article

Spin Signature of Nonlocal Correlation Binding in Metal-Organic Frameworks

T Thonhauser, S. Zuluaga, Calvin A. Arter et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 115 (13)
Journal article

van der Waals forces in density functional theory: a review of the vdW-DF method

Kristian Berland, Valentino R Cooper, Kyuho Lee et al
Reports on Progress in Physics. Vol. 78 (6), p. 066501-
Journal article

Exchange functional that tests the robustness of the plasmon description of the van der Waals density functional

Kristian Berland, Per Hyldgaard
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 89 (3), p. art. no. 035412-
Journal article

van der Waals density functionals built upon the electron-gas tradition: Facing the challenge of competing interactions

Kristian Berland, Calvin A. Arter, Valentino R Cooper et al
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 140 (18), p. 18A539 -
Journal article

Interpretation of van der Waals density functionals

Per Hyldgaard, Kristian Berland, Elsebeth Schröder
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 90 (7), p. Art. no. 075148-
Journal article

Harris-type van der Waals density functional scheme

Kristian Berland, Elisa Londero, Elsebeth Schröder et al
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 88 (4)
Journal article

Analysis of van der Waals density functional components: Binding and corrugation of benzene and C-60 on boron nitride and graphene

Kristian Berland, Per Hyldgaard
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 87 (20)
Journal article

Design and Fabrication of AlN/GaN Heterostructures for Intersubband Technology

Tommy Ive, Kristian Berland, Martin Stattin et al
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 51 (1), p. Article Number: 01AG07 -
Journal article

Benchmarking van der Waals density functionals with experimental data: potential-energy curves for H2 molecules on Cu(111), (100) and (110) surfaces

Kyuho Lee, Kristian Berland, Mina Yoon et al
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. Vol. 24 (42), p. artikel nr 424213-
Journal article

Response of the Shockley surface state to an external electrical field: A density-functional theory study of Cu(111)

Kristian Berland, T. L. Einstein, Per Hyldgaard
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 85 (3)
Journal article

Intersubband energies in Al1-yInyN/Ga1-xInxN heterostructures with lattice constant close to aGaN

H. Akabli, A. Almaggoussi, A. Abounadi et al
Superlattices and Microstructures. Vol. 52 (1), p. 70-77
Journal article

Evaluation of a density functional with account of van der Waals forces using experimental data of H2 physisorption on Cu(111)

Kuyho Lee, André Kelkkanen, Kristian Berland et al
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 84, p. 193408-
Journal article

Waveguides for nitride based quantum cascade lasers

Martin Stattin, Kristian Berland, Per Hyldgaard et al
Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics in Solid State Physics. Vol. 8 (7-8), p. 2357-2359
Journal article

Theory of polar corrections to donor binding

G. D. Mahan, Kristian Berland
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 84 (23)
Journal article

Polarization-balanced design of heterostructures: Application to AlN/GaN double-barrier structures

Kristian Berland, Thorvald Andersson, Per Hyldgaard
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 84 (24)
Journal article

Graphene nanogap for gate-tunable quantum-coherent single-molecule electronics

Anders Bergvall, Kristian Berland, Per Hyldgaard et al
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 84 (15)
Journal article

Van der Waals density functional calculations of binding in molecular crystals

Kristian Berland, O. Borck, Per Hyldgaard
Computer Physics Communications. Vol. 182 (9), p. 1800-1804
Journal article

A general solution to the Schrodinger-Poisson equation for a charged hard wall: Application to potential profile of an AlN/GaN barrier structure

Kristian Berland
Superlattices and Microstructures. Vol. 50 (4), p. 411-418
Journal article

Design and Fabrication of AlN/GaN Heterostructures for Intersubband Technology

Thorvald Andersson, Kristian Berland, Rashid Farivar et al
ISPlasma 2011, March 6-9, 2011 Nagoya, Japan
Conference poster

Do Two-Dimensional "Noble Gas Atoms" Produce Molecular Honeycombs at a Metal Surface?

J. Wyrick, D. H. Kim, D. Z. Sun et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 11 (7), p. 2944-2948
Journal article

A van der Waals density functional study of adenine on graphene: Single-molecular adsorption and overlayer binding

Kristian Berland, Svetla Chakarova Käck, VR Cooper et al
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. Vol. 23, p. 135001-
Journal article

Temperature stability of intersubband transitions in AlN/GaN quantum wells

Kristian Berland, Martin Stattin, Rashid Farivar et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 97 (4), p. 043507-
Journal article

Structure and binding in crystals of cagelike molecules: Hexamine and platonic hydrocarbons

Kristian Berland, Per Hyldgaard
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 132 (13), p. (Published: April 7 2010) (Article Number: 134705)-
Journal article

Title: van der Waals density functional calculations of binding in molecular crystals

Kristian Berland, Øyvind Borck, Per Hyldgaard

Waveguides for Nitride Based Quantum Cascade Lasers

Martin Stattin, Kristian Berland, Per Hyldgaard et al
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors (IWN2010), Tampa, Florida, U.S.A., September 19 – 24, 2010
Conference poster

Molecular systems, growth and overlayers: van der Waals density functional and first-principles thermodynamics calculations

Kristian Berland, Jochen Rohrer, A Kelkkanen et al
SNIC progress report 08/09. Swedish national infrastructure for computing.
Book chapter

Effective elastic properties of a van der Waals molecular monolayer at a metal surface

D. Z. Sun, D. H. Kim, D. Le et al
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 82 (20)
Journal article

Rings sliding on a honeycomb network: Adsorption contours, interactions, and assembly of benzene on Cu(111)

Kristian Berland, T. L. Einstein, Per Hyldgaard
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 80 (15), p. 155431-
Journal article

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