Salvatore Fusco

Showing 13 publications


Analysis of methods for quantifying yeast cell concentration in complex lignocellulosic fermentation processes

Ruifei Wang, Bettina Lorantfy, Salvatore Fusco et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 11 (1)
Journal article

Seed culture pre-adaptation of Bacillus coagulans MA-13 improves lactic acid production in simultaneous saccharification and fermentation

Martina Aulitto, Salvatore Fusco, David Benjamin Nickel et al
Biotechnology for Biofuels. Vol. 12 (1)
Journal article

Draft genome sequence of bacillus coagulans ma-13, a thermophilic lactic acid producer from lignocellulose

Martina Aulitto, Salvatore Fusco, Carl Johan Franzén et al
Microbiology Resource Announcements. Vol. 8 (23)
Journal article

Bacillus coagulans MA-13: a promising thermophilic and cellulolytic strain for the production of lactic acid from lignocellulosic hydrolysate

Martina Aulitto, Salvatore Fusco, Simonetta Bartolucci et al
Biotechnology for Biofuels. Vol. 10 (210)
Journal article

High gravity lignocellulose bioprocess development for ethanol and lactic acid production by multi-feed simultaneous saccharification and fermentation

Carl Johan Franzén, Ruifei Wang, David Benjamin Nickel et al
Oral presentation at: Recent Advances in Fermentation Technology, RAFT12. Oct 29 - Nov 1, Bonita Springs, FL, USA.
Other conference contribution

Insights into the anticancer properties of the first antimicrobial peptide from Archaea

R. Gaglione, L. Pirone, B. Farina et al
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects. Vol. 1861 (9), p. 2155-2164
Journal article

Thermus thermophilus as source of thermozymes for biotechnological applications: homologous expression and biochemical characterization of an alpha-galactosidase

Martina Aulitto, Salvatore Fusco, Gabriella Fiorentino et al
Microbial Cell Factories. Vol. 16 (1)
Journal article

Metagenomics of microbial and viral life in terrestrial geothermal environments

A. Strazzulli, Salvatore Fusco, B. Cobucci-Ponzano et al
Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology. Vol. 16 (3), p. 425-454
Review article

Which methods for viable yeast cell quantification can be used in lignocellulosic fermentation processes

Ruifei Wang, Bettina Lorantfy, Salvatore Fusco et al
European Symposium of Biochemical Engineering Science (ESBES) 2016, 11-14 September, Dublin, Ireland
Conference poster

A standardized protocol for the UV induction of Sulfolobus spindle‑shaped virus 1

Salvatore Fusco
Extremophiles. Vol. 19, p. 539-546
Journal article

Unravelling the Role of the F55 Regulator in the Transition from Lysogeny to UV Induction of Sulfolobus Spindle-Shaped Virus 1

Salvatore Fusco
Journal of Virology. Vol. 89 (12), p. 6453-6461
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Bacillus coagulans as microbial cell factory for L-lactic acid production from agricultural and forestry waste

Carl Johan Franzén Industrial Biotechnology
Salvatore Fusco Industrial Biotechnology
Martina Aulitto Industrial Biotechnology
Stiftelsen BLANCEFLOR Boncompagni Ludovisi, född Bildt

1 publication exists
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