Thierry Coquand

Showing 86 publications
A foundation for synthetic algebraic geometry
Type Theory with Explicit Universe Polymorphism
Canonicity and homotopy canonicity for cubical type theory
Loop-checking and the uniform word problem for join-semilattices with an inflationary endomorphism
Constructive sheaf models of type theory
On generalized algebraic theories and categories with families
Homotopy canonicity for cubical type theory
A Normalizing Computation Rule for Propositional Extensionality in Higher-Order Minimal Logic
Théorie des types dépendants et axiome d'univalence
A Kripke model for simplicial sets
A Presheaf Model of Parametric Type Theory
A generalization of the Takeuti-Gandy interpretation
A Sheaf Model of the Algebraic Closure
Recursive Functions and Constructive Mathematics
Revisiting Zariski Main Theorem from a constructive point of view
Computing persistent homology within Coq/SSReflect
Dynamic Newton-Puiseux theorem
A constructive version of Laplace's proof on the existence of complex roots
Coherent and Strongly Discrete Rings in Type Theory
A Formal Proof of the Sasaki-Murao Algorithm
A computational interpretation of forcing in type theory
Metric complements of overt closed sets
A Decision Procedure for Regular Expression Equivalence in Type Theory
Constructive Finite Free Resolutions
A Modular Type-checking algorithm for Type Theory with Singleton Types and Proof Irrelevance
A modular type-checking algorithm for type theory with singleton types
Curves and coherent Prüfer rings
A Note on Forcing and Type Theory
Constructive Gelfand duality for C*-algebras
Spectral schemes as ringed lattices
Constructive Krull Dimension. I: Integral Extensions
A simple type-theoretic language: Mini-TT
A Modular Type-Checking Algorithm for Type Theory with Singleton Types and Proof Irrelevance
On the Algebraic Foundation of Proof Assistants for Intuitionistic Type Theory
A note on the axiomatisation of real numbers
Verifying a semantic βη-conversion test for martin-löf type theory
The completeness of typing for context-semantics
Normalization by Evaluation for Martin-Löf Type Theory with Equality Judgements
Untyped algorithmic equality for Martin-Löf's logical framework with surjective pairs
Towards constructive homological algebra in type theory
Remarks on the equational theory of non-normalizing pure type systems
A logical approach to abstract algebra
Preface of special issue on formal topology
A Proof of Strong Normalisation Using Domain Theory
An elementary characterization of Krull dimension
A logical approach to abstract algebra
A constructive proof of the Peter-Weyl theorem
Untyped Algorithmic Equality for Martin-Löf's Logical Framework with Surjective Pairs.
A Completeness Proof for Geometrical Logic
About Stone Notion of Spectrum
Formal topology and constructive mathematics: the Gelfand and Stone-Yosida representation theorems.
A nilregular element property.
Connecting a Logical Framework to a First-Order Logic Prover.
Formalising Bitonic Sort in Type Theory
A Logical Framework with Dependently Typed Records.
A note on measures with values in a partially ordered vector space.
Sur un théorème de Kronecker concernant les variétés algébriques
Generating non-Noetherian modules constructively
Generating non noetherian modules constructively
Proof-theoretical analysis of order relations
La contribution de Kolmogoroven logique intuitioniste
On a theorem of Kronecker about algebraic sets
Inductively generated formal topologies
Compact spaces and distributive lattices
A Logical Framework with Dependently Typed Records
Newman's lemma - a case study in proof automation and geometric logic
A syntactical proof of the marriage lemma
Intuitionistic model constructions and normalization proofs
Inductive definitions and type theory an introduction (preliminary version)
Intuitionistic model constructions and normalization proofs
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