Fredrik Lindgren

Showing 35 publications


Shipping and the Environment

Karin Andersson, Selma Brynolf, Lena Granhag et al
International Encyclopedia of Transportation: Volume 1-7. Vol. 3, p. 286-293
Book chapter

Fritidsbåtars påverkan på grunda kustekosystem i sverige

Per-Olav Moksnes, Louise Eriander, Joakim Hansen et al
Report - Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment

Ecosystem functioning along gradients of increasing hypoxia and changing soft-sediment community types

Joanna Norkko, Conrad A. Pilditch, Johanna Gammal et al
Journal of Sea Research. Vol. 153
Journal article

A state-of-the-art model for spatial and stochastic oil spill risk assessment: A case study of oil spill from a shipwreck

Payam Amir Heidari, Lars Arneborg, Fredrik Lindgren et al
Environment International. Vol. 126, p. 309-320
Journal article

In situ release rates of Cu and Zn from commercial antifouling paints at different salinities

Maria Lagerström, Fredrik Lindgren, Albin Holmqvist et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 127, p. 289-296
Journal article

Copper release rate needed to inhibit fouling on the west coast of Sweden and control of copper release using zinc oxide

Fredrik Lindgren, Erik Ytreberg, Albin Holmqvist et al
Biofouling. Vol. 34 (4), p. 453-463
Journal article

Induced tolerance in situ to chronically PAH exposed ammonium oxidizers

Fredrik Lindgren, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Jenny Rattfelt Nyholm et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 120 (1-2), p. 333-339
Journal article

Expert elicitation for deriving input data for probabilistic risk assessment of shipwrecks

Hanna Landquist, Jenny Norrman, Andreas Lindhe et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 125 (1-2), p. 399-415
Journal article

Sustainable management of oil polluting wrecks and chemical munitions dump sites

Anders Tengberg, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Hanna Landquist et al
OCEANS 2017 - ABERDEEN. Vol. 2017-October
Paper in proceeding

Marine Spatial Planning and Shipwrecks

Fredrik Lindgren, Karin Andersson, Hanna Landquist
Shipping and the Environment: Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation; Andersson, K., Brynolf, S., Lindgren, F.J. & Wilewska-Bien (eds.)., p. 237-253
Book chapter

Improving environmental performance in shipping

Selma Brynolf, Fredrik Lindgren, Karin Andersson et al
Shipping and the Environment: Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation, p. 399-418
Book chapter

The natural environment and human impacts

Fredrik Lindgren, Kent Salo, Selma Brynolf et al
Shipping and the Environment: Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation, p. 29-74
Book chapter

Shipping and the Environment - Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation

Karin Andersson, Selma Brynolf, Fredrik Lindgren et al

Discharges to the sea

Fredrik Lindgren, Magda Wilewska-Bien, Lena Granhag et al
Shipping and the Environment: Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation, p. 125-168
Book chapter

Measures to reduce discharges and emissions

Magda Wilewska-Bien, Fredrik Lindgren, M. Magnusson et al
Shipping and the Environment: Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation, p. 341-396
Book chapter

Anthropogenic noise

Fredrik Lindgren, Magda Wilewska-Bien
Shipping and the Environment: Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation, p. 229-235
Book chapter

Shipping and the environment

Karin Andersson, Francesco Baldi, Selma Brynolf et al
Shipping and the Environment: Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation, p. 3-27
Book chapter

SWERA – Delivery 2.2

Hanna Landquist, Andreas Lindhe, Lars Rosen et al

Low concentrations of PAHs induce tolerance in nitrifying bacteria

Fredrik Lindgren, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Hanna Landquist et al
Frontiers in Marine Science. Vol. 2 (35), p. 1-7
Journal article

Miljörisker sjunkna vrak II. Undersökningsmetoder och miljöaspekter

Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Ulf Olsson, Göran Ekberg et al

A fault tree model to assess probability of contaminant discharge from shipwrecks

Hanna Landquist, Lars Rosen, Andreas Lindhe et al
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 88 (1-2), p. 239-248
Journal article

PAH effects on meio- and microbial benthic communities strongly depend on bioavailability

Fredrik Lindgren, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Ingela Dahllöf
Aquatic Toxicology. Vol. 146, p. 230-238
Journal article

VRAKA - Riskbedömning av potentiellt miljöfarliga fartygsvrak

Hanna Landquist, Lars Rosen, Andreas Lindhe et al
Geo Arena - mötesplats geologi. Uppsala 13-15 oktober. 2014
Conference poster

Miljörisker sjunkna vrak

Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Ulf Olsson, Göran Ekberg et al

Remote sensing for risk analysis of oil spills in the Arctic Ocean

Malin Johansson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Leif Eriksson et al
EGU 2014, 27 April - 2 Maj, Wien, Austria
Conference poster

Risk analysis of oil spill in the Arctic Ocean

Malin Johansson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Leif Eriksson et al
Arctic Frontiers 2014, 19-24 January, Tromsø, Norway
Conference poster

Evaluating the needs of risk assessment methods of potentially polluting shipwrecks

Hanna Landquist, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Lars Rosen et al
Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 119, p. 85-92
Journal article

Analyzing changes in sediment meiofauna communities using the image analysis software ZooImage

Fredrik Lindgren, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Ingela Dahllöf
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. Vol. 440, p. 74-80
Journal article

Meiofaunal and bacterial community response to diesel additions in a microcosm study

Fredrik Lindgren, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Ingela Dahllöf
Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 64 (3), p. 595-601
Journal article

Environmental Risk Assessment of Shipwrecks: a fault-tree model to assess probability of contaminant release

Hanna Landquist, Lars Rosen, Ida-Maja Hassellöv et al
SETAC North America 33rd Annual Meeting
Conference poster

Oxygen-depleted surfaces, a new antifouling technology

Fredrik Lindgren, Per R. Jonsson, Claes Tarras-Ericsson et al
Biofouling. Vol. 25, p. 455-461
Journal article

Evidence for different pharmacological targets for imidazoline compounds inhibiting settlement of the barnacle Balanus improvisus

Mia Dahlström, Kent M. Berntsson, M. Sjögren et al
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Comparative Experimental Biology. Vol. 303A (7), p. 551-562
Journal article

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Showing 5 research projects


Oil spill modelling and coupling to the risk assessment model Vraka

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Andreas Lindhe Geology and Geotechnics
Lars Rosen Geology and Geotechnics
Fredrik Lindgren Maritime Environmental Sciences
Sharif University of Technology


Decision Aid for Marine Munitions (DAIMON)

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lars Rosen Geology and Geotechnics
Fredrik Lindgren Maritime Environmental Sciences
Andreas Lindhe Geology and Geotechnics
Anders Tengberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management
European Commission (EC)


Environmental risks posed by sunken wrecks II

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lars Rosen Geology and Geotechnics
Andreas Lindhe Geology and Geotechnics
Anders Tengberg Maritime Environmental Sciences
Fredrik Lindgren Maritime Environmental Sciences
Hanna Landquist Maritime Environmental Sciences
The Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA)


Environmental risks posed by sunken wrecks

Fredrik Lindgren Maritime Environmental Sciences
Hanna Landquist Maritime Environmental Sciences
Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lars Rosen Geology and Geotechnics
Andreas Lindhe Geology and Geotechnics
The Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA)


Verification of VRAKA, Part1: Assessment of the probability of leakage of oil from potentially pollution shipwrecks

Ida-Maja Hassellöv Maritime Environmental Sciences
Lars Rosen Geology and Geotechnics
Fredrik Lindgren Maritime Environmental Sciences
Innovationskontor Väst

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