Maria Berge
Showing 25 publications
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Emotions in engineering education: Towards a research agenda
Lecture jokes: Mocking and reproducing celebrated subject positions in physics
The New Engineer: Gender and Social Class in Information about Engineering Educations
Learning about friction: group dynamics in engineering students’ work with free body diagrams
Studying Power and Knowledge in the Technology Classroom: Towards a Conceptual Framework
Constructions of power and knowledge in the technology classroom
Different stories of group work: Exploring problem solving in engineering education
Multiple theoretical spaces as analytical strategy in researching classroom interaction
Comparing group and individual problem solving: A case study from Newtonian mechanics.
Group work and physics – characteristics, learning possibilities and patterns of interaction
Researching teaching and learning in engineering education
Using research to activate university teacher training
The storylines of learning physics in groups – perspectives on becoming a physicist
Learning in physics group work - Dynamics, variation and the experience of relevance
Implants and/or teeth: consensus statements and recommendations.
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