Petter Dahlander

Professor at Transport, Energy and Environment

Petter Dahlander is a Professor working with research on internal combustion engines. Petter is a teacher and examiner of the following course at the MasterĀ“s programme, "Automotive Engineering": Internal Combustion Engines, Advanced Course (MTF225) The research areas of interest are sprays and spray combustion for Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) engines.

Image of Petter Dahlander

Showing 54 publications


1D-3D CFD Investigations to Improve the Performance of Two-Stroke Camless Engine

Srinibas Tripathy, Petter Dahlander, Joop Somhorst et al
SAE Technical Papers
Paper in proceeding

Ultra-High Fuel Pressure in GDI to Suppress Particulate Formation during Warming-Up and Load Transients

Akichika Yamaguchi, Johan Dillner, Arjan Helmantel et al
SAE Technical Papers
Paper in proceeding

Characterization of Gaseous and Particle Emissions of a Direct Injection Hydrogen Engine at Various Operating Conditions

Victor Berg, Lucien Koopmans, Jonas Sjöblom et al
SAE Technical Papers
Paper in proceeding

Visualization of soot formation in load transients during GDI engine warm-up

Sreelekha Etikyala, Lucien Koopmans, Petter Dahlander
International Journal of Engine Research. Vol. 24 (7), p. 3073-3084
Journal article

DI-CNG injector nozzle design influence on SI engine standard emissions and particulates at different injection timings

Mindaugas Melaika, Gilles Herbillon, Petter Dahlander
Fuel. Vol. 317
Journal article

Particulates in a GDI Engine and Their Relation to Wall-Film and Mixing Quality

Petter Dahlander, Rafig Babayev, Subhash Ravi Kumar et al
SAE Technical Papers (2022)
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of a Back-up Range Extender and Other Heavy-Duty BEV-Supporting Systems

Lennarth Zander, Pontus Svens, Henrik Svärd et al
World Electric Vehicle Journal. Vol. 13 (6)
Journal article

History Effect on Particulate Emissions in a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine

Sreelekha Etikyala, Lucien Koopmans, Petter Dahlander
SAE International Journal of Engines. Vol. 15 (3)
Journal article

Effect of relative humidity on water injection technique in downsized spark ignition engines

Jayesh Khatri, Nikhil Sharma, Petter Dahlander et al
International Journal of Engine Research. Vol. 22 (7), p. 2119-2130
Journal article

High Load Lean SI-Combustion Analysis of DI Methane and Gasoline Using Optical Diagnostics with Endoscope

Kristoffer Clasén, Mindaugas Melaika, Lucien Koopmans et al
SAE Technical Papers (2021)
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of a Turbocharged Single-Cylinder Two-Stroke SI Engine Concept

Lennarth Zander, Petter Dahlander
SAE Technical Papers (2021)
Paper in proceeding

Spray Behaviors and Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Performance Using Ultrahigh Injection Pressures up to 1500 Bar

Akichika Yamaguchi, Lucien Koopmans, Ayolt Helmantel et al
SAE International Journal of Engines. Vol. 15 (1)
Journal article

Soot Sources in Warm-Up Conditions in a GDI Engine

Sreelekha Etikyala, Petter Dahlander
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2021 (2021)
Paper in proceeding

Particulates from a CNG DI SI Engine during Warm-Up

Mindaugas Melaika, Sreelekha Etikyala, Petter Dahlander
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2021 (2021)
Paper in proceeding

Spark ignition engine performance, standard emissions and particulates using GDI, PFI-CNG and DI-CNG systems

Mindaugas Melaika, Gilles Herbillon, Petter Dahlander
Fuel. Vol. 293
Journal article

Air Motion Induced by Ultra-High Injection Pressure Sprays for Gasoline Direct Injection Engines

Akichika Yamaguchi, Lucien Koopmans, Ayolt Helmantel et al
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants. Vol. 13 (3), p. 223-235
Journal article

Effect of Renewable Fuel Blends on PN and SPN Emissions in a GDI Engine

Sreelekha Etikyala, Lucien Koopmans, Petter Dahlander
SAE Technical Papers (2020)
Journal article

Particulate Emissions in a GDI with an Upstream Fuel Source

Sreelekha Etikyala, Lucien Koopmans, Petter Dahlander
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2019-April (April)
Journal article

Modelling of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Powertrains - Factors That Impact Accuracy of COâ Emissions

Mehmet Sarp Mamikoglu, Petter Dahlander
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2019-January (January)
Journal article

Spray Characterization of Gasoline Direct Injection Sprays under Fuel Injection Pressures up to 150 MPa with Different Nozzle Geometries

Akichika Yamaguchi, Lucien Koopmans, Arjan Helmantel et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2019-January (january)
Journal article

Methane Direct Injection in an Optical SI Engine - Comparison between Different Combustion Modes

Mindaugas Melaika, Mats Andersson, Petter Dahlander
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2019-January (January)
Journal article

48V Mild-Hybrid Architecture Types, Fuels and Power Levels Needed to Achieve 75g CO2/km

Mindaugas Melaika, Mehmet Sarp Mamikoglu, Petter Dahlander
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2019-April (April)
Journal article

Water Injection Benefits in a 3-Cylinder Downsized SI-Engine

Jayesh Khatri, Ingemar Denbratt, Petter Dahlander et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2019-January (January), p. 236-248
Journal article

Impact of Conventional and Electrified Powertrains on Fuel Economy in Various Driving Cycles

Mehmet Sarp Mamikoglu, Petter Dahlander, Jelena Andric
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2017-March (March)
Journal article

Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Boost on Combustion and Particulate Emissions in Optical and Metal SGDI-Engines Operated in Stratified Mode

Anders Johansson, Petter Dahlander
SAE International Journal of Engines. Vol. 9 (2), p. 807-818
Journal article

High-Speed Photography of Stratified Combustion in an Optical GDI Engine for Different Triple Injection Strategies

Petter Dahlander, Stina Hemdal
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2015-April (April)
Journal article

Experimental Investigation on the Influence of Boost on Emissions and Combustion in an SGDI-Engine Operated in Stratified Mode

Anders Johansson, Petter Dahlander
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2015-September (September)
Journal article

Measurements of Time-Resolved Mass Injection Rates for a Multi-Hole and an Outward Opening Piezo GDI Injector

Petter Dahlander, Daniele Iemmolo, Yifei Tong
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2015-April (2015-April)
Journal article

Measurements of particulate size distribution from a GDI engine using a nafion dryer and a DMS500 without sample dilution

Anders Johansson, Petter Dahlander, Stina Hemdal
FISITA 2014 World Automotive Congress - Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of Transient Compressible Gas Jets Using High Speed Schlieren Imaging

Lars Christian Riis Johansen, Eugenio De Benito Sienes, Petter Dahlander
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2
Journal article

Experimental Investigation of Soot in a Spray-Guided Single Cylinder GDI Engine Operating in a Stratified Mode

Anders Johansson, Stina Hemdal, Petter Dahlander
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 6
Journal article

A comparison of non-reactive fuel sprays under realistic but quiescent engine conditions for SGDI

P. Marti-Aldaravi, T. Rogers, Eugenio De Benito Sienes et al
ICLASS 2012 - 12th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
Paper in proceeding

Evaporation of Gasoline-Like and Ethanol-Based Fuels in Hollow-Cone Sprays Investigated by Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Mie Scattering

Mats Andersson, Jonas Wärnberg, Stina Hemdal et al
SAE Technical Papers, p. 2011-01-1889-
Journal article

Gasoline Direct Injection - Simulations and Experiments

Chen Huang, Andrei Lipatnikov, Valeri Golovitchev et al
ILASS2011. The 24th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Estoril, Portugal, September, 5-7, 2011, p. 4 pagews-
Other conference contribution

In-cylinder soot imaging and emissions of stratified combustion in a spark-ignited spray-guided direct-injection gasoline engine

Stina Hemdal, Mats Andersson, Petter Dahlander et al
International Journal of Engine Research. Vol. 12 (6), p. 549-563
Journal article

Stratified Cold Start Sprays of Gasoline-Ethanol Blends

Stina Hemdal, Jonas Wärnberg, Petter Dahlander et al
SAE SP 2241 SI Combustion and Direct Injection SI Engine TEchnology 2009, p. 397-410
Paper in proceeding

Stratified cold start sprays of gasoline-ethanol blends

Stina Hemdal, Ingemar Denbratt, Petter Dahlander et al
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants. Vol. 2 (1), p. 683-696
Journal article

Ignitability of hollow cone gasoline/gasoline-ethanol sprays

Jonas Wärnberg, Stina Hemdal, Mats Andersson et al
18. Aachener Kolloquium, Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik. Vol. 1, p. 413-450
Other conference contribution

Multi-hole Injectors for DISI engines: Nozzle Hole Configuration Influence on Spray Formation

Petter Dahlander, Ronny Lindgren
SAE World Congress, Detroit, USA, 2008, SAE paper 2008-01-0136, p. 14-
Paper in proceeding

Visualization of fuel sprays for stratified cold starts in Gasoline Direct Injection engines

Petter Dahlander, Artur Gutkowski, Ingemar Denbratt
22:nd European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 8-10 September, 2008, Como Lake, Italy (ILASS 2008)
Other conference contribution

Spray shape and atomization quality of an outward-opening piezo gasoline di injector

Mikael Skogsberg, Petter Dahlander, Ingemar Denbratt
SAE Technical Papers
Journal article

Spray shape and atimization quality of an outward-opening piezo gasoline DI injector

Mikael Skogsberg, Petter Dahlander, Ingemar Denbratt
SAE (2007-01-1409)
Paper in proceeding

An experimental study of mixture preparation and combustion in an optical engine using a piezo-actuated injector

Mikael Skogsberg, Petter Dahlander, Ingemar Denbratt
Direkteinspritzung im Ottomotor IV, p. 143-159
Paper in proceeding


Petter Dahlander, Ronny Lindgren, Ingemar Denbratt
10th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, ICLASS 2006, August 27-Sept 1, 2006
Paper in proceeding

Effects of injector parameters on mixture formation for multi-hole nozzles in a spray-guided gasoline di engine

Mikael Skogsberg, Petter Dahlander, Ronny Lindgren et al
SAE Technical Papers
Paper in proceeding

Experimental investigation of the influence of fuel pressure on the fuel distribution and liquid penetration of a high-pressure gasoline multi-hole direct injection injector spray

Petter Dahlander, Ingemar Denbratt
20th ILASS Europe Annual Meeting of the Institute of Liquid Atomization and Spray System, 5th - 7th September 2005, Orleans, France
Other conference contribution

Experimental investigation of fuel pressure influence on droplet size and velocity for a gasoline multi-hole direct injection injector spray under vaporizing conditions in a constant pressure chamber

Petter Dahlander, Ingemar Denbratt
ILASS Americas, 18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Irvine, CA, May 2005
Other conference contribution

Flame propagation visualization in a spark-ignition engine using laser-induced fluorescence of cool-flame species

H. Bladh, C. Brackmann, Petter Dahlander et al
Measurement Science and Technology. Vol. 16 (5), p. 1083-1091
Journal article

Studies of the effect of injector parameters on mixture formation for multi-hole nozzles in a spray-guided

Mikael Skogsberg, Petter Dahlander, Ronny Lindgren et al
SAE World Congress 2005
Paper in proceeding

Fuel distribution visualization from an air-assisted injector in a spray chamber

Mikael Skogsberg, Petter Dahlander, Fredrik Persson et al
Comodia 2004, Yokohama, 2-5 aug 2004
Paper in proceeding

Source Term Model Approaches to Film Cooling Simulations

Petter Dahlander
Doctoral thesis

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Showing 3 research projects


Hydrogen Mixing Nexus for zero-emission engines (HyMN)

Mats Andersson Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Petter Dahlander Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Swedish Energy Agency


Measurements of particle emissions during engine warm-up in hybrid bio-gas engines

Petter Dahlander Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Chalmers Transport Area of Advance


Spray Guided Gasoline Direct Injection (SGDI)

Ingemar Denbratt Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Petter Dahlander Combustion and Propulsion Systems
Swedish Energy Agency

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