Antonio Cobaleda Cordero

Showing 12 publications


Design for user experience of control with flexible office environments - explorative user tests with prototypes

Antonio Cobaleda Cordero, Marianne Karlsson, Maral Babapour Chafi
International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics. Vol. 10 (2), p. 165-186
Journal article

Methods for eliciting user experience insights in workplace studies: spatial walkthroughs, experience curve mapping and card sorting

Maral Babapour Chafi, Antonio Cobaleda Cordero
Journal of Corporate Real Estate. Vol. 24 (1), p. 4-20
Journal article

A healthy office and healthy employees: a longitudinal case study with a salutogenic perspective in the context of the physical office environment

Melina Forooraghi, Antonio Cobaleda Cordero, Maral Babapour Chafi
Building Research and Information. Vol. 50 (1-2), p. 134-151
Journal article

Design for UX in Flexible Offices – Bringing Research and Practice Together

Antonio Cobaleda Cordero, Maral Babapour Chafi
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Vol. 223 LNNS, p. 3-11
Paper in proceeding

User experiences with flexible offices

Antonio Cobaleda Cordero
Doctoral thesis

Activity Theory. A framework for understanding the interrelations between users and workplace design.

Maral Babapour Chafi, Antonio Cobaleda Cordero, Marianne Karlsson
A Handbook of Theories on Designing Alignment Between People and the Office Environment
Book chapter

Feel well and do well at work: A post-relocation study on the relationships between employee wellbeing and office landscape

Antonio Cobaleda Cordero, Maral Babapour Chafi, Marianne Karlsson
Journal of Corporate Real Estate. Vol. 22 (2 (Special Issue)), p. 113-137
Journal article

Contextual user research methods for eliciting user experience insights in workplace studies

Maral Babapour Chafi, Antonio Cobaleda Cordero
Paper in proceeding

Flexible office, flexible working? A post-relocation study on how and why university employees use a combi-office for their activities at hand.

Antonio Cobaleda Cordero, Maral Babapour Chafi, Marianne Karlsson
International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics. Vol. 7 (1), p. 26-54
Journal article

Discrepancies between intended and actual use in Activity-based Flexible Offices - A literature review

Antonio Cobaleda Cordero, Maral Babapour Chafi
NES 2017. 20-23 August 2017. Lund
Paper in proceeding

Smart and Sustainable Offices (SSO). Showcasing a holistic approach to realise the next generation offices

Antonio Cobaleda Cordero, Ulrike Rahe, Holger Wallbaum et al
Informes de la Construccion. Vol. 69 (548), p. 1-10
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Climate-KIC Building Technologies Accelerator – Smart Sustainable Offices (SSO)

Holger Wallbaum Building Technology
Antonio Cobaleda Cordero Product Development
Ulrike Rahe Design and Human Factors
Quan Jin Building Technology
Melina Forooraghi Building Technology
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

2 publications exist
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