Lars Ilver
Showing 27 publications
Electronic structure of (Ga,Mn)As revisited
Mg-corrosion, hydroxyapatite, and bone healing
Mineralization at Titanium Surfaces is a Two-Step Process.
Effects of nonuniform Mn distribution in (Ga,Mn)As
Mn-induced modifications of Ga 3d photoemission from (Ga, Mn) As: evidence for long range effects
Post-growth annealing of (Ga,Mn)As under Sb capping
Electron Spectroscopic Studies of Homogenous (GaMn)As layers
Enhancing the bioactivity of zirconia and zirconia composites by surface modification
Thermal diffusion of Mn through GaAs overlayers on (Ga, Mn)As
Electron spectroscopic studies of nanowires formed by (GaMn)As growth on GaAs(111)B
As3d core level studies of (GaMn)As annealed under As capping
Formation of epitaxial MnBi layers on (GaMn)As
Photoelectron spectroscopic studies of ultra-thin CuPc and PTCDA layers on Cu(100)
Mn enriched surface of (GaMn)As layers annealed under arsenic capping
Photoemission study of the valence band offset between LT-GaAs and (GaMn)As
Organic molecular beam deposition system and initial studies of organic layer growth
Comment on "Mn Interstitial Diffusion in (Ga,Mn)As"
Post-growth annealing of (Ga,Mn)As under As capping - an alternative way to increase Tc
Importance of ITO surface conditions for the interaction with thin CuPc layers
Self-organized MnAs quantum dots formed during annealing of GaMnAs under arsenic capping
Importance of ITO surface conditions for the interaction with thin CuPc layers
Photoemission studies of Mg and Rb layers on Zn(0001).
Photoemission studies of the annealing-induced modifications of Ga0.95Mn0.05As
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