Karolin Frykholm
I am a researcher in the research group of Professor Fredrik Westerlund, where we are using nanochannels and fluorescence microscopy to study DNA at the single molecule level. Using methods developed in the group we can map long sequences of DNA and use this information for bacterial typing or plasmid identification. We can also detect specific genes, such as antibiotic resistance genes, carried by the plasmids.

Showing 27 publications
Strain-level bacterial typing directly from patient samples using optical DNA mapping
DNA in Nanochannels - Theory and Applications
Hairpins in the conformations of a confined polymer
Exploring DNA-protein interactions on the single DNA molecule level using nanofluidic tools
Visualizing the Nonhomogeneous Structure of RAD51 Filaments Using Nanofluidic Channels
Using nanofluidic channels to probe dynamics of RAD51-Filaments
Fast size-determination of intact bacterial plasmids using nanofluidic channels
Probing Physical Properties of a DNA- Protein Complex Using Nanofluidic Channels
Using Nanofluidic Channels to Probe the Dynamics of Rad51-DNA Filaments
Probing the Physical Properties of a DNA-Protein Complex Using Nanofluidic Channels
Probing physical properties of DNA-protein complexes using nanofluidic channels
DNA strand exchange catalyzed by molecular crowding in PEG solutions
Aspects of DNA Strand Exchange: Recombination Proteins and Model System Studies
Mechanism of DNA Strand Exchange at Liposome Surfaces Investigated Using Mismatched DNA
Enhanced DNA strand exchange on positively charged liposomes
Adenovirus type 5 fiber knob domain has a critical role in fiber protein synthesis and encapsidation
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