Petter Dahlander
Petter Dahlander is a Professor working with research on internal combustion engines. Petter is a teacher and examiner of the following course at the MasterĀ“s programme, "Automotive Engineering": Internal Combustion Engines, Advanced Course (MTF225) The research areas of interest are sprays and spray combustion for Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) engines.

Showing 54 publications
1D-3D CFD Investigations to Improve the Performance of Two-Stroke Camless Engine
Visualization of soot formation in load transients during GDI engine warm-up
Particulates in a GDI Engine and Their Relation to Wall-Film and Mixing Quality
Evaluation of a Back-up Range Extender and Other Heavy-Duty BEV-Supporting Systems
History Effect on Particulate Emissions in a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine
Effect of relative humidity on water injection technique in downsized spark ignition engines
Analysis of a Turbocharged Single-Cylinder Two-Stroke SI Engine Concept
Soot Sources in Warm-Up Conditions in a GDI Engine
Particulates from a CNG DI SI Engine during Warm-Up
A Two-Stroke Range Extender Engine for Heavy Duty Battery Electric vehicle applications
Air Motion Induced by Ultra-High Injection Pressure Sprays for Gasoline Direct Injection Engines
Effect of Renewable Fuel Blends on PN and SPN Emissions in a GDI Engine
Particulate Emissions in a GDI with an Upstream Fuel Source
Modelling of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Powertrains - Factors That Impact Accuracy of COâ Emissions
Methane Direct Injection in an Optical SI Engine - Comparison between Different Combustion Modes
48V Mild-Hybrid Architecture Types, Fuels and Power Levels Needed to Achieve 75g CO2/km
Water Injection Benefits in a 3-Cylinder Downsized SI-Engine
Impact of Conventional and Electrified Powertrains on Fuel Economy in Various Driving Cycles
Analysis of Transient Compressible Gas Jets Using High Speed Schlieren Imaging
A comparison of non-reactive fuel sprays under realistic but quiescent engine conditions for SGDI
Gasoline Direct Injection - Simulations and Experiments
Stratified Cold Start Sprays of Gasoline-Ethanol Blends
Stratified cold start sprays of gasoline-ethanol blends
Ignitability of hollow cone gasoline/gasoline-ethanol sprays
Multi-hole Injectors for DISI engines: Nozzle Hole Configuration Influence on Spray Formation
Visualization of fuel sprays for stratified cold starts in Gasoline Direct Injection engines
Spray shape and atomization quality of an outward-opening piezo gasoline di injector
Spray shape and atimization quality of an outward-opening piezo gasoline DI injector
Fuel distribution visualization from an air-assisted injector in a spray chamber
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Showing 3 research projects
Hydrogen Mixing Nexus for zero-emission engines (HyMN)
Measurements of particle emissions during engine warm-up in hybrid bio-gas engines
Spray Guided Gasoline Direct Injection (SGDI)