Thomas Hammarström
I received my Ph.D. degree 2014 in High Voltage Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, where the main focus is on analyzing partial discharges occurring within high voltage insulation at steep voltage fronts, such as PWM. The main goal is to understand and quantify the increased electricall struss caused by such waveforms. This research aims to provide insights will act as an aid to improve the life of high voltage insulation such as motor windings.

Showing 64 publications
Overshoot level studies of PD Exposure in High Voltage Motor Isolation
Trends in Diagnostics and Monitoring of High-Voltage Insulation
Evaluation of Data Acquisition Systems for Dielectric Frequency Response Measurements
Controllable impulse PD diagnostic method - a new step into testing insulation system performance
Partial Discharge Characterization in a Defect Subjected to HVDC Cable Operating Conditions
Influence of voltage overshoot in enamel wire winding insulation systems
Square Shaped Waveform Pulse Control to minimize PD Exposure within Motor Insulation
Influence of PD characteristics within motor windings exposed to elevated temperatures
Evaluation of Different Waveforms to Study the Insulation Performance on Electrical Vehicle Motors
Classification of Partial Discharges Originating from Multi-level PWM Using Machine Learning
Reduction of Electric Stress in High Voltage Motor Insulation by Adjusting Individual PWM Flanks
Detection of Electrical Tree Formation in XLPE Insulation through Applying Disturbed DC Waveforms
Polarity Effect on Electric Tree Inception in HVDC Cable Insulation
PWM Voltage Rise Time and Pulse Width Control to Minimize Partial Discharge Exposure
DC Electrical Trees in XLPE Induced by Short Circuits
Electrical Characterization of a New Crosslinked Copolymer Blend for DC Cable Insulation
Comparison of Different Methods for Characterization of DC Conductivity of Insulating Polymers
Multi-rise time PWM: A way to reduce PD exposure in motor windings
Partial discharge classification in power electronics applications using machine learning
Deformation of bubbles in silicon gel insulation under an alternating electric field
The Implications on the PD Characteristics of Unipolar versus Bipolar PWM waveforms
Multilevel PWM: A Tool to Explore Insulation PD Characteristics
Partial discharge characteristics within motor insulation exposed to multi-level PWM waveforms
Partial discharge characteristics at ultra-short voltage risetimes
Partial discharge characteristics within motor insulatioi exposed to multi-level PWM waveforms
Partial discharge characteristics in motor insulations under exposure to multi-level inverters
PD characteristics at Square Shaped Voltages Applying Two Different Detecting
PD characteristics at Square Shaped Voltages Applying Two Different Detecting Techniques
Loss Current Studies of Partial Discharge Activity
Study of Partial Discharge Activity by Excess Current
Partial Discharge Behavior of a Newly Developed Enamel Insulation at Various Voltage Rise Times
Partial Discharges in Motor Wires at PWM Voltages of Different Smoothness
Stochastic Detection of Partial Discharges
PD Properties when Varying the Smoothness of Synthesized Waveforms
Resonant PD signal decoupling circuit for rapidly changing voltages
Evidence for Changing PD Properties at Short Voltage Rise Times
Method for measuring cylinder specific parameters in a combustion engine
Design and evaluation of the ELEVATE two-stroke automotive engine
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Showing 4 research projects
Predicting lifetime of dynamic cables for floating marine energy harvesting platforms
Activities within materials and diagnostics for high-voltage networks
Advanced characterization of new insulation materials for next generation of HVDC power cables
Mechanisms of partial discharges in polymeric HVDC power cables