Robert Cumming

Communications Officer at Onsala Space Observatory

Robert Cumming is responsible for outreach and public engagement at Onsala Space Observatory. He takes care of enquiries from media and members of the public, and helps coordinate guided tours, public open days and other events.

Robert Cumming is the International astronomical union IAU's national outreach coordinator for Sweden.

Robert has carried out research on stellar and gas motions in star-forming galaxies, and on supernovae and their circumstellar environments.

Image of Robert Cumming

Showing 36 publications


Why every observatory needs a disco ball

Robert Cumming, Alexander Pietrow, Livia Pietrow et al
Physics Education. Vol. 59 (2)
Journal article

Solar Disco: Using a Disco Ball for Eclipse Projection and Public Outreach

Valerie Rapson, Alexander Pietrow, Robert Cumming et al
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society. Vol. 56 (3)
Journal article

Fem saker att göra på Onsala rymdobservatorium

Robert Cumming
LMNT-Nytt. Vol. 2022 (3), p. 12-13
Magazine article

Quest-driven exploration of interactive installations in science centres

Josef Wideström, Robert Cumming, Carolina Larsson et al
Educational Technology Research and Development
Paper in proceeding

Astronomins dag och natt

Robert Cumming
Universum på glänt - Hundra år av svensk astronomi, p. 241-243
Book chapter

Onsala rymdobservatorium

Robert Cumming
Universum på glänt - Hundra år av svensk astronomi, p. 288-291
Book chapter

Radioteleskop för alla

Robert Cumming, Eskil Varenius, Jean Baptiste Jolly et al
Fysikaktuellt. Vol. 2021 (2), p. 5-7
Magazine article

Mot bättre ljus och mörker Annika kämpar för klokare belysning

Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 20 (2), p. 16-19
Magazine article

Miora ser ljust på framtiden

Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 19 (4), p. 16-19
Magazine article

Lennart gör galaxens bästa möjliga mätningar

Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 19 (1), p. 18-21
Magazine article

Lyhörd rymdhistoriker

Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 18 (3), p. 24-26
Magazine article

Emil är redo för de små satelliternas revolution

Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 17 (2), p. 38-40
Magazine article

Hiranya Peiris leder in i astronomins nya tidsålder

Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 17 (4), p. 22-25
Magazine article

Sverige borde leda inom internationell rymdpolitik

Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 17 (1), p. 38-40
Magazine article

Johan Warell: forskande amatörastronom

Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 16 (1), p. 36-39
Magazine article

Gammaastronom i glasriket

Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 16 (3), p. 22-24
Magazine article

Vår man på Mars

Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 15 (2), p. 30-33
Magazine article

Kinematics of Haro 11: The miniature Antennae

G. Östlin, T. Marquart, Robert Cumming et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 583, p. A55-
Journal article

Eva har sikte på kometen

Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 14 (3), p. 22-24
Magazine article

Med ett öga för djurrikets astronomer

Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 14 (1), p. 22-25
Magazine article

A Radio Astronomical Star Party for those "On The Verge"

Eva Wirström, Robert Cumming
CAP Journal, Ed. S. Reed. Vol. 13, p. 6-8
Magazine article

Karin lotsar in i en ny tid för Rymdsverige

Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 14 (4), p. 22-24
Magazine article

Deep multiband surface photometry on a sample of 24 blue compact galaxies II. A volumelimited sample of 21 emission line galaxies.

G. Micheva, G Östlin, E. Zackrisson et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 556, p. 10-
Journal article

Årets största händelse

Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 13 (2), p. 40-41
Magazine article

Astronom på hög höjd

Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 13 (3), p. 18-21
Magazine article

Har du ramlat in i ett svart hål?

Katja Lindblom, Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 13 (3), p. 22-24
Magazine article

SN 2009kn - the twin of the Type IIn supernova 1994W

E. Kankare, M Ergon, F Bufano et al
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. 424 (2), p. 855-873
Journal article

LOFAR ser universum på ett helt nytt sätt

Robert Cumming
Fysikaktuellt. Vol. 2012 (2), p. 12-13
Magazine article

Byggplats: Vintergatan

Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 11 (1), p. 34-37
Magazine article

Kosmiskt strålande

Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 12 (2), p. 34-36
Magazine article

För rymden i riksdagen

Robert Cumming
Populär Astronomi. Vol. 12 (3), p. 22-23
Magazine article

Super star clusters in Haro 11: properties of a very young starburst and evidence for a near-infrared flux excess

A. Adamo, G. Östlin, E. Zackrisson et al
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. 407 (2), p. 870-890
Journal article

Stellar dynamics of blue compact galaxies. II. Further indications of a merger in ESO 338-IG04

Robert Cumming, K. Fathi, G. Östlin et al
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 479 (3), p. 725-733
Journal article

Dynamical masses of two young globular clusters in the blue compact galaxy ESO 338-IG04

G. Östlin, Robert Cumming, N. Bergvall
Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 461 (2), p. 471-483
Journal article

The type IIn supernova 1994W: Evidence for the explosive ejection of a circumstellar envelope

N.N. Chugaǐ, S.I. Blinnikov, Robert Cumming et al
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Vol. 352 (4), p. 1213-1231
Journal article

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Showing 2 research projects


Sharing a baseline: hands-on international radio astronomy pilot for kids

Robert Cumming Onsala Space Observatory
International Astronomical Union (IAU)


SALSA: radio telescope projects for years 6‐9 (högstadiet)

Robert Cumming Onsala Space Observatory
Swedish Research Council (VR)

2 publications exist
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