Björn Hult

Doctoral Student at Microwave Electronics

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Showing 5 publications


Investigation of Isolation Approaches and the Stoichiometry of SiN<inf>x</inf> Passivation Layers in “Buffer-Free” AlGaN/GaN Metal–Insulator–Semiconductor High-Electron-Mobility Transistors

Björn Hult, Mattias Thorsell, J. T. Chen et al
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science. Vol. 220 (8)
Journal article

High Voltage and Low Leakage GaN-on-SiC MISHEMTs on a ‘Buffer-Free’ Heterostructure

Björn Hult, Mattias Thorsell, J. T. Chen et al
IEEE Electron Device Letters. Vol. 43 (5), p. 781-784
Journal article

AlGaN/GaN/AlN 'Buffer-Free' High Voltage MISHEMTs with Si-rich and Stoichiometric SiN<inf>x</inf>First Passivation

Björn Hult, Mattias Thorsell, J. T. Chen et al
2022 Compound Semiconductor Week, CSW 2022
Paper in proceeding

Mg-doping and free-hole properties of hot-wall MOCVD GaN

A. Papamichail, Anelia Kakanakova-Georgieva, E. O. Sveinbjornsson et al
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 131 (18)
Journal article

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