Maria Berge

Showing 25 publications


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Johanna Lönngren, Maria Berge, Oskar Hagvall Svensson et al
Magazine article

"I don't want to be influenced by emotions" - Engineering students' emotional positioning in discussions about wicked sustainability problems

Johanna Lönngren, Tom Adawi, Maria Berge
Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE. Vol. 2020-October
Paper in proceeding

Emotions in engineering education: Towards a research agenda

Johanna Lönngren, Tom Adawi, Maria Berge et al
Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE. Vol. 2020-October
Paper in proceeding

Lecture jokes: Mocking and reproducing celebrated subject positions in physics

Anders Johansson, Maria Berge
Physics education and gender: Identity as an analytic lens for research, p. 97-113
Book chapter

The New Engineer: Gender and Social Class in Information about Engineering Educations

Eva Silfver, Anna Danielsson, Åke Ingerman et al
ECER, Dublin, Ireland, August 23-26.
Other conference contribution

A bridge to understanding? An approach for analysing the construction of power/knowledge in a technology classroom

Anna Danielsson, Maria Berge, Malena Lidar et al
The exploratory workshop on cultural studies of science education (CSSE), 17-19 June 2014, University of Luxembourg.
Other conference contribution

Learning about friction: group dynamics in engineering students’ work with free body diagrams

Maria Berge, Alexandra Weilenmann
European Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 39 (6), p. 601-616
Journal article

Studying Power and Knowledge in the Technology Classroom: Towards a Conceptual Framework

Anna Danielsson, Malena Lidar, Maria Berge et al
BERA Annual Conference 2014
Other conference contribution

Power and Knowledge in the Technology Classroom: The Development and Illustration of a Conceptual Framework

Anna Danielsson, Maria Berge, Malena Lidar et al
Presentation at ECER 2014, "The Past, the Present and Future of Educational Research in Europe", Porto, September 2-5
Other conference contribution

Constructions of power and knowledge in the technology classroom

Maria Berge, Anna Danielsson, Malena Lidar et al
Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education (NFSUN)
Other conference contribution

Triple vision in different theoretical spaces – exploring physics jokes in small group discussions in engineering education

Maria Berge, Åke Ingerman
Presented at the EARLI2013 conference in the symposium "Approaches to the Strategic Use of Multiple Theories to Research Teaching and Learning", Munich, August 2013
Other conference contribution

Different stories of group work: Exploring problem solving in engineering education

Maria Berge, Anna T Danielsson, Åke Ingerman
NorDiNa. Vol. 8 (1), p. 3-25
Journal article

Multiple theoretical spaces as analytical strategy in researching classroom interaction

Maria Berge, Åke Ingerman
The ECER 2012 conferece, Cádiz, Spain, 18-21 September as part of the symposium "Using Multiple Theoretical Lenses to Investigate Teaching and Learning: Challenges and Benefits of Different Approaches in Different Domains"
Paper in proceeding

Comparing group and individual problem solving: A case study from Newtonian mechanics.

Maria Berge, Tom Adawi
SEFI 40th Annual Conference 2012; Thessaloniki; Greece; 23 September 2012 through 26 September 2012
Paper in proceeding

Researching teaching and learning in engineering education

Maria Berge, Linda Bradley, Ann-Marie Eriksson
Konferens om Undervisning och Lärande 2010, Chalmers lärandecentrum.
Paper in proceeding

Learning science in groups – a multianalytical perspective on constituting and participating in spaces of learning

Åke Ingerman, Maria Berge
The 14th Biennial Conference EARLI, Exeter, UK, 30 August - 3 September 2011
Paper in proceeding

Characterising group work in science in higher education – Storylines in the local and the global context

Maria Berge, Anna Danielsson
SIG 10 and 21 meeting Moving through cultures of learning, Utrecht
Paper in proceeding

Becoming physicists

Michael Christie, Maria Berge, Åke Ingerman
Proceedings of the 7th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities, Hawaii, p. 1993-2002
Paper in proceeding

Physics group work in a phenomenographic perspective - learning dynamics as the experience of variation and relevance

Åke Ingerman, Maria Berge, Shirley Booth
European Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 34 (4), p. 349 - 358
Journal article

Using research to activate university teacher training

Michael Christie, Åke Ingerman, Maria Berge
ALE - Designing and implementing an active and equitable engineering education, Proceedings of the eighth international workshop ALE2008, 9-11 June 2008, Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Nacional, Facultad de Ingeniería : Universidad de los Andes
Paper in proceeding

The storylines of learning physics in groups – perspectives on becoming a physicist

Maria Berge, Anna Danielsson
Higher Education Close-Up conference (HECU4), Cape Town, June 2008
Paper in proceeding

Learning in physics group work - Dynamics, variation and the experience of relevance

Åke Ingerman, Maria Berge, Shirley Booth
Presented at the EARLI SIG 9 meeting, Kristianstad, May 2008
Paper in proceeding

Implants and/or teeth: consensus statements and recommendations.

Klaus Gotfredsen, Gunnar E Carlsson, Asbjørn Jokstad et al
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. Vol. 35 (Suppl 1), p. 2-8
Review article

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