Eric Tam
Eric Tam graduated as a PhD at Materials- and manufacturing in September 2011 and is now a research engineer in the department. His major research areas include PVD coatings technology, materials characterization, and occupational health issue related to manufacturing technology. He is now taking part in several industrial-related projects and closely collaborating with the industrial and academic partners. The goal of these researches is to build-up academic-industrial relations and provides R&D support to the industrial parties from a practical level and to an advanced research level. Eric contributes to the environmental work by managing chemicals and risk assessments at the department.

Showing 36 publications
Coprecipitation of Ce(III) oxide with UO<inf>2</inf>
Lithiated carbon fibres for structural batteries characterised with Auger electron spectroscopy
Bonding between π-Conjugated Polycations and Monolayer Graphene: Decisive Role of Anions
Corrosion behaviour of additively manufactured 316L and CoCrNi
High mobility graphene on EVA/PET
Durable Activated Carbon Electrodes with a Green Binder
Case depth evaluation of induction-hardened camshaft by using magnetic Barkhausen noise (MBN) method
XPS study of external α-radiolytic oxidation of UO2 in the presence of argon or hydrogen
Evidence for Electron Transfer between Graphene and Non-Covalently Bound pi-Systems
Chemical bonding to novel translucent zirconias: A mechanical and molecular investigation
Study of Barkhausen Emission from the Surface Martensite Layer on Induction-hardened Carbon Steel
Residual stress analysis of machined lead-free and lead-containing brasses
Machinability of CuZn21Si3P brass
Attempt of the Metallic 3D Printing Technology for Millimeter-Wave Antenna Implementations
A study of the surface integrity after machining by means of non-destructive testing methods
Thin film characterisation of chromium disilicide
XRD and XPS Characterisation of Transition Metal Silicide Thin Films
Corrosion Properties of Thermally Annealed and Co-sputtered Nickel Silicide Thin Films
Tailoring of Transition Metal Silicides as Protective Thin Films on Austenitic Stainless Steel
Corrosion behaviour of amorphous Ni-Si thin films on AISI 304L stainless steel
Sputter deposition and XPS analysis of nickel silicide thin films
Behavior of Ti0.5Al0.5N thin film in nanoscale deformation with different loading rates
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